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What are your favorite "tweaks"? It's new install time!

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    What are your favorite "tweaks"? It's new install time!

    Since I'm migrating to 12.04 from 11.04 I have to re-do all my fav edits and tweaks. It got me thinking that others might have some nifty tricks that I would love to know.

    Here's some of mine:

    Keyswaping: I never use the "grave" key and rarely the backslash, but I very often use the tilde and pipe (a.k.a. "bar") keys in the terminal. If you don't know what keys I'm talking about look to the left of the 1 key and above and right of your enter key (US keyboard). Since the tilde and pipe both require the shift key, I swap them with each other so I don't have to shift when I'm in the terminal. To do this, simply create a file called .Xmodmap in your home and put these lines into it;

    keycode 49 = asciitilde grave asciitilde grave asciitilde grave
    keycode 51 = bar backslash bar backslash bar backslash

    This reverses those two keys.

    Dolphin: Besides the obvious adding of the rootactions-servicemenu (Thanks Rog!) I like to add a Hidden file toggle to the menu bar. This makes it much quicker to toggle on and off hidden files without going to the tools menu. Just edit the menu bar and add the key. It doesn't have it's own icon so I use the "show-menu" icon because it looks most like a hidden file toggle button to me. While I'm doing this, I also add Delete and Trash buttons too.

    Another nice addition to Dolphin is KDE Image Menu or KIM. It's not in the repos, but a very useful tool.

    Finally for dolphin: I hated downloading a new iso and having to either open a terminal and manually run "md5sum" or open the file with k3b just to check the hash. So i wrote my own little service menu that allows me to right-click and check the md5sum.

    Create this file at this location: /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/checkmd5.desktop

    [Desktop Entry]
    [Desktop Action checkmd5]
    Name=Read md5 Checksum
    Exec=md5sum %F | zenity --text-info --width 800 --title Checksum
    I'll post some more when it's not so late...

    Please Read Me

    As I have no need for Muon Software Center I like to replace the entry in the kickoff menu (computer tab) with Muon Package Manager.
    To do this navigate to /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/kickoffrc and edit the entry 'muon-installer.desktop' to read muon.desktop.
    Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

    "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"


      I have hundreds of tweaks that I routinely apply to new installations ... how many do you want to see?

      I use apt-cacher-ng to reduce my bandwidth and (quite significantly) speed up re-installations, so one of the first things I do is set a proxy in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/. (Annoyingly, KPackageKit and Muon do not support a proxy, but Synaptic and command-line apt-get/aptitude do.)

      dkms and build-essential and linux-headers... are among the first things I install.

      Customise the prompt to a two-line format, by copying a .bashrc file I've saved (and sometimes changing the colour of part of the prompt for a quick visual reminder of which system I'm logged into). A few other tweaks in this file like increasing the bash history size.
      Customise the input line editor, by copying a .inputrc file I've saved, in particular to enable the up and down arrows to perform history-search-backward/-forward (which is very powerful), and set completion-ignore-case on

      General input:
      Set a "compose" key usually on the 'menu' key. Copy a saved .xcompose file.
      Enable "euro sign on 5"
      Make sure ctrl-alt-backspace to kill the X server is enabled.

      Set the view to "Details" and to use the same view for all folders. I don't need icons I need details! details!

      ... And so it goes on!
      I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


        Muon does support both APT and environment (http_proxy env var) proxies since 1.2.


          OK, that's good to know. I appear to have 1.2.1. Does it follow an
          Acquire::http { Proxy "http://...."; };
          setting in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/? Since I can't find any proxy setting in the Muon settings.
          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


            Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
            I have hundreds of tweaks that I routinely apply to new installations ... how many do you want to see?
            These are the nuggets of information gold that add tremendous value to forums such as KFN. So to answer your question, let's see your complete list of tweaks!


              My old Logitech Quickcam Communicate STX webcam requires "LD_Preload" to work correctly with Skype, so I use this little script which can be saved in the user's home directory as "" (and make it executable). Then you edit your Skype launch icon to call this script instead of the Skype executable.

              export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1
              LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/ skype
              exit 0
              To reduce the wear on my SSDs caused by browser caching, I outsource the browser cache to /run/shm, which I set in /etc/fstab to be a tmp filesystem in memory. So, the /etc/fstab entry is like this:

              none /run/shm tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0
              and then you need to set the cache re-direction in Firefox and Chrome/chromium-browser. For Firefox, in the URL address bar enter "about:config" and confirm the warning. Now right-click in the white space and choose "New ==> String" and create a new entry called:


              After double-clicking the new string, assign it the value:


              For Chrome/chromium, the cache location is set with the “--disk-cache-dir=”DIRNAME” launch command option. So open the launch icon for editing, change to the “Application” tab, and edit the start command to read as follows (for chromium):

              "/usr/bin/chromium --disk-cache-dir=/run/shm/chromium-cache %U"

              To make the needed directories in /run/shm automatically at each login, for each user you need to put this script in ~.kde/Autostart:

              mkdir "$NEWDIR" &
              sleep 1
              mkdir "$NEWDIR1" &
              Note that this assumes only one user using the system at a time -- for multi-user setup you would need to make a user-unique directory in /run/shm. Also if you don't reboot once in awhile, the size of the cache in memory might become a problem.

              Note that there's side benefit -- from the security perspective, it's not a bad thing to have the browser cache go "poof" at each reboot. ;-)
              Last edited by dibl; Mar 07, 2012, 10:47 AM.


                Exec=md5sum %F | zenity --text-info --width 800 --title Checksum
                why would you ever use zenity for something for dolphin? kdialog my friend , then upload that to so we can install it via get new stuff (you only have to upload the .desktop file)

                i do a ton of small tweaks, from how i layout my dolphin tool bar , to setting some keyboard shortcuts for programs (like dolphin). i also end up adding a few ppa's i used to use a script to add them but i have not updated it in a while(so i wouln't suggest anyone try to run it)
                #This script will ask us what we want to add to the repos, all nice like :O)
                #first check who am i cause if not root , we need to bail...
                if [ `whoami` != "root" ];then #standard if the spaces are needed
                	echo "Only Root can run this script try using sudo.."
                	exit 1
                fi # end of an if statement
                #this is the menu function it will display the menu 
                main_menu ()
                echo "Below are the Options You Can Select"
                #menu 	entrys
                echo "1:Medibuntu+install packages*"
                echo "2:Rog131's ppa*"
                echo "3:Get Deb*"
                echo "4:PlayDeb"
                echo "5:Wine ppa*"
                echo "6:kubuntu ppa and upgrade kde"
                echo "7:Qt Building Needs"
                echo "N:New Machine,install all * items"
                echo "q:Quit"
                #make prompt, read the input
                echo "Selection:>\c"
                read mode
                if [ "$mode" = "1" ];then
                elif [ "$mode" = "2" ];then #else if
                elif [ "$mode" = "3" ];then #else if
                elif [ "$mode" = "4" ];then #else if
                elif [ "$mode" = "5" ];then #else if
                elif [ "$mode" = "6" ];then #else if
                elif [ "$mode" = "7" ];then #else if
                elif [ "$mode" = "N" ];then
                  apt-get install p7zip-full yakuake
                elif [ "$mode" = "q" ];then
                    exit 0 
                	echo "Invalid Choice Try again"
                	main_menu #call main menu function
                fi #end of mode selection
                } #end of main menu
                install_medibuntu ()
                echo "Setting up the medibuntu repo"
                wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list$(lsb_release -cs).list
                apt-get --quiet update
                apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring
                apt-get --quite update
                apt-get --yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu
                set_platform ()
                echo "Detecting Hw Platform.......\c" #detect HW platform for know types
                plat=`uname -m`
                if [ "$plat" = "x86_64" ]; then
                    echo "64-bit"
                    apt-get install --yes libdvdcss2 libavcodec-extra-52 w64codecs vlc ffmpeg imagemagick
                elif [ "$plat" = "i386" ]; then
                    echo "32-bit (i386)"
                       apt-get install --yes libdvdcss2 libavcodec-extra-52 w32codecs vlc ffmpeg imagemagick
                elif [ "$plat" = "i586" ]; then
                  echo "32-bit(i586)" 
                  apt-get install --yes libdvdcss2 libavcodec-extra-52 w32codecs vlc ffmpeg imagemagick
                elif [ "$plat" = "i686" ]; then
                  echo "32-bit(i686)" 
                  apt-get install --yes libdvdcss2 libavcodec-extra-52 w32codecs vlc ffmpeg imagemagick
                elif [ "$plat" = "ppc" ]; then
                  echo "ppc"
                  apt-get install --yes libdvdcss2 libavcodec-extra-52 ppccodecs vlc ffmpeg imagemagick
                elif [ "$plat" = "alpha" ]; then 
                  echo "alpha"
                  apt-get install --yes libdvdcss2 libavcodec-extra-52 vlc ffmpeg imagemagick
                install_rog ()
                echo "adding Rog131's PPA.."
                add-apt-repository ppa:samrog131
                install_deb_apps ()
                wget [url][/url]
                dpkg -i getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb
                apt-get update
                rm getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb
                install_deb_games ()
                wget [url][/url]
                dpkg -i playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb
                apt-get update
                apt-get --yes upgrade
                rm playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb
                install_wine ()
                echo "adding Wine PPA"
                add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
                install_kde ()
                add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa
                apt-get update
                apt-get --yes dist-upgrade
                install_dev ()
                apt-get install --yes build-essential qtcreator
                #”main” Code
                echo "Welcome To The repo installer script"
                exit 0 #normal exit
                Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                (top of thread: thread tools)


                  Originally posted by dibl View Post
                  To reduce the wear on my SSDs caused by browser caching, I outsource the browser cache to /run/shm, which I set in /etc/fstab to be a tmp filesystem in memory. So, the /etc/fstab entry is like this:

                  none /run/shm tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0
                  Looks like you can maybe skip the fstab step, if I'm interpreting this correctly: /run/shm is already a tempfs...

                  steve@x1:~$ [b]findmnt -u[/b]
                  TARGET                SOURCE         FSTYPE             OPTIONS
                  ├─/run                tmpfs          tmpfs               rw,nosuid,relatime,size=1611768k,mode=755
                  │ ├─/run/lock                        tmpfs               rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=5120k
                  │ ├─/run/shm                         tmpfs               rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime
                  │ └─/run/vmblock-fuse vmware-vmblock fuse.vmware-vmblock rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime...


                    By golly I think you're right about that. I know /run/shm is a dynamic directory available to users, but I didn't know it automatically mounted itself as tmpfs. So I I'm redundant, again.


                      For more on /run, check Debian's Run Directory Release Goals. Actually a pretty neat idea. Ubuntu has implemented portions of this, but conspicuously not moving /tmp to /run/tmp. I hope we get that soon, then I won't have to always remember to add
                      tmpfs  /tmp      tmpfs  noatime,mode=1777  0 0
                      to my /etc/fstab.


                        Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                        but conspicuously not moving /tmp to /run/tmp.
                        Debian (sid) has not made that move yet, either. So like you, I set it in /etc/fstab, along with /var/spool, /var/tmp, and /var/log (after I'm sure my system is stable).


                          I used to put /var/tmp in tmpfs, but recently stopped doing that. I want to see if I can shave even another couple seconds off boot and/or desktop start time, since /var/tmp is supposed to contain information that's intended to persist across reboots. I'm down to 10.5 seconds from power-up to desktop now


                            How long from grub to kdm, and how long from login to desktop?

                            Also, what is the model of your SSD?


                              Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
                              OK, that's good to know. I appear to have 1.2.1. Does it follow an
                              Acquire::http { Proxy "http://...."; };
                              setting in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/? Since I can't find any proxy setting in the Muon settings.
                              Yes, that should work just fine.

