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Any interest in an ownCloud subforum here?

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    Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
    I totally did not know that. Cool! I wonder how secure it is...
    well to be honest I am not sure,,,,,,,,,but you may be better qualified to answer that than me ,,,,,,,,,,PM or chatme if you would like me to serve up something so you can pen-test it out ,,,,,,if you like.

    KDE-3.5 used to have a little GUI applet that sat in the panel/taskbar for this .

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
      well to be honest I am not sure,,,,,,,,,but you may be better qualified to answer that than me ,,,,,,,,,,PM or chatme if you would like me to serve up something so you can pen-test it out ,,,,,,if you like.

      I might set it up in a VM and throw some crap at it.


        Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post

        I might throw some crap at it.
        well that stinks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          UMMM THIS WILL GET ME BANNED............... LOL

          Billary had "her own cloud".......ummm not really..............she had her "own server"...............



          For almost ten years now I have "kind of" maintained "two clouds".........

          A) "my public face"
          B) What I do with family and INTIMATE friends.

          I actually tried to set this kind of thing up when I was running Xandros.....(I notice a few months ago that the heritage servers are now offline.........and.........

          sadly............some dear friends with whom I jousted...................

          Xandros made........."a valient attempt".............but jeeze was catch as catch can..........


          IF ONE WANTS AT LEAST THE APPEARANCE of "privacy"........ultimately.............the towers of TRON CAN........"get at you"..............

          yes........ I think that

          THE FUTURE......of " stuff on the cloiud" in "private clouds"...........

          In other words........

          a) .you want to be able to post pics of the grand kids and not have a nefariouw woman harvesting pics of the boys to put into her dungeon........"

          b) if you thing that "the government or a consortium from Russia or Morocco" won't be able to somehow "hack it' are sorely misinformed.......


          then it is ok........

          c) BUT.........given that.........YES.........I think that an "own cloud" is a MARVELOUS idea and I think that we have.........

          THE EXPERT ............and his avatar has a name that starts with.........S............

          to guide us doofs! lol



            Well, since you evoked the Hillary...






              buuut........ that is what "most people" think that they will "get" with "own cloud" but.........sorry to say..........a million monkeys, with their feet on a million typewriters will somehow be able to type out the Encyclopedia Britannica./.

              THAT is a "saying" from the sixties and WAAAAY TOO OLD for most of the present denizens of this forum........but..........

              Yes.........if you are not being willfully "own cloud" is JUST ABOUT AS SECURE AS ONE CAN GET.........

     will not keep the present administration, or the PAST administration or ANY FUTURE administration from.........."spying on you".......but........

              for the normal Russky, or internet cafe in Lower Slobbovia from accessing the FACE PICTURES of your grandkids........."own cloud is a good thing".......

              BUT ALSO............

              The transmission / response times....are........just........WAAAAY FASTER.............AS IN FASTER........



                Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                Well, since you evoked the Hillary...

                They say she set up her own mail server like she did it herself... unlikely don't you think? I wonder if she used my tutorial?

                "The message is, if you try to circumvent us, then you're going to cause pain for yourself," Riley says. "But if you work with us, we're more than willing to give you whatever you need."
                Yikes! I for one welcome our new insect overlords...


                  "Heavy-handed approaches are not going to eliminate shadow IT, it'll just go farther underground," says Deputy CTO Steve Riley at Riverbed, an enterprise software vendor.
                  Correction: "says Steve Riley, administrator and frequent contributor at Kubuntuforums dot net, and Deputy CTO of Riverbed."

                  You should always lead with your most impressive credential.


                    Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
                    They say she set up her own mail server like she did it herself... unlikely don't you think? I wonder if she used my tutorial?
                    It's reasonable to assume that she hired someone to set it up for her. I'm having trouble picturing Ms. Clinton being comfortable with the command line!

                    Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
                    Yikes! I for one welcome our new insect overlords...
                    Increasingly, CIOs are being tasked with direct responsibilty for protecting an organization's intellectual property. That's an impossible task if a bunch of cowboys muck around with shadow IT. Similarly, "real" IT is in the business of serving the organization's needs, not issuing mandates from on high.

                    Originally posted by ronw View Post
                    You should always lead with your most impressive credential.
                    I'll remember that next time ... Actually, the official corporate bio I use for speaking engagements does mention I'm an admin of KFN.


                      Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                      Increasingly, CIOs are being tasked with direct responsibilty for protecting an organization's intellectual property. That's an impossible task if a bunch of cowboys muck around with shadow IT. Similarly, "real" IT is in the business of serving the organization's needs, not issuing mandates from on high.
                      "Serving the organisation's needs" is rarely a simple statement though. Too often, in fact probably in every single organisation I have ever worked for, real IT is asked to serve the organisation's needs but does not have the time or resources to find out what they are, and to do this job with much more flexibility than the business think they have provided in the past, and at a much lower cost than finance think they currently consume. The net result is either that these IT objectives are overridden by business decisions, or that IT delivery is too constrictive for the business.

                      Shadow IT is often just a second-worst decision by sections of a business unable to get what they need. And it's been going on forever. Departmental systems gained credibility because real-IT mainframes couldn't deliver. PCs gained credibility because they could enable things real IT of the time couldn't. Mobile phones likewise. Facebook (which is still horrible) has gone from being blocked to be required for marketing presence. Etc.
                      I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                        So, any conclusions from this?

                        Enough interest for a server subforum?


                          Derp! Thanks for the reminder. Seems the consensus is some kind of "self-hosting" topic would be valuable. I'll get started on that.




                              Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                              I'll remember that next time ... Actually, the official corporate bio I use for speaking engagements does mention I'm an admin of KFN.


                                ownCloud version 8.0.4 is out.

                                I have to say, they have made huge improvements to the web-upgrade app, it used to be really flaky for me but this time it was much faster and no bugs

