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Service Menus with Dolphin

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    Originally posted by wojcieche View Post
    ...will not launch:
    Code: %U
    ... need to:
    Exec=[B]sh[/B] %U
    Assuming the script is executable, and has the shebang, I would ask, where is the script? If it is sitting in the working directory specified in the .desktop file, as I expect given that sh works, then there is a path ($PATH) issue. By default the current directory is not in the path. You can avoid the issue by invoking the script with "./" prepended, so, does this work?
    Exec=./ %U
    Regards, John Little


      And just to b. cilly, the #!/bin/bash shebang will use bash, sh will use

      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 15 13:43 /bin/sh -> dash*


        Originally posted by Don B. Cilly View Post
        It should execute directly if
        - It's set to +x (executable) and
        - has #!/bin/bash at the beginning.
        Originally posted by jlittle View Post
        Assuming the script is executable, and has the shebang, I would ask, where is the script? If it is sitting in the working directory specified in the .desktop file, as I expect given that sh works, then there is a path ($PATH) issue. By default the current directory is not in the path. You can avoid the issue by invoking the script with "./" prepended, so, does this work?
        Exec=./ %U
        Thanks guys! I had the script set to executable but was unaware of the shebang thing... ._. I added now and it works.
        I am still a newbie in many Linux areas, learning on the way by trying out new things - like just right here, sorry... ;-)

        I skipped the path to simplify the example, in fact I placed the script in a newly created directory in home and referenced to it using an absolute path, to make it reliable: ~/mybin/
        Maybe it is just me but I feel the mybin as a directory name to store custom scripts is unpretty and misleading (sounds a bit like my trash bin not my binaries - although in root there is bin, oh well). Is there a Linux established location/naming convention where to put such user scripts?

        Also - how about the non-immediate refresh of context menu from .desktop files - looks like only I have this glitch? Maybe because of a different setup than yours - Arch + KDE Plasma + Dolphin...


          "bin" for binaries is ancient unix speak, getting on for 50 years now, if not more from a unix predecessor. /bin, /usr/bin, and /usr/local/bin will always be there.

          But I agree that these archaisms can be confusing and unfriendly. Exploring more pleasant names is IMO a good idea.
          Regards, John Little


            Well, if you
            echo $PATH
            ~.local/bin should be there. Right?
            And not have much in it, owned by you... not a bad place for scripts, is it?

            About the refresh... just having to re-open Dolphin is not that bad...


              Originally posted by Don B. Cilly View Post
              Well, if you
              echo $PATH
              ~.local/bin should be there. Right?
              (Assuming you meant ~/.local/bin). I thought, surely not, and I don't, but then I checked /etc/skel/.profile, and it has
              # set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
              if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
              # set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
              if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then
              (The files in /etc/skel are copied when a new user is created.) I'd not seen this before.

              The last time I looked at the default .profile it didn't have the .local bin, but that would have been a few years ago now. One is quite free to muck about with this, and I always have. Also, I use zsh now, and it doesn't source .profile at all.
              Regards, John Little


                Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                Also, I use zsh now, and it doesn't source .profile at all.
                As a zsh user myself, I always symlink ~/.zprofile to ~/.profile just to get a more consistent experience/environment between shells.

                As far as good places for locally generated user scripts, both ~/bin and ~/.local/bin will work fine (personally I find ./local/bin a bit "cleaner" as it buried in a hidden directory), but one is of course free to use whatever one wishes (but it helps if you add that to $PATH one way or another).

                For system wide local scripts (meant for all users on the system), /usr/local/bin is the best place (you can also use /usr/local/sbin (generally for scripts meant for root only).


                  Actually, I just realised that the "sudo touch" action doesn't work.
                  I had just tried it on "normal" files", not root-owned ones.
                  Then, I had the "Beached Dolphin" debacle, and left testing.
                  Until today, when Neon updated the kernel (an older one, again) and I had to "touch" the /boot entries.

                  If I right-click on a root-owned file , no actions are available.
                  If I use root-mode Dolphin, it doesn't find the actions (they're probably supposed to go in another place).

                  If I use root-mode Krusader, I set up the action within it , it works just fine. Which it would, I set it up in root mode...
                  Still, that's another point to Krusader. You just click Manage User Actions, use 'touch %aCurrent%' as a command, and Robert's you father's brother.
                  No need to edit abstruse .desktop files in far-away directories.


                    How to change user and group ownership to root via service menu?

                    OS: Kubuntu 18.04

                    I have this service menu

                    [Desktop Action move-file]
                    Exec=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu mv "%U" /usr/share/applications
                    Name=Move file
                    [Desktop Entry]
                    The "Move file" option appears in Dolphin's right-click menu if the file being right-clicked is a .desktop file.

                    It pops up a window for me to enter my password and then moves the file to the destination folder.

                    However, the user and group are still mine, not root. How can I fix that in the Exec= line?

                    I can modify the Exec= line to copy the file's path like this:

                    Exec=printf %U | xsel -b -i && /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu mv "%U" ...
                    and that works to the extent that the file's path is in the clipboard (checked by using Ctrl+V in Kate) and the file is moved.

                    But then I'd also want something like
                    sudo chown root:root basename
                    to act on the clipboard contents in the destination folder. Is that possible and if so, how to do it correctly?

                    This works:

                    Exec=printf %U | xsel -b -i && /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu mv "%U" /usr/share/applications && cd /usr/share/applications && /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu chown root:root $( basename $(xsel -b -o) )
                    Last edited by chimak111; Oct 08, 2019, 02:52 AM.
                    Kubuntu 20.04


                      Wouldn't it be easier to invoke a script in the Exec line, and get the script to do what's needed, with many advantages, like
                      • relaxed layout
                      • comments
                      • meaningful variable names
                      • opportunities for logging
                      • testing in isolation
                      • syntax highlighting while editing
                      • use of favourite scripting language

                      and so on?
                      Regards, John Little


                        Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                        Wouldn't it be easier to invoke a script in the Exec line, and get the script to do what's needed, with many advantages, ...
                        No doubt about that but I have my limitations

                        Plus this issue came up as a question in another site. It's not something I plan on doing personally. The .desktop files I make or modify stay in ~/.local/share/applications.
                        Kubuntu 20.04


                          Service Menu to move selected files in a folder to a new subfolder

                          I came across this reddit thread: Dolphin: New folder with selected files ... how? and a response there points to this:

                          So I created $HOME/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/new_folder_with_selection.desktop with

                          [Desktop Entry]
                          [Desktop Action NFFS]
                          Name=New Folder with Selection
                          Exec=sh /$HOME/bin/ %U
                          $HOME/bin/ with
                          dirname="$(kdialog \
                           --inputbox "Folder to be created" "New Folder" \
                           )" &&
                          mkdir -p -- "$dirname" &&
                          mv --target-directory="$dirname" -- "$@" ||
                          kdialog --error "Something went wrong"
                          Kubuntu 20.04


                            I want one to move files/folders up one folder - something I seem to do a lot. Seems easy enough, just haven't gotten around to it.

                            Please Read Me


                              Do you mean to move to a parent folder? Like in mv ../anything? Or like mv folder/new_folder?
                              Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
                              Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
                              Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
                              Using Linux since June, 2008


                                Yes, just up to the parent folder.

                                But it would be cool to have a "create folder and move" dialog. Sounds like a fun weekend project!

                                Please Read Me

