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RH, Cononical and SuSE boiling the GPL Frog?

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    This has become a bit of a mantra amongst some Debian users I know:
    "Don't use the "debian-live-XXX-kde" ISO. Full stop."
    (I'm sorry for the developers who put their effort into them, but the Debian KDE Plasma live ISOs have always been "not that good" and perhaps should never have been put out there in the first place IMHO…).

    If you want a pre-configured Plasma, choosing the software selection "KDE Plasma" of the "DVD-1" or "netinst" ISOs is the better way (but never forget to de-select "Debian desktop environment" or you will get an unpleasant GNOME surprise… ).
    Installing from "DVD-1" or "netinst" should also include things like e.g. Bash completion OOTB. They are a different beast (and made by different people I think) than those "debian-live-XXX-kde" ISOs.

    But installing Plasma "manually" from "DVD-1"/"netinst" is the best way hands down (and my suggestions are not even refined up to the smallest detail yet - there probably still is room for improvement, but I have been too lazy ).
    Last edited by Schwarzer Kater; Jul 24, 2023, 10:36 AM.
    Debian KDE & LXQt • Kubuntu & Lubuntu • openSUSE KDE • Windows • macOS X
    Desktop: Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s • Laptop: Apple MacBook Pro 13" • and others

    get rid of Snap script (20.04 +)reinstall Snap for release-upgrade script (20.04 +)
    install traditional Firefox script (22.04 +)​ • install traditional Thunderbird script (24.04)


      I just finished using Flatpak to install Firefox 115 into my Bookworm installation. Imported my logins and bookmarks from the old Firefox 102 and I am running out of surfaces to polish. Bookworm is running like a champ.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Originally posted by TWPonKubuntu View Post
        How about the rest of you? Can you "vote with your feet" and move to another platform?
        Can I vote with my feet HMMMM...

        Where to go I guess the next logical backstep would be Debian.... I've played with it in the past... but never cared for it.. there are issues at play there, DFSG for one...Looking at the post here, if I have to do that to Debian to make it even remotely KUbuntu-ish ... Nope.. that ain't going to fly! Which this post reflects the other issues... Even if I did it once to the base VM image.. that still leaves other boxes to do this to as they come up for replacement and the latest OS .... ummm.. I ain't got time for all that... I barely have the time to deal with the desnapping and the other stuff I have to do in Kubuntu adding that pages long steps... Nope don't got time for that...

        Which leads me to ask the question I've asked before.. just how are these distro release ISO's etc. created What software does this Where is it for US TO USE!?!!?!?! Nope Cubic is not the answer, Alex... It deals with the ISO's and it seems to have a slew of issues from what I see.. and at this point doesn't deal with 23.10 dailys at all.. yes its early for that, but I would need to be testing with that at this point to see if the things I need to do are possible...)

        So I guess that means Debian is out for me.....

        Looks like I am going to have to ride the horse I've got till it dies.. by desnapping and till they borq things up with wayturkey (which is the other hard red line in the sand for me, you can skip the replies about the future of the Linux GUI is not X11.. it ain't .. and we won't agree on that...)

        Going outside the Debain sphere is not an option really.. as I am not dealing with RPM's.. and leaving KDE is not an option either, at least not as a full time replacement.. on systems which I don't use on a daily basis but for some very specific setups I've got them using LXqtDE... which is KDEish enough to pass for that use case it used in.

        The issues of RHBM don't really apply to me... as I don't use their stuff... could Canocial pull the same? I am not sure.. being based off Debian... how much of what Canocial does is more than just doing what the post here does? Maybe that view of things is I've always just seen them taking Debian, doing what that post here does, jettison many of the DFSG issues by including things that Debian would be in full meltdown over, like MP3 at the time.. Yeah Unity may have been their thing.. its dead Jim!

        So honestly there are some issues for me... and honestly this is DRAMA I DON'T WANT OR LIKE In my software!

        Originally posted by TWPonKubuntu View Post
        Before you ask; NO, Windows/Microsoft is not an option for me.
        Have not used in 23 years, don't intend to "run to some cruddy cousins house" to solve an issue... Linux can't do it, then I don't need to do it. Period.


          Both KDE neon and TUXEDO OS 2 could be options for you, if you don't want to use Kubuntu anymore and a "proper" installation of Debian with KDE Plasma is too time-consuming for you - see
          Overview: Kubuntu, its parent and some of its siblings
          Debian KDE & LXQt • Kubuntu & Lubuntu • openSUSE KDE • Windows • macOS X
          Desktop: Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s • Laptop: Apple MacBook Pro 13" • and others

          get rid of Snap script (20.04 +)reinstall Snap for release-upgrade script (20.04 +)
          install traditional Firefox script (22.04 +)​ • install traditional Thunderbird script (24.04)


            Guest, It's not clear to whom you are addressing your question. For me, I don't use Whatsapp, so the answer would be no.

            Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.11.0, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...

