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Yoda's ownCloud Installation on Kubuntu 20.04 Tutorial

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    Yoda's ownCloud Installation on Kubuntu 20.04 Tutorial

    Yoda’s ownCloud Installation on Kubuntu 20.04 Tutorial

    Hi welcome to Yoda’s ownCloud installation on Kubuntu 20.04 tutorial.

    Before we begin lets make sure we have what we need
    • A Drink – it would be best if it was of the none alcoholic variety.
    • If your a smoker make sure you have a smoke to hand.
    • Some free time
    • You have set your server to always have the same ip address in your router configuration page


    Some of the configurations used within this guide may be classed as risky or weak of security,

    This is not a problem if you do not expose your server to the internet if you do please Enable the Proper Security Measures.

    If you choose to expose your media server to the internet without using the proper Security Measures you do so at Your Own RISK .

    Enabling the above mentioned security measures is out of the scope of this tutorial as this is for a sever operating with the ports 22 and 3306 not been exposed to the internet.

    I don't accept any responsibility or liability for any damage caused by something going wrong.

    In this Tutorial you will learn the following things:
    • How to Mount Storage drives and add bindings in your fstab file
    • How to install and configure SSH
    • How to install Apache2and configure Modules for Apache2
    • How to install PHP 7.3
    • How to install and configure Mysql 8.0
    • How to install and configure ownCloud 10.4.1
    • How to Use a external Mysql library database in Kodi (including creating a advancedsettings.xml and importing it into Kodi)
    • how to add our ownCloud share in Kodi

    with that out of the way lets begin. Spin up a fresh install of kubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64, and we shall begin.

    Setting-Up the Base System

    Open a terminal and type or copy and paste the following.

    sudo passwd && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y install gnome-disk-utility pcmanfm openssh-server mysql-server apache2 && sudo mysql_secure_installation

    You will be prompted for your password and to set a new password for the root account.Once the updates have installed you will be prompted to set a root password for the mysql server.

    You will be asked if you want to use the “Would you like to setup VALIDATE PASSWORD component?”press n

    It may seem insecure to not use it but I found it causes problems.

    You will then be asked if you wish to Remove anonymous users press y

    You will then be asked if you wish to disallow remote root logins press y

    You will then be asked if you wish to remove test database press y

    You will then be asked if you wish to Reload the privilege tables press y

    Then reboot your system.

    Once your system has rebooted allow SSH,MYSQL and Apache though the Firewall using the below command.

    sudo ufw allow ssh && sudo ufw allow apache && sudo ufw allow 3306

    Once that’s done were going to make a few folders for our storage disks to be mounted in and one for a merged disk pool as-well as a folder for the shared media.

    So change to /mnt

    cd /mnt

    Then make a disks folder then change to disks

    sudo mkdir disks
    cd disks

    Then make a folder for each storage drive you have. In my case I have 2 drives so I make folder A and folder B
    sudo mkdir a
    sudo mkdir b

    Change back to /mnt and make a folder called pool

    cd /
    cd /mnt
    sudo mkdir pool

    Then change back to your root directory

    cd /
    Make a folder called cloud

    sudo mkdir cloud

    Change to cloud and make a media directory

    cd /cloud
    sudo mkdir media

    Auto-Mount Storage Drives on system Boot

    Fire up Gnome Disk Utility And edit the mount options for your storage drive like in the screen-shots below.

    Then we edit our fstab file

    sudo nano etc/fstab

    Insert this line

    /mnt/disks/a:/mnt/disks/b: /mnt/pool/ fuse.mergerfs defaults,allow_other,use_ino,fsname=mergerFS 0 0
    At the end of the file see screenshot below

    Then add bindings so your media share will be read-only so any guests don't upload anything without your permission when you want to add media add your media to the folders in /mnt/pool.

    Add these lines to the end of fstab make sure to leave a few blank lines as spacers
    /mnt/pool/TV /cloud/media/TV       none bind 0 0[/COLOR]
    /mnt/pool/Films /cloud/media/Films none bind 0 0
    /mnt/pool/Music /cloud/media/Music none bind 0 0[/FONT]

    Save the file by pressing crtl and x then press y then enter.

    See screenshot below

    Configuring SSH-For Managing your server and uploading media

    Now we need to configure ssh to listen on any address and disallow remote root login and enable the internal sftp server.

    So fire up nano and edit your ssh config file with the following command.
    [FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    Uncomment the lines for port and ip address like shown in the screenshot below.

    Find the line PermitRootLogin prohibit-password and change it to PermitRootLogin no

    Find the line Subsystem sftp user/lib/openssh/sftp-server and change it to Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

    like the screenshot
    s below.

    Save the file using ctrl and x then restart ssh
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo systemctl restart ssh[/FONT][/COLOR]

    Remove The Default Apache2 webpage-- for security.

    Open a new terminal and switch to root

    then open pcmanfm

    then enter this in the address bar at the top and press enter

    Delete index.html.
    You can now close pcmanfm and the new terminal.

    Installing PHP 7.3

    At the moment ownCloud 10.0.4 only supports PHP 7.3, were going to need to add a repository or two to install the right version of php and extensions needed by ownCloud. To do this simply enter the commands below into a terminal and apt will take care of the rest. During the process of adding the new repository apt will ask you if it is ok to add the repository press enter to add it
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/apache2
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo apt update [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common
    Now we install PHP 7.3 using the command below
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo apt -y install php7.3
    Now we check to make sure version 7.3 of PHP was installed using the command below.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]php -v
    If you see Version 7.3 your golden.
    Now we need to install all the extensions ownCloud will need by using the command below.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo apt-get -y install apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.3 openssl php-imagick php7.3-common php7.3-curl php7.3-gd php7.3-imap php7.3-intl php7.3-json php7.3-ldap php7.3-mbstring php7.3-mysql php7.3-pgsql php-smbclient php-ssh2 php7.3-sqlite3 php7.3-xml php7.3-zip
    Installing ownCloud Part A
    Firstly go to the ownCloud website and download the latest version. Download the zip version and place it in your home directory. Unzip it with this command.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo unzip /home/your-user-name-here/ -d /var/www
    Then change permissions of the var/www/owncloud directory so apache can use it with the command below.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www/owncloud
    Next were going to create a configuration file for the Apache web server use the command below to create your configuration file in the correct directory.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/owncloud.conf
    Paste the below code into nano with left shift and insert
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]Alias /owncloud "/var/www/owncloud/"[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]<Directory /var/www/owncloud/>[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]Options +FollowSymlinks[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]AllowOverride All[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]<IfModule mod_dav.c>[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]Dav off[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]</IfModule>[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]SetEnv HOME /var/www/owncloud[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]SetEnv HTTP_HOME /var/www/owncloud[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]</Directory>
    Press ctrl and x to save it and press enter to confirm. Enable the newly added configuration and all required Apache modules with the below commands
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo a2enconf owncloud
    sudo a2enmod rewrite
    sudo a2enmod headers
    sudo a2enmod env
    sudo a2enmod dir
    sudo a2enmod mime
    then restart apache
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo systemctl restart apache2
    Configuring MYSQL
    Now were going to configure our mysql installation.Use the command below to open the mysql configuration file in nano
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
    add this line under the [mysqld] default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password, like in the screenshot below. Find this line
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]port = 3306
    And uncomment the line by removeing the # like the screenshot below. Then find this line
    bind-address            =
    And change it to like the screenshot below. Then find this line
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]max_binlog_size = 100M
    And comment it out using a # at the start of the line like the screenshot below. Then restart the mysql server using the below command
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo systemctl restart mysql
    Create The ownCloud MYSQL User & Database
    Now has come the time to create the owncloud mysql user and database. There are Two ways you can do this 1. (the preferred Method) Ive wrote a few scripts that will automate the process as much as possible. 2. (messy but if you want to learn its the best route) you can do it the Manual way. Using The Scripts. You’ll need to hop over to git hub to download my scirpts the (M.O.K.E Toolkit)My OwnCloud and Kodi Essentials Toolkit
    extract the zip and follow the readme’s Open M.O.K.E-Toolkit-1.0 Folder Open ownCloud Folder Read the Readme The Manual Way. Start off by logging into the mysql server using the below command.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo mysql -u root -p
    Enter your root password then using the below commands create your owncloud mysql username password and database. (change username and password to the user name and password you want owncloud to use when connecting to the mysql server.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]CREATE DATABASE cloud;[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cloud.* TO 'username'@'localhost' WITH[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]GRANT OPTION;
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
    Then type exit and press enter
    Installing ownCloud Part B
    Now its time install ownCloud, Open up your web browser and go to the following url
    You’ll be presented by the owncloud welcome screen see screenshot below.
    Enter the username and password you would like to use with ownCloud. Click on “Storage and Database” and select the “Mysql/MariaDB” option. Enter your ownCloud Mysql database username and password. And the ownCloud database name. enter localhost:3306 for host and port information. Then click on “Finish Setup” ownCloud will now install itself and configure the database as necessary. This will take some time once its finished you will be presented with your ownCloud home screen like the screenshot below. Log in and you will be taken to your main dashboard like the screenshot below.
    Now its time to configure owncloud to let you mount your local storage. We need to go to our terminal and use the following command to change to the ownCloud configuration directory.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]cd /var/www/owncloud/config
    then we edit the configuration php using the below command.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo nano config.php
    Find this line
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]'datadirectory' => '/var/www/owncloud/data',
    add a new line below it and add on the new line add.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]'files_external_allow_create_new_local' => 'true',
    like the screenshot below Press ctrl and x to save and press enter to confirm.
    then restart Apache.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo systemctl restart apache2
    open up your web browser and go to your ownCloud page. Log in and go to your settings page. See screenshots below Go to the admin pane on the bottom left of the settings page and click on storage. Click the check box for enabling external storage.See screenshot below. Click on add storage and select local from the drop down list see screenshot below.
    In the configuration box put.
    In folder name put
    Click the gear icon and click the read only check box see screenshot below. Now go back to your ownCloud home screen now you will see your media folder there see screenshot below. Next we need to create a user account that we will use to access our media. Go to your username and click on users it will bring up the user manager for ownCloud. See screenshot below. Fill in the username and email address and click on groups. Then add new group. Enter the group name and press enter. Then press create you should see your user has been created like the screenshot below. Click on the password box to set a password for your account ignore any warnings about sending reset emails as we haven't set up a email address for ownCloud to send emails from see screenshot below. That's ownCloud Installed and set up.
    Getting ownCloud To scan for any new files or changes to any existing files.
    now we must get ownCloud to scan for any changes.
    Change to your ownCloud Directory using the command below.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]cd /var/www/owncloud
    See Screenshot below. Then run the command below to get ownCloud to scan for any new files or changes to existing files.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan your-username-goes-here
    See screenshot below. When its finished scanning you will get a message like in the screenshot below. You Must DO this Every time you add or change a file your sharing with ownCloud.
    Im working on a cron job that will automate this I will post an update when I have a working cron job.
    Creating a MYSQL User for Kodi
    Now were going to need something to watch our media on. Team XBMC have created a media Center aplication called Kodi. The Stock install of Kodi is perfectly legal and suits our needs perfectly. There are two ways of doing this. 1. (the preferred Method) M.O.K.E Toolkit 2.(good if your learning) The manual way. M.O.K.E Toolkit Open the M.O.K.E-Toolkit-1.0/Kodi-Mysql-Database-Scripts/ Folder Open the create-user Folder Read the Readme Manual Way Open up a terminal and log into your mysql server using the below command.
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]sudo mysql -u root -p
    enter your mysql root password and press enter enter the below commands into the mysql prompt replacing username-goes-here and password-goes-here for the kodi mysql username and password (please use different username and password from your ownCloud username and password)
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]CREATE USER 'user-name-goes-here'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password-goes-here' ;
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]   <videodatabase>
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]        <type>mysql</type>[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace] 
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]        <port>3306</port>
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]        <user>Your-Kodi-MYSQL-Username-Goes-Here</user>
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]        <pass>Your-Kodi-MYSQL-Password-Goes-Here</pass>
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]    </videodatabase>
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]GRANT ALL ON *. * TO 'username-goes-here'@'%';[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
    Were now going to make the kodi advanced settings.xml using kate or another text edditor. The advanced settings file will instruct kodi to connect to our mysql database and store its library information and watched status in our database instead of the internal kodi database. Open kate and copy the below code into your text editor and save it as

    Now add .mp3 to the end of your file name so your advanced settings filename reads like this


    It will make it easy to import it into kodi.

    Importing advancedsettings.xml into Koidi

    Move your advancedsettings.xml.mp3 file to your home directory.

    Open kodi and go to the settings menu and click on file manager see screenshot below.

    In the right hand pane select Profile directory see screenshot below.

    In the left pane select add source see screenshot below.

    Click browse see screenshot below.

    Select your home folder see screenshot below.

    You will find yourself back at the file manager in the left pane select your home folder see screenshot below.

    Find your advancedsettings.xml.mp3 file and right click the file and select copy see screenshot below.

    on the right pane select the advancedsettings.xml.mp3

    and right click and select rename it to advancedsettings.xml

    and click ok see screenshots below.

    Now you can exit the file manager and restart kodi.

    It will now connect to your mysql server and use it for all its library information storage including watched status's.

    Adding Media To Kodi

    Firstly go to your own cloud home page and log in using your media account not your admin account.

    In the bottom left of the page you should see an option "Settings" click it it will bring up the webdav address we will need for kodi to connect to ownCloud see screenshot below.

    Copy the address it has given you, it will look something like this.


    You can now close your web browser and open Kodi.

    Once kodi has loaded you will be shown a screen like the one below.

    Click on the gear icon you will find yourself in the settings menu see screenshot below.

    Click on Media and you will be in the media settings sub menu see screenshot below.

    In the manage sources catagory click on videos and you will be taken to the add sources menu see screenshot below.

    Click on add videos you will then be asked to add a video source see screenshot below.

    Click on browse you will be asked to browse for a new share see screenshot below.

    Click Add network location and you will be asked to add a network location.

    Click the down arrow next to smb untill you get to WebDAV server (http).

    You will be asked to fill in the;

    Server Adress

    Remote Path




    for me it would look something like this

    server address:

    remote path: owncloud/remote.php/dav/files/yoda

    port: 80

    username: yoda

    password: bla bla bla bla

    Click connect and you will see your network share has been added to the list of shares see screenshot below.

    Click on your dav share and select media see screenshot below.

    Select TV or Films then press ok

    You will see the video source information has been filled out

    Press ok and you will be prompted to set what type of content it is.

    For TV select TV shows for Films Select Movies

    select your information provider and press ok see screenshots below.

    You will be asked if you want to refresh all information within this path press yes see screenshot below.

    kodi will now scan your TV or Films to its libary.

    Repeat the procedure for Films or TV.

    Go back to the settings menu and select the option for update libary on start up see screenshot below

    Now Kodi will check for new media upon startup.

    Once your media has finished scanning in your free to sit back and enjoy a film.

    I hope you have found this tutorial and my scripts useful.

    If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.

    All The Best, Yoda
    Yoda's ownCloud Installation on Kubuntu 20.04