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Noob 2 Kubunto 13.10 need help

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    Noob 2 Kubunto 13.10 need help

    I am entirely new to Kubuntu/Linux all together. The computer said that an update for the nvidia graphics card was available. After the driver was installed, it said the pc needed to be re-started.
    Upon restart, I am now presented with that looks similar to dos screen. It’s asking me to enter my credentials which I did. Then I end up, with a command prompt $ nothing else. How come the computer, doesn’t go back to the desktop?

    Just type startx and press enter. Does your desktop appear?
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
      Just type startx and press enter. Does your desktop appear?
      Yes thank you very much. I am using it now.
      I must say so far I like it. Just have to get more familiar with it.

      I do have another question,on nvidia website the drivers are newer.
      How exactly will I Install those drivers? Being that is not a deb file.


        Originally posted by tecnica View Post
        I am entirely new to Kubuntu/Linux all together. The computer said that an update for the nvidia graphics card was available. After the driver was installed, it said the pc needed to be re-started.
        Upon restart, I am now presented with that looks similar to dos screen. It’s asking me to enter my credentials which I did. Then I end up, with a command prompt $ nothing else. How come the computer, doesn’t go back to the desktop?

        Yes thank you very much. I am using it now.
        I must say so far I like it. Just have to get more familiar with it.

        I do have another question,on nvidia website the drivers are newer.
        How exactly will I Install those drivers? Being that is not a deb file.
        Based on your above statements, the best answer to your question is don't try it.

        The delay between the release of a driver from nVidia and the entry of that driver into the mainstream Ubuntu package repositories is the time it takes for a professional Ubuntu developer to test and package the new driver and make sure works at a base level at least.

        There is no reason or benefit - as self-declared "entirely new to linux..." as you are - for you to attempt this. The only possible reason would be a feature of the newer driver that you don't have or that you video card is unsupported by the current driver. This does not seem to be the case.

        I have been using Linux for over a decade as my primary OS. I have used nVidia, AMD, and Intel graphics cards. In my experience, nVidia cards have given me the least trouble. However, I have on many occasions trashed my install by too much cutting-edge playing around.

        No offence intended - but you might want to learn more basic things about Linux, like how to launch your desktop, before you dive into installing binary driver blobs.

        Please Read Me


          I am not offended, and I do appreciate your help.
          However I did another system restart.
          And now I am back at the same original issue.
          I type Startx and I get this error.

          Loading Extension GLX
          Fatal server error
          (EE) No Screens Found (EE)
          Please consult the the Foundation Support.

          (EE) Server terminated with error (1) Closing Log file
          Xinit: Giving Up
          Xinit: Unable to connect to X Server : Connection Refused
          Xinit: Server Error


            Ok, first place to look is in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.

            You're looking for (WW) and (EE) messages. To do this, type this:

            grep 'EE\|WW' /var/log/Xorg.0.log

            This should print out a list of the errors and warnings. Since we're here, also post the contents of this file if it exists:


            and the output of:

            xrandr -q

            Please Read Me


              I can view the file not sure how to output it
              bare with me Im a noob.

              Reading the file it's mentioning failed to launch Nvidia kernel

              I tried entering the command you told me
              on the laptop I am unable to use \ it returns <> instead


                The \ key should be above the enter key along with |. Are you using a different language keyboard?

                If it's the kernel error, do this and post the output:

                dkms status

                Please Read Me


                  You can do the grep command twice if the \ doesn't work

                  grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log
                  grep WW /var/log/Xorg.0.log

                  Please Read Me


                    That worked it shows me the error with nvidia
                    but how do I post it? Save it etc..?
                    I have a sdcard and a usb stick

                    Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                    You can do the grep command twice if the \ doesn't work

                    grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log
                    grep WW /var/log/Xorg.0.log


                      Well, if you're going to save it rather than just type the errors (a lot of them?), do these steps:

                      plug in your USB stick


                      look at the address it says your USB stick is located (it will say something like sdb1 in the text)
                      type these commands:

                      sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
                      sudo cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log /mnt/xorglog.txt

                      The above assumes sdb1 is the address of your stick. Change it to whatever you see in dmesg output.

                      Then log into the forum and ATTACH the file xorglog.txt from your thumb drive to your post. To attach a file, click on the "Go Advanced" button and then "Manage Attachments" down near the bottom. Add the file to your post and save. Then I can just read the whole file.

                      Please Read Me


                        here's the file, I copied it using the livecd
                        Attached Files


                          Ok, lets see the output of

                          dkms status

                          and do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?

                          Please Read Me


                            Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                            Ok, lets see the output of

                            dkms status

                            and do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?

                            Not such file found xorg.conf file

                            dkms status

                            bbswitch, 0.7, 3.11.0-12-generic, x86_64: Installed
                            bbswitch, 0.7, 3.11.0-17-generic, x86_64: Installed
                            nvidia-331, 331.49, 3.11.0-12generic, x86_64: Installed
                            nvidia-331, 331.49, 3.11.0-17generic, x86_64: Installed

                            I just did sudo apt-get purge nvidia* and I am able to login as normal
                            however the graphics driver is either missing or something because
                            the icons are not sharp, and when I connect to an external 24in display
                            nothing happens.

                            *update 05:43pm I am good to go, there was some updates via additional drivers
                            and everything is working as normal. I can use my external display etc..
                            Thank you for your patience and help. This case is closed.
                            Last edited by tecnica; Feb 28, 2014, 04:44 PM.

