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Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

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    Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

    I'm running Karmic Koala and want to know if Lucid Lynx is worth upgrading to.

    Re: Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

    That's a subjective question, and can't be answered objectively. For one, it depends a lot on your PC. But personally, I would have to respond as follows: "If Karmic is working for you the way you want, then why consider moving at this early juncture? Lucid, even when it goes to RC (Release Candidate) is still going to have some rough edges that will still be getting 'polished.' For myself, I'm very happy with my Karmic installation. It works, works well, and is set up the way I want it. I'll wait until Lucid is fully Final, and then wait some more, monitoring the chatter about it from others, before I consider making the move myself.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

      I agree with Snowhog, but I think you should definitely upgrade to Lucid eventually. In general, the software in Lucid will have been updated from the versions available in Karmic. Some of these updates will have been introduced to repair problems experienced by users like you. A (very) few of these will affect your computer. Many more upgrades will make your computer run a little bit faster and a little bit safer, but you probably won't notice this. Others, will involve minor or (in a very few cases, major) changes in the user interface of the programs. You will definitely notice these. Some may force you to change ingrained work habits. You won't like these, but you may grow to like the changes. Some will add features to programs you use every day. Most of these will have no impact on you. Others will make your life a trifle easier. A very few will provide capabilities that will leave you wondering how you ever got along without them.

      Personally, I'm planning to wait a couple of days until the rush on the Ubuntu mirror repository nearest (in internet topology) to me is over.


        Re: Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

        I've been running Lucid Lynx since Alpha 1 and except for the occasional niggle it has been smooth sailing. For the last month it has been fault free for me. But, depending on your hardware your mileage may vary.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

          Okay, I think I'll wait until Lucid is released as stable before grabbing it.


            Re: Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

            Some people might remember my earlier post when I asked about upgrading from hardy, when pansz suggested I stick with hardy until lucid comes out. I did skip Jaunty as a lot of features I wanted to use were a broken mess. I tried Karmic just to see what changed since and while it was still missing some functionality/maturity from Hardy (QuickLaunch on a vertical panel, anyone?), either new features made this moot (all hail KRunner), or the broken mess managed to stay out of the way (Display settings) of commandline/fallback utilities (hooray for xrandr), so I stuck with karmic as a lot of software on hardy was getting long in the tooth and didn't handle new stuff, never mind drivers for new devices.

            Now I've run into a similar situation with karmic - specifically, no player I've tried handles ASS drawing mode (including non-Canonical builds of mplayer on launchpad) so I decided to take the RC for a spin.

            Suffice to say I was disappointed. Other than getting newer versions of software, overall experience was a downgrade/non-improvement against karmic. I'll probably nuke hardy to have an on-disk lucid(/maverick) installation to report bugs but karmic is definitely a keeper. Now if only I could get newer software for it
            Migration status:<br />[DONE]Get GeForce2 MX200 working with 96xx drivers, get automount external ntfs volumes, fix resume from suspend<br />[pending]:find good BSPlayer replacement<br />If you know how to fix any of the pending problems, PM!


              Re: Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

              I agree with Snowhog, it's a subjective question and so will be the answer. When a new version comes out some of the people who upgrade run into problems and end up saying they are going back to the previous version, so one chance to avoid that maybe is creating a new partition and installing 10.04 there. In case you want to go back to the previous version, you won't have to go through reinstalling. However, doing this also depends on your hard drive space.

              Personally I'm just jumping to Lucid Lynx when the final version comes out. I am no expert, so do what you think is best taking in consideration your hardware and your patience to eventually adapt to a "new system" or solve some problems


                Re: Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

                Hm... I think so...

                Of course it is!!! Its got lots of new stuff for all of us to play with, and and, its a new bright desktop - the Brown has been wiped away and replaced with a purple hue - ooh! So cool! :P

                Then, there's the new programs, and the updates, and the speed the system is running at. Hell-fire may freeze over -but not anywhere near Kubuntu or Ubuntu cos they are both, as hot as can be Oh Man! I is just gettin all shaky jus' thinkin' about it agin - may we soon be playing with our preciousss again soon :P 8)
                Terabyte<br /><br />Non sibi sed omnibus (Not for oneself, but for all)


                  Re: Lucid worth upgrading to from Karmic?

                  It's funny, really; every 6 months, we get our toys taken away and given back to us; cleaned up, more shiny then ever and even more fun! and we get more of them!

                  Come on, who else in this world can say they have the same, eh?

