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right before the gui loads...

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    right before the gui loads...

    this is mostly out of curiosity, to see if anyone has ideas they want to share, not a need for help, OK?

    i recently had to reinstall hardy/kde3.5 after a very strange failure. after a couple of hours of rebooting and dorking around in a shell, i decided to just install a new copy and cut my losses.

    here is what i can tell you about the scenario:
    i had a seemingly normal, happy hardy/kde3.5 system and was using thunderbird email and a bunch of firefox windows w/ multiple tabs open in each (typical for me) as well as amarok and a few other things. (hey, i've got a dual core cpu and 4 Gb RAM, OK?). everything is fine when suddenly the whole shebang freezes.

    i could not do ctrl-alt-esc or ctrl-alt-bksp. the cursor moved with the mouse but that was about it. nothing i clicked on elicited any response.

    my basic OS runs on a raid1 w/ LVM's. I have disks in pairs for the raid1. at the time of the crash i suspect that there was a disk failure of some kind. normally that would not be a show-stopper with things set up as they are.

    when i realized i needed to reboot and did that, the FS was not clean of course, so i selected recovery mode from grub and waited for all the lines of text to scroll past. things seemed on the way to a rather uneventful recovery when the screen went blank. nothing happened for another minute or so so i powered off and tried again. after a few rounds of this i pull out my trust hardy iso cd and get to a shell. then i poked around and tried a few things but nothing got past that glitch. every single time i tried to get it to boot it got to that blank screen and quit.

    some time later i had set it to reboot, stepped away for a break and came back in time to see the blank screen replaced by a new BIOS screen. really queer. now the thing is trying to reboot *itself*. that went nowhere either.

    that's when i decided to go ahead with a new install and forget about the problem. but is has kept bugging me since then.

    now, the sharpies among you will note that when ubu (or, in my case k/ubu) boots, there is a brief moment when the text clears, the screen goes blank, and then the gui desktop starts with a login window. i surmise that it is at that precise interval that whatever glitch took down my previous install acted to crash the boot.

    sooo, that's it. ideas anybody? in the rare likelihood that this should happen again, to me or anyone else, maybe a bit of discussion might help.

    Re: right before the gui loads...

    I saw a crash like that once, on my system, which is not RAID, but it has 5 hard drives and my CPU is considerably overclocked. At the time, I was dorking around with installing/reinstalling a video driver, and I've always assumed that it was some timing problem with the graphics card, vs. the new driver that I was trying to run.

    If it ever happens again, try the Alt-SysRq R S E I U B trick before you punch the power switch. It might work and save some filesystem destruction.

