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kubuntu dapper section?

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    kubuntu dapper section?

    I have installed flight2 of dapper and tryed it and had some problems, i tryed to search for info but there is almost none info about it.

    Ubuntu forums has a section for dapper ( where both version can post) but its mainly filled with ubuntu things.

    I would like to have something like that also here on this forum, so the people that try and test kubuntu dapper can post there thing and get help with it from other users.

    Also why are the forums devided? I see a lot more post on the ubuntu kubuntu section then here, the kubuntu users are to much devided. Also the most question are from ubuntu our kubuntu are mostly the same and it looks like it that 1 big forum where all (*)ubuntu version is better. There more people on it and faster answers for everyone then.

    And now for my problems of dapper :

    Adept very buggy, Sometimes it wont start at all, it crashes a lot atm always in update, search function is bugged it can't keep up with my type speed and have to lower it to a very slow type handeling. Its almost not usable.

    Firefox, probably posted somewhere else in ububtu section. It is buggy sometimes a chrome error and it still says ubuntu 1.4.99+1.5 rc3.

    in system settings some screens are still to large for the windows and no scroll option. Also again the admin/su command isn't always popping up.

    Printer section complains that cups server isn't started but it can install and print my printer.

    Overall it feels slower also with nvidia-glx it feels slower then breezy ( its a beta so probably because of that)

    Didn't used all option maybe a update later.

    I installed kubuntu dapper flight 2 yesterday ( i just read flight 3 is taking off) and all updates (only could do it in cli).

    Also where to post bugs for it and if there is more info where to find.

    Re: kubuntu dapper section?


    I would also like a dapper subforum.

