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Restore shadows to LibreOffice menus

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    Restore shadows to LibreOffice menus

    I'm rebuilding my Raring machine and decided to add the PPA for LibreOffice 4.0 beta. I actually don't use LO much at all -- my only need for documents and presentations is at work, which is pretty much a Microsoft shop with regards to file formats. But I want to force myself to switch.

    In playing around a bit with LO this evening, I noticed menus had no shadows. This is truly irritating, and makes LO even uglier than usual. Take a look:

    As an experiment, I tried removing the KDE integration package and replacing it with the Gtk+ integration package:
    sudo apt-get purge libreoffice-kde
    sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libreoffice-gtk
    (The --no-install-recommends prevents the installation of libreoffice-style-tango. I don't want that to override the Oxygen style.)

    Since KDE's Oxygen theme engine supports Gtk applications, I was curious how it would turn out. Behold, a slightly better-looking LO:

    The tradeoff, unfortunately, is Gtk-style file pickers. Sigh.

    It rather sucks that we have such on-going trouble getting LibreOffice and Firefox, arguably two of the most-used Linux applications, looking decent in KDE.

    you know, I had not noticed this, I don't use libreoffice that much but now that I look this is the same situation on 12.10 ,,,,,,,,and the same fix you suggest works hear as well ,,,,,

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

