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HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

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    HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

    Installing Opera 9 for Kubuntu Linux 6.06 x86 systems.

    This is a guide for the absolute Kubuntu newbie—like myself.  I did this on my own and was quite proud of myself.  Sure, installing Opera is nothing for most people, but for a total newb like myself it is quite an accomplishment.  Especially when I have tried and failed many times to install Firefox.  :P

    So, here’s the step-by-step guide:
    1. Go to
    2. Choose Ubuntu from the distribution drop-down menu
    3. Choose Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake
    4. Select a download location (wherever you want) and click Free Download
    5. Save-as to your Desktop or other location you can access easily
    6. Go to that file and right-click it
    7. Choose Kubuntu Package Menu--->Install Package
    8. Input your password
    9. Press enter when prompted by the installer (this will close the installer)
    10.  It's now safe to delete the Opera install file you downloaded

    Now we need to create a link (shortcut) to Opera since the installer doesn’t do it for you.
    1. Right-click a blank spot on your desktop
    2. Choose Create New--->Link to Application
    3. Rename ‘Link to Application’ to ‘Opera’ (or whatever you may prefer)
    4. Click the blue gear icon beside the link name you just typed in
    5. Scroll down through the icons until you find the icon for Opera and click it
    6. Click the Application tab
    7. Copy and paste this to your Command box (incl. the apostrophes):

    8. Click OK and you’re done!

    To add a link to Opera in your K Menu follow these directions.
    1.  Right click the K Menu icon, choose Menu Editor
    2.  Click the Internet folder (or other folder, or choose no folder to create link in main K Menu)
    3.  Click New Item icon (white paper with small yellow star)
    4.  Enter the name Opera (or whatever you want) then hit OK
    5.  Copy and paste this to your Command box (incl. the apostrophes):


    6.  Click Save (floppy disk icon) or go to File-->Save
    7.  Close Menu Editor window

    Keep in mind this guide is intended for total newbies…not ye ol’ grizzled Linux masters.  I hope this guide helps someone out.  Feel free to contact me via my website or a private message here.

    Re: HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

    Good job on the guide. My only suggestion is if you could check he Ubuntu Wiki, and see if there is a HowTo similar to this. If there is, maybe look at updating it with your info pertaining to Kubuntu. If it isn't there, create one. This is good informaiton and a source of information I know many people would be interested in. As myself, I don't like Opera, I don't like Firefox, and Konqueror is even worse. Whatever happened to Netscape and AOL. OK!!! I'm just kidding. I might have to give Opera another go round, since I am deeply unsatisfied with Firefox and Konqueror. Good job once again, and keep up the good work!!!
    Richard Johnson (nixternal)<br />Core Developer :: MOTU :: MOTU Council :: Community Council<br /><br />


      Re: HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

      Thanks for the reply!  I forgot about the Wiki, actually.  I looked over the Ubuntu Wiki on Opera and it gave me an idea about how to edit the K Menu.  My hunch was right and I was able to add an Opera link in my K Menu...and I updated my step-by-step post above to show others how to do it as well.

      I will investigate the Kubuntu Wiki to see if they have a decent Opera install document.  You directed me to Ubuntu's Wiki...I'm not sure if you know Kubuntu has it's own Wiki or not.  (I found it just now, so don't feel bad!)

      I'm not a big fan of Opera, either.  But it's a heck of a lot better than Konq.  You should definitely give it a try.


        Re: HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

        Sorry, a Linux OS is new to me and I feel that my knowledge is reduced to the level of a shrimp.

        I'm wanting to install Firefox and I know nothing about installing programs in Kubuntu 6.06. Can you help?
        I've downloaded the Firefox application as a tar.gz on my desktop. I also extracted it to my desktop. What do I do next? I want to install the program so it is available it in my Kmenu>all Applications> Internet menu.

        Where is the  Kubuntu Package Menu and is this what I need to use?


          Re: HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

          Hey there, go here to my blog:


            Re: HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

            Cheers for that. I finally got opera going!


              Re: HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

              Thanks for the guide, Rob. I have one thing to add to it:

              You said Opera was installed in '/usr/lib/opera/9.0-20060616.6/opera', but I had it in '/usr/lib/opera/9.00-20060616.6/opera'.


                Re: HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

                Just a little comment: an easier way to get Opera is Automatix ==>>


                  Re: HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

                  Opera is now available in dapper-commercial repositories for care-free installation with your package manager (with automatic updates)

                  Read more here:


                    Re: HOW TO install Opera 9 web browser for Kubuntu 6.06 x86 PC.

                    Nice job Rob...
                    installed straight forward and without a hitch..

