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No arrow in GIMP consternation

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    No arrow in GIMP consternation

    Hi all

    I hope that everyone had a great holiday season!

    I've said this before for other things but this particular thing... ...and I detest using this overblown and overused politically correct term..."concerning".

    I needed to do a simple thing, but was under a time constraint for the beginning of school, not need to get into the why's and wherefore's.

    But...I decided to go outside the box for the schedule of final exams,. the format of which is OBTUSE to put things mildly and has been a constant source of complaints by both the faculty and students.

    I decided to "insert an arrow" and add a text box on the .pdf. of the finals schedule to be ..."more OBVIOUS" about when my finals are to be given.

    So, I opened it with GIMP and to my CONSTERNATION could not add an arrow! ...

    which was previously such as SIMPLE thing... nowadays, it involves making "a path" and then using the "arrow option" in "tools" to make the path into the arrow... ummm ok, I can handle making a path because I AM EXPERIENCED... but... there is no arrow option in tools...and the instructions for the official GIMP 2.10.12 are from waaay back in 2018.

    It now needs...A be placed in a NON-OBVIOUS SCRIPT-FU place for THE NEW from windblows USER!!!!


    i've said this before and I'm saying it again...

    "Linux" often throws the baby out with the bathwater...

    THE NEW USER is not in any way shape or form even going to know to look for how to do this and CERTAINLY is not going to want to fiddle with a script-fu.

    YESSSSSS as ALWAYS...all of the sites and whatever have the obligatory ..."it is a work in progress" and "we apologize" and all the SAME YADA YADA that is littering the net about "Linux apps".

    So...I go to Inkscape and get ANOTHER KIND of runaround.

    So...because I ALREADY KNOW TO DO IT...i used LibreDraw.

    But the new user wants to do SIMPLE things first...they do not want to put shading under the eye of their girl/boy/whatever friend with some kind of brush in a RAW image...which requires ANOTHER plugin...

    They want to do simple things...and one of them is usually adding an arrow or a star or a circle with text etc. the star is there, the circle is there the box is there...but an arrow... no.

    I can see why whole cities in Europe have adopted a variant of Ubuntu and after a year dropped it.

    just sayin'

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Jan 09, 2020, 01:20 AM.