This is the first time that I've installed, and am using as my 'main' Kubuntu, a Kubuntu 'alpha' release. On March 5, 2011, I downloaded and burned the Natty Narwhal 11.03 Alpha 3 dated 3-Mar-2011 .iso to CD and did a clean installation to two new partitions on my HDD, giving me three Kubuntu's.
I'm quite impressed with Natty. I haven't done all my normal customizations with it yet. Until Medibuntu adds the repo for Natty, I won't add their repository, which will be needed to get the packages needed for DVD playback. But everything else about Natty 'just works' on my Toshiba laptop. I've also not yet configured Kontact/Kmail, which I'll do when Natty is released as 'final'. For now, while I'm running Natty, I just access my email account via the web interface my ISP has.
At this stage of Natty's development, there are here, just a few niggles, but aren't show stoppers by any stretch of the imagination. One niggle here, is that Rekonq has an issue when navigating back to a previously visited web page - the previous page loads/displays, but it is effectively 'dead' - nothing on the page works. I have to 'refresh' the URL and then the page is again 'live'. This doesn't happen every time, but I filed a bug report at anyway: Bug 268327 - Navigation dies when returning to previous page. Another niggle is the rekonq crash that happens "everytime" when adding a bookmark to the Bookmarks Toolbar. That has apparently been 'fixed' in version 0.6.85, which is not yet in Natty's repos.
I've not installed FF, and likely won't - I actually like rekonq. As I have done since Jaunty, I installed Wicd (wicd wicd-cli wicd-curses wicd-daemon wicd-kde) and purged networkmaner and it's ilk (modemmanager network-manager network-manager-openconnect network-manager-openvpn network-manager-pptp network-manager-vpnc knm-runtime network-manager-kde plasma-widget-networkmanagement). I just prefer Wicd.
I'm quite impressed with Natty. I haven't done all my normal customizations with it yet. Until Medibuntu adds the repo for Natty, I won't add their repository, which will be needed to get the packages needed for DVD playback. But everything else about Natty 'just works' on my Toshiba laptop. I've also not yet configured Kontact/Kmail, which I'll do when Natty is released as 'final'. For now, while I'm running Natty, I just access my email account via the web interface my ISP has.
At this stage of Natty's development, there are here, just a few niggles, but aren't show stoppers by any stretch of the imagination. One niggle here, is that Rekonq has an issue when navigating back to a previously visited web page - the previous page loads/displays, but it is effectively 'dead' - nothing on the page works. I have to 'refresh' the URL and then the page is again 'live'. This doesn't happen every time, but I filed a bug report at anyway: Bug 268327 - Navigation dies when returning to previous page. Another niggle is the rekonq crash that happens "everytime" when adding a bookmark to the Bookmarks Toolbar. That has apparently been 'fixed' in version 0.6.85, which is not yet in Natty's repos.
I've not installed FF, and likely won't - I actually like rekonq. As I have done since Jaunty, I installed Wicd (wicd wicd-cli wicd-curses wicd-daemon wicd-kde) and purged networkmaner and it's ilk (modemmanager network-manager network-manager-openconnect network-manager-openvpn network-manager-pptp network-manager-vpnc knm-runtime network-manager-kde plasma-widget-networkmanagement). I just prefer Wicd.