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What's wrong with these people??

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    What's wrong with these people??

    I was just reading the Reader Comments on DW and seen a couple of posts how *buntu is full of bugs and comapring it against microsoft vista of the Linux world. I am beside myself. All I can think of is the old saying "once you open your mouth, you have removed all doubt".

    Personally, I use Kubuntu. Is it perfect? No. But it's pretty dam good! Is it better the vista? Yes. Namely security and reliability. Everything else is gravy.

    Sorry; had to vent after reading what these clowns had written.


    Re: What's wrong with these people??

    do we care?
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: What's wrong with these people??

      I think it's worth pointing out there was a "study" done that concluded that both Vista and XP were more secure than any flavor of linux. The reason why their data "showed" this? They counted security flaws in linux based Firefox versions against all flavors of linux tested, but counted neither flaws in windows based Firefox versions or flaws in IE. There were also other games like that played, but that's the example that stands out most. I'm unsure why Firefox flaws on Linux should count against distros, but windows version of the same software shouldn't count against windows, Firefox is very much third party software on both platforms, even if the windows people group Firefox in with Linux because it's open source. This isn't even mentioning how not counting flaws in IE is absolutely deceptive given that IE is actually integrated into windows and maintained by the same people who maintain the OS.

      This could explain why some of these people are spouting such misguided dren. It just means they need to be educated, don't waste your time being mad, frustrated, confused or anything else.


        Re: What's wrong with these people??

        Originally posted by txHarleyMan
        had to vent after reading what these clowns had written.
        Yep, they should definitely stick with Microsoft (they'll get what they deserve .....).


          Re: What's wrong with these people??

          Oh, I won't lose any sleep, but it amazes me that after almost a 20 year track record with windows, some people can be so ignorant.


            Re: What's wrong with these people??

            After 2 hundred years of voting, people still go republican...


              Re: What's wrong with these people??

              Originally posted by raijinsetsu
              After 2 hundred years of voting, people still go republican...
              People need to learn history before they can learn from it. As long as the masses are not educated or are manipulated to think that education is worthless (the system is worthless, the education you should be receiving from it isn't), they can't make an informed and reasonable decision. I suspect that part of the reason the republicans frell over the schools so bad is that the lack of critical thinking helps their vote so much.


                Re: What's wrong with these people??

                Sounds like the typical liberal argument. Kind of like that rocket scientist Cindy Sheehan or "do as I say, not as I do", megawatt Al. It is too bad that young, non-tax-payers are so easily deluded.


                  Re: What's wrong with these people??

                  Originally posted by lingenfr
                  It is too bad that young, non-tax-payers are so easily deluded.
                  Nuff said. =P


                    Re: What's wrong with these people??

                    Originally posted by lingenfr
                    Sounds like the typical liberal argument. Kind of like that rocket scientist Cindy Sheehan or "do as I say, not as I do", megawatt Al. It is too bad that young, non-tax-payers are so easily deluded.
                    Actually I do pay taxes, and I think most of the problems in this country come from such crappy schooling systems. You imply though that I'm saying it's a lack of funding that's screwed over the schools, which is not the case. The trouble really is the lack of oversight in how the money is spent, the lack of oversight into the administration levels of the schools. It does no good to throw more money at the schools if the system is broken and the greedy buggers at the top are just going to send that money away from where it's needed anyways. Saying we need to send more money to the school system is like saying one should pump more water into a house with broken pipes just because maybe more water will make it to where it's needed.


                      Re: What's wrong with these people??

                      back to topic first and then I will follow the others jumping into politics, simply the fact that they are rubbishing linux is proof of their fear of it, if linux were really bad then they would be saying that it has great potential and what a great idea it is except that it needs improving

                      now politics, somehow I don't think we should ask America to go as far as Switzerland on democracy but it is nice here in Geneva to be able to choose the agenda, collect signatures for it and then when one has enough signatures to force the government to hold a referendum the result of which is binding to the wishes of the majority but somehow I cannot see the US following us and holding ones on "shall we lower the taxes(did not pass)", "shall we disband the army(again did not pass), or even "shall we join the EU(did not pass twice)" simply, the real problem is that there is no NGO that covers the idea of an International standard of democracy so we end up with a situation very like our linux distro situation with each country pushing or hiding behind their form of democracy, one party democracy, coalition democracy where the parties unite to change nothing, non universal democracy, fixed head with rotating party democracy, first pass the post democracy, and these are only the tip of the iceburg when goes into the things that are needed to have a fair election for everyone. um don't know what to write next but I feel I have written enough.
                      every day is a gift


                        Re: What's wrong with these people??

                        The biggest problem with politics really is that the people most inclined to get involved as an elected official usually are the least suited for the job, and I make this observation not in regards to any of the political parties in this country, but all of them. I'm currently not registered with any of the political parties, I consider myself liberal, but not a democrat. A lot of the times, I do vote for a democrat simply because I often find them the lesser of evils, but I've have voted other parties too.

                        I think the biggest thing holding this country back is that our system is set up as a two party system without any way for the smaller parties to have a fair chance to introduce their own ideas without stealing votes from the Democrats or the Republicans, whichever party is closer to the smaller party politically speaking. I think part of the reason other countries are far more progressive and quicker to change is that a lot of them have a multiple party set up where either the highest voted parties share power or there's some sort of run off system. For the US to get a better grip on things and catch up, we need to get something like that going on. It would also help to either amend or remove the electoral college. In this day and age, regardless of what I think of the intellect of the masses, there is just too much distribution of information to require a system to compensate. The electoral college was intended to compensate for the lack of easy information distribution, allowing people to select someone they trusted to make a good judgment call because they couldn't get the information to do it themselves.


                          Re: What's wrong with these people??

                          I think you guys missed the point of my statement.
                          People don't look at the past to make their decisions now. They simply go for the more advertised solution, and MS is THE MOST advertised solution, for... well... everything.


                            Re: What's wrong with these people??

                            Originally posted by txHarleyMan
                            Oh, I won't lose any sleep, but it amazes me that after almost a 20 year track record with windows, some people can be so ignorant.
                            The Dvorak keyboard is superior to QWERTY, yet which one does everybody use?
                            These kinds of things make me wonder how much hope there is for Linux. Sure, it's better, but everybody knows how to use Windows already, and they don't want to switch.

                            I have hope for the younger generation, though. Most older folks I talk to either hate Linux or have never heard of it, but the kids use it or are intrigued by it (because it's 1337!)


                              Re: What's wrong with these people??

                              I think if one explains to an older person that they can keep their old computer as long as they are running linux, they will give linux a try. Truth is that they are the very first people to hate forking out money for upgrades. which, if the system becomes unsupported, is the only choise windows gives(example, try running vista on a window98se laptop). But what they hate most is the unknown so it is best to install for them with the maximum of windows like features and stick close, link this forum and welcome them, because once on linux and thus aware of what they had with windows, they will remain on linux, oh but that goes for everyone, not just relative oldies like myself.
                              every day is a gift

