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Has anyone tried Wolvix?

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    Has anyone tried Wolvix?

    i want to try out more than just one linux distribution and i was reading about Wolvix Hunter and it seems to be great. it comes with a crapload of stuff and i think it looks pretty good as well. but before giving it a shot, id like to hear everyone elses opinions.

    Re: Has anyone tried Wolvix?

    I haven't tried it, but I just looked it up on It's certainly VERY different from Kubuntu. It is based on Slax, which is a deliberately lightweght live CD offshoot of Slackware. It uses the Xfce desktop by default, but you can add Gnome, (but not KDE), if you choose. However, adding things is not easy. Package management appears to be by downloading tarballs, but I'm not sure what's in them, because the Gnu Compiler Collection is not available. GCC isn't the only thing that's not available. It appears to me that it's a case of "You name it, Wolvix doesn't have it." Perhaps, I've been spoiled by Debian and Kubuntu. Go ahead and try it, you might like it, but (if you like Kubuntu) you probably won't.

    If you really want to try different distros that DON'T look or feel like Kubuntu, I'd suggest Fedora, Suse, and PCLinuxOS as being well assembled representatives of other branches of Linux. It's worth seeing that unlike the M$ and Apple worlds. Linux really is about choice.


      Re: Has anyone tried Wolvix?

      hmmm....well that certainly helps. thanks! i think that wolvix comes with a lot of good programs. of course i havent used them yet, but from reading what theyre supposed to do, they sound pretty nice. i looked at the package on and it comes with pretty much everything you need.
      i did have fedora 6 before i got kubuntu and i really liked it. dont you have to pay for SUSE though? i know theres an open source version of it, but what are the differences between the two? oh and could you possibly compare PCLinuxOS to something else? ive seen the name before, but ive never heard anything about it before.


        Re: Has anyone tried Wolvix?

        dont you have to pay for SUSE though?
        OpenSuse has pretty much the same relationship to Novell's Enterprise Edition of Suse that Fedora has to RedHat, at least in the sense that:
        (a) You don't have to pay for it.
        (b) The software is a little bit newer, and hence not as well tested. and
        (c) You get no company support.

        PCLinuxOS is a semi-commercial distro, based on Mandriva. It was started by a fellow who had been one of the most prolific packagers in the Mandrake community before he broke away. I don;t know the full story because I had already switched to Debian before the merger of Mandrake and Connectiva.

        Of course, PCLinuxOS, Fedora and OpenSuse have different ways of doing things and, just as with Kubuntu, all the little glue programs are different between these distros. So you have to learn a different way of thinking about things. Once you've gotten reasonably comfortable with Linux, I think it's probably worthwhile to try different distros. That way you can see which one is designed to work the way you want to work. Of course, once you get REALLY comfortable with Linux, you can make YOUR OWN distro so that you can work EXACTLY the way you want to work.

        I think that wolvix comes with a lot of good programs.
        In contrast, I didn't think it had ANY of the things that I like. That makes my point that there are a lot of ways to use Linux. That's the best reason to try a bunch of distros before settling with one. Moreover, distros change with time. I had been planning to try Gentoo, if, and/or when, I got bored with Kubuntu. But Gentoo has pretty much disintegrated within the last couple of years.

