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Best way to mount WDMyCloud

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    Best way to mount WDMyCloud

    I'm a bit dizzy from reading so may posts on this.
    I have a new box running Kubuntu 18.04
    I would like to permanently mount my NAS device
    I have been using this for a temporary mount
    sudo mount -o rw,soft,intr,nfsvers=3 /media/mycloud
    Any help/advice would be appreciated

    The simplest answer, turn this:

    sudo mount -o rw,soft,intr,nfsvers=3 /media/mycloud
    into this:

    Code: /media/mycloud nfs rw,auto,soft,intr,nfsvers=3 0 0
    and put it into /etc/fstab. I added "auto,": auto mounts at boot automatically.

    If you were going to do any research, I'd look into the fstab mounting options for nfs. Mine looks like:

    [FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]server:/          /shared        nfs   nofail,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,_netdev,bg,hard,timeo=1,retrans=5,intr,rsize=131072,wsize=131072,noatime,nodiratime 0 0[/COLOR]

    Please Read Me


      Thanks so much - that nearly worked!
      On re-boot Dolphin shows
      An error occurred while accessing 'mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public on', the system responded: mount: /media/mycloud: operation permitted for root only.
      Any ideas?


        Well that's weird because fstab is processed as "root" at boot time. Without seeing exactly what you entered into fstab (you'd be surpirsed how otfen a simple typo gets ovelrooked) you could try adding "user" to the fstab options.

        Please Read Me


          It might be because your using /media/mycloud and the permissions there are root. Normally, your user will have a folder under /media that you can access, like;

          ls -l /media
          drwxr-x---+ root root 0 Aug 19  16:03 bill
          anything you plug in would fall under that. Check /media/mycloud and make sure it's your owner/group:

          sudo chown bill:bill /media/mycloud

          Please Read Me


            Thanks, I tried home/media/mycloud and got
            An error occurred while accessing 'mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public on', the system responded: mount: /home/bill/media/mycloud: operation permitted for root only.
            ls -l media
            total 4
            drwxrwxr-x 2 bill bill 4096 Aug 27 14:18 mycloud

            Does this help?


              It must be something with the target folder. As a test, make a new folder and attempt to mount it there using fstab.

              sudo mkdir /mnt/test
              sudo nano /etc/fstab
              ---> change /media/mycloud to /mnt/test and save. Then

              sudo umount [COLOR=#333333][/COLOR]
              sudo mount /mnt/test
              ls /mnt/test
              If the last command shows your files, we know it's the mount point.

              Please Read Me


                Thanks oshunluvr
                Changed to /mnt/test, same result, no files in /mnt/test and Dolphin says:-
                An error occurred while accessing 'mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public on', the system responded: mount: /home/bill/mnt/test: operation permitted for root only


                  For grins and giggles I signed up with MEGA for their free 50Gb cloud service, just to see what it is like. It uses a browser interface (and supplies a FF extension which works on my 61.0.1 FF) and I just drag and drop to or from my MEGA account. Piece of cake. Just the way Google Drive worked (oh so many years ago when I tried it). What it doesn't do is sync up with a designated directory into which you can drag and drop, or remove from, files and your actions are mirrored at MEGA. I can use it with my iPhone or my wife's computer, and I can create shared links for one or more people. Nice. IF I wanted to move to 200Gb of storage it would cost me $

                  I think I stick with my 128Gb USB sticks.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    The issue must be related to the NAS but I can't imagine what. If you mount it using "sudo" it's the same as mounting it in fstab.

                    Also I notice you've switched directories. Your initial mount was to "/media/mycloud" then you switched to your home. I can't understand why that would make a difference, but it's better general troubleshooting technique to not change horses midstream. You could introduce an unexpected change to the outcome. When testing something like this, stay as consistent as possible and change only one thing at a time. When the one thing fails, revert to the original and then change one other thing, and so on until you figure out which thing is the issue.

                    Please Read Me

