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BURG Theme Editing

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    BURG Theme Editing

    Alright so I realize not a lot of people use BURG but I am a huge fan and I love it. I have been using it for a long time and just have not gotten around to asking anyone about this.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	burg-example.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	19.2 KB
ID:	649288
    What I am trying to accomplish is to move the selection area and contents down so it is below the background text. I have no idea what to change to accomplish this. Below are the text files with the theme, which I have altered from another theme. If anyone has any ideas, let me know! The text files are below, seperated by File: (filename). There are 4 in total.

    File: extended

    include "theme"

    screen {
    background = "$$/background.png"

    panel {
    halign = center
    attach_vcenter = 0
    height = 19
    # Flip so the cursor defaults to the main menu
    direction = bottom_to_top

    ### Main Menu ###
    panel {
    height = 15
    max_width = 120
    margin_top = 1
    class = container-body
    # No need for a min width and centering panel because extended width > min width

    direction = left_to_right
    anchor = 1
    id = __menu__

    panel {
    height = 4
    width = 100%
    class = container-title

    direction = left_to_right

    image {
    image = "$$/images/txt-select.png"
    attach_top = 0
    attach_left = 0

    ### Tools Menu ###
    image {
    attach_right = 2
    image = "$$/images/button-tools.png:$$/images/button-tools-hover.png"
    command = "menu_popup tools_menu"

    ### Progress Bar ###
    panel {
    halign = center
    attach_vcenter = 20
    width = 80
    class = progressbar-background
    id = __timeout__

    progressbar { }

    template_menuitem {
    panel {
    width = 40
    height = 12

    parameters = "class=image.class:title=panel.text.text"

    image {
    attach_vcenter = 0
    attach_hcenter = 0

    panel {
    attach_vcenter = 0
    attach_hcenter = 0
    class = text-line
    text { font = "Helvetica Regular 22" }

    File: menus

    tools_menu {
    panel {
    class = overlay

    panel {
    attach_hcenter = 0
    attach_vcenter = 0
    width = 30

    panel {
    class = dialog-title
    image { image = "$$/images/txt-tools.png" attach_left = 0 }

    panel {
    class = dialog-body

    text { class = br }

    text {
    text = "Toggle Mode"
    command = "menu_toggle_mode"
    class = text-menu-item
    text {
    command = "menu_popup term_window"
    class = text-menu-item
    text {
    text = "Restart"
    command = reboot
    class = text-menu-item
    text {
    text = "Shutdown"
    command = halt
    class = text-menu-item
    text {
    text = "Help"
    command = "menu_popup help"
    class = text-menu-item
    text {
    text = "About"
    command = "menu_popup about"
    class = text-menu-item

    about {
    panel {
    class = overlay

    panel {
    attach_hcenter = 0
    attach_vcenter = 0
    margin_left = 2
    width = 60

    panel {
    class = dialog-title
    image { image = "$$/images/txt-about.png" attach_left = 0 }

    panel {
    class = dialog-body

    text { class = br }
    text { text = "Fortune v0.3 for BURG" class = "dialog-text" }
    text { class = br }
    text { text = "Created by Rob Hartley" class = "dialog-text" }
    text { text = "Icons from 'Faenza' theme" class = dialog-text }
    text { class = br }
    text { text = "Wallpaper from DeviantArt" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "Credit to BURG team for an awesome loader" class = dialog-text }
    text { class = br }

    panel {
    halign = center
    class = button
    command = true

    text { text = OK class = button-text }

    help {
    panel {
    class = overlay

    panel {
    attach_hcenter = 0
    attach_vcenter = 0
    margin_left = 2
    width = 48

    panel {
    class = dialog-title
    image { image = "$$/images/txt-help.png" attach_left = 0 }

    panel {
    class = dialog-body

    text { text = "F1/h - Help" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "F2/t - Change theme" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "F3/r - Change resolution" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "F5/ctrl-x - Finish edit" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "F6 - Next window" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "F7 - Show folded items" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "F8 - Toggle between text and graphic mode" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "F9 - Shutdown" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "F10 - Reboot" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "f - Toggle between folded and unfolded mode" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "c - Open terminal" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "2 - Open two terminals" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "e - Edit current command" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "q - Quit graphic mode" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "i - Show theme information" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "n - Next item with the same class" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "w - Next windows item" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "u - Next ubuntu item" class = dialog-text }
    text { text = "ESC - Exit from window or menu" class = dialog-text }

    panel {
    halign = center
    class = button
    command = true

    text { text = OK class = button-text }

    term_window {
    panel {
    class = terminal
    width = 100%
    height = 100%
    term {

    two_term {
    panel {
    width = 100%
    height = 100%
    direction = left_to_right

    panel {
    class = terminal
    extend = 1

    term {

    panel {
    class = terminal
    extend = 1

    term {

    File: style

    +class {
    ### Default Elements ###
    screen {
    background = ",,blue"

    text {
    color = "light-gray:black"
    font = "Helvetica Bold 27"

    progressbar {
    width = 80%
    height = 20/1
    color = "#ffffff:#666666"

    edit {
    color = "cyan/blue:dark-gray/blue"

    password {
    color = "cyan/blue:dark-gray/blue"

    term {
    color = "gray/blue:white/blue"

    ### Text Styles ###
    br {
    text = "- "
    font = "Unifont Regular 16"

    text-menu-item {
    color = "gray:black"
    font = "Helvetica Bold 27"

    dialog-title-text {
    halign = center
    color = "black"

    dialog-text {
    color = "black"
    font = "Helvetica Bold 27"

    button-text {
    font = "Helvetica Bold 29"
    color = "white"

    ### Panel Styles ###
    text-line {
    left = ",,,#0x0020:$$/images/text-line-l.png"
    background = ",,,#0x0020:$$/images/dialog-bg.png"
    right = ",,,#0x0020:$$/images/text-line-r.png"

    button {
    left = "$$/images/button-l.png:$$/images/button-hover-l.png"
    background = "$$/images/button-bg.png:$$/images/button-hover-bg.png"
    right = "$$/images/button-r.png:$$/images/button-hover-r.png"
    margin_left = 2
    margin_right = 2
    margin_top = 3/0
    margin_bottom = 3/0

    terminal {
    top_left = ",,light-gray/black,#0x2554:,,white/black,#0x250F"
    top = ",,light-gray/black,#0x2550:,tiling,white/black,#0x2501"
    top_right = ",,light-gray/black,#0x2557:,,white/black,#0x2513"
    left = ",,light-gray/black,#0x2551:,tiling,white/black,#0x2503"
    right = ",,light-gray/black,#0x2551:,tiling,white/black,#0x2503"
    bottom_left = ",,light-gray/black,#0x255A:,,white/black,#0x2517"
    bottom = ",,light-gray/black,#0x2550:,tiling,white/black,#0x2501"
    bottom_right = ",,light-gray/black,#0x255D:,tiling,white/black,#0x251B"

    progressbar-background {
    top_left = "$$/images/progressbar-bg-tl.png"
    top = "$$/images/progressbar-bg-t.png"
    top_right = "$$/images/progressbar-bg-tr.png"
    left = "$$/images/progressbar-bg-l.png"
    background = "$$/images/progressbar-bg.png"
    right = "$$/images/progressbar-bg-r.png"
    bottom_left = "$$/images/progressbar-bg-bl.png"
    bottom = "$$/images/progressbar-bg-b.png"
    bottom_right = "$$/images/progressbar-bg-br.png"

    dialog {
    top_left = "$$/images/dialog-tl.png"
    top = "$$/images/dialog-t.png"
    top_right = "$$/images/dialog-tr.png"
    left = "$$/images/dialog-lr.png"
    background = "$$/images/dialog-bg.png"
    right = "$$/images/dialog-lr.png"
    bottom_left = "$$/images/dialog-bl.png"
    bottom = "$$/images/dialog-b.png"
    bottom_right = "$$/images/dialog-br.png"

    dialog-title {
    top_left = "$$/images/dialog-tl.png"
    top = "$$/images/dialog-t.png"
    top_right = "$$/images/dialog-tr.png"
    left = "$$/images/dialog-lr.png"
    background = "$$/images/dialog-bg.png"
    right = "$$/images/dialog-lr.png"
    bottom_left = "$$/images/dialog-spacer.png"
    bottom = "$$/images/dialog-spacer.png"
    bottom_right = "$$/images/dialog-spacer.png"

    dialog-body {
    left = "$$/images/dialog-lr.png"
    background = "$$/images/dialog-bg.png"
    right = "$$/images/dialog-lr.png"
    bottom_left = "$$/images/dialog-bl.png"
    bottom = "$$/images/dialog-b.png"
    bottom_right = "$$/images/dialog-br.png"

    # container-title {
    # top_left = "$$/images/container-title-tl.png"
    # top = "$$/images/container-title-t.png"
    # top_right = "$$/images/container-title-tr.png"
    # left = "$$/images/container-title-l.png"
    # background = "$$/images/container-title-bg.png"
    # right = "$$/images/container-title-r.png"
    # }

    container-body {
    top_left = "$$/images/container-tl.png"
    top = "$$/images/container-t.png"
    top_right = "$$/images/container-tr.png"
    left = "$$/images/container-l.png"
    background = "$$/images/container-bg.png"
    right = "$$/images/container-r.png"
    bottom_left = "$$/images/container-bl.png"
    bottom = "$$/images/container-b.png"
    bottom_right = "$$/images/container-br.png"

    overlay {
    height = 100%
    width = 100%
    absolute = 1

    File: theme

    include "menus"
    include "../icons/hover"
    include "icons/hover"
    include "style"

    screen {
    background = "$$/background.png"

    panel {
    halign = center
    attach_vcenter = 0
    height = 16
    # Flip so the cursor defaults to the main menu
    direction = bottom_to_top

    ### Main Menu ###
    panel {
    min_width = 36
    class = container-body
    height = 19
    # margin_top = 0
    max_width = 128

    panel {
    halign = center

    space = 0
    direction = left_to_right
    anchor = 1
    id = __menu__
    popup = bottom

    panel {
    halign = center
    height = 4
    min_width = 36
    class = container-title

    space = 0
    direction = left_to_right
    anchor = 1

    image {
    image = "$$/images/txt-select.png"
    attach_top = 0
    attach_left = 5

    ### Tools Menu ###
    # image {
    # attach_right = 2
    # image = "$$/images/button-tools.png:$$/images/button-tools-hover.png"
    # command = "menu_popup tools_menu"
    # }

    ### Progress Bar ###
    panel {
    halign = center
    attach_bottom = 4
    width = 70
    class = progressbar-background
    id = __timeout__

    progressbar { }

    template_menuitem {
    panel {
    width = 24
    height = 10

    parameters = "class=image.class:title=panel.text.text"

    ### Icon ###
    image {
    attach_vcenter = 0
    attach_hcenter = 0

    ### Text ###
    # panel {
    # attach_vcenter = 0
    # attach_hcenter = 0
    # margin_left = 1
    # margin_right = 1
    # class = text-line
    # text {}
    # }

    template_submenu {
    panel {
    class = dialog

    template_subitem {
    panel {
    parameters = "title=text.text"
    text {}

    template_popup {
    panel {
    attach_hcenter = 0
    attach_vcenter = 0
    class = dialog

    dialog_line {
    panel {
    parameters = "text=edit.text"
    class = dialog
    width = 60
    attach_hcenter = 0
    attach_vcenter = 0

    edit {
    lines = 1
    max_lines = 1

    dialog_edit {
    panel {
    parameters = "text=edit.text"
    class = dialog
    width = 90
    attach_hcenter = 0
    attach_vcenter = 0

    edit {
    lines = 10

    dialog_message {
    panel {
    parameters = "text=text.text"
    class = dialog
    margin_size = 1
    margin_bottom = 0
    space = 1
    attach_hcenter = 0
    attach_vcenter = 0
    text {}
    panel {
    class = button
    command = true
    halign = center
    text { text = OK class = button-text }

    dialog_password {
    panel {
    parameters = "username=__user__.textassword=__pass__.text"
    class = dialog
    margin_size = 1
    margin_bottom = 0
    attach_hcenter = 0
    attach_vcenter = 0

    panel {
    direction = left_to_right
    space = 1
    text {
    extend = 1
    valign = center
    text = Username

    panel {
    margin_left = 1
    margin_right = 1
    edit {
    id = __user__
    max_lines = 1

    panel {
    direction = left_to_right
    space = 1
    text {
    extend = 1
    valign = center
    text = Password
    panel {
    margin_left = 1
    margin_right = 1
    password {
    id = __pass__

    panel {
    class = button
    command = true
    halign = center
    margin_left = 1
    margin_right = 1
    text {
    text = OK
    class = button-text

    I don't know how to solve your problem, but I did drop in to say LONG LIVE AMIGA

    Edit: Also, I love BURG I can't use it on my desktop because UEFI but on my main laptop I run BURG instead of GRUB and it does the job perfectly while looking great


      Have you seen this?
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Originally posted by GKNByNW View Post
        I don't know how to solve your problem, but I did drop in to say LONG LIVE AMIGA

        Edit: Also, I love BURG I can't use it on my desktop because UEFI but on my main laptop I run BURG instead of GRUB and it does the job perfectly while looking great
        Love Amiga I have made several themes for Kubuntu available free on If you try hard emough you can even get a window theme but i did not make that one heh. Thanks!


          Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
          I have not! Will definately read thoroughly when I get home. Thank you!!!

