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audiocd:\ where in file system?

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    audiocd:\ where in file system?


    A few days ago I updated my system from kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.? to kubuntu 10.10 with KDE4.5. I've been pretty happy about it until some hours ago.
    I used to use dBpoweramp (launched by wine) to rip CDs and I want to keep doing it that way. Therefore one has to assign the mount point of audio cds to a certain device letter (wine/windows wants it this way) to be able to use the cd drive within dBpoweramp.
    audiocd:/ doesn't work. /media/cdrom/ which I used in kubuntu 8.04 doesn't work either, because audio cds are not mounted there anymore. Can anyone tell me where in the file system I can find the content of my audio cds? Where exactly is audiocd:/?

    Re: audiocd:\ where in file system?

    Hehe good question, I've used Linux for many years and this is indeed strange.

    The audio CD immediately shows up in Dolphin but the path is just advertised as >audiocd:
    Various players do see the CD and play it.

    Anyhow when you run this command you'll know 8)
    wodim --devices
    For ripping I would use the build-in options of Dolphin but K3B works fine as well, for me no need what so ever to run something in wine.

    Maybe it's possible to manually mount /dev/sr0 to a fixed point.


      Re: audiocd:\ where in file system?

      A lot has changed since 8.04. Cd's are usually mounted automatically under /media/<DISK OR DEVICE NAME>

      You can always manually mount them anywhere you want.

      However, you might consider exploring the newer options available to you to perform this task...

      Please Read Me


        Re: audiocd:\ where in file system?

        Thanks for your answers.
        I just figured out a way to make it work. In wine's configuration there is a button to autodetect drives that I just never used. When I did it worked even thou I don't see the difference to what I put in manually.
        Maybe I will try out K3B at some point, but so far dBpoweramp has covered everything I want in a good ripping program better than any other program I tried.


          Re: audiocd:\ where in file system?

          Well, you jumped from 8.04/KDE3.10 (both dead) into a brave new world! Since you're flying - why not stretch your wings and dump the microslop world all together? 8)

          There are more choices than k3b also, of course.

          Curious: I assumed you stuck with 8.04 for this long because it was LTS and supported until end of life: next month. What made you want to try 10.10 rather than 10.04LTS?

          Feel free to tell me to bugger off or ignore me if you don't want to say.

          Please Read Me


            Re: audiocd:\ where in file system?

            Well, actually I did try 9.04 or 9.10, but I had trouble with the networkmanager. Back then I was absolutely new to Linux and didn't want to bother with that problem. So, I just moved back to 8.04. Last summer I found a solution for the problem with the networkmanager (wicd solved it). But at that time I didn't want to mess with my working system, because I was working on my diploma thesis. Now that I am all done with my studies I found the time to "jump [...] into a brave new world".


              Re: audiocd:\ where in file system?

              That makes sense. I think KNetworkManager got better in 10.10 - at least the last install I did it worked fine so I left it alone. Hopefully in 11.04 it'll be even better.

              I'm still using 10.04 on my desktop mostly because I spend weeks or months tweaking and setting it up the way I want only to have the latest-and-greatest roll out.

              I'm planning on waiting a few weeks after 11.04 and then doing a new install. Really - once a year of the is enough!

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