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Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now! :)

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    Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now! :)

    New poll for final impressions for lucid. I select b because for some problems i have.
    -Problem with plymouth. I think plymouth was the worst decision for lucid. Is not stable and create too many problems to final users. I dont know why developer choose this programme to an LTS version.
    -No suspend. This is my big problem with this version. After two years i have no suspend
    Finally i expect more from LTS version but lucid is not bad. Is good distro but needs many bug fixes to be perfect.
    I give it an A, this version of kubuntu is looking great!
    I'll go with a B. This looks good, though...
    C for me. There are some issues.
    I give it a D. I'm not impressed.
    I'd go with F. The Lucid is terrible!!!

    Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

    Downloaded the 10.04 LiveCD .iso last night. Burned it and tried it out. Everything of initial importance worked. The initial boot screen - worked. The desktop resolution for my laptop was correct (1440x900 WS). Sound was working. Screen brightness controls - worked. Network detected and works.

    Looks like I'll be replacing my Kubuntu 9.04 installation with LL.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

      Running Kubuntu10.4 on HP G60-530US
      Upgraded from 9.10 by doing a semi clean install (ie formatted root but kept home)
      I had a number of issues some resolved and some not
      So far I have found these

      On install from alternative CD got no option to add a proxy (I use apt-cacher and then forgot to add apt.conf)

      System settings>software management
      Password dialogue often does not come to the top and get focus - waits for authentication

      mp3 did not play in Amarok even though prompted to install extras and accepted - resolved after reboot

      Free mind installed but not on menu - fixed after reboot

      Sound - none through headphone/external speakers - appeared after reboot but from internal speakers at same time
      mixer only shows master, 2 mics and IEC958 (no level only mute) and can't add any others - PCM level appeared after reboot
      Skype and Audacity do not pick up anything from internal mic

      Search on start menu does not work properly - google does not bring up Google Earth, umit does not bring up Umit for example - resolved after reboot

      After install had to install more language packs for selected system language - prompt repeated after a reboot.

      Switch on touchpad does not control touchpad (can switch on and off using system settings)

      USB hard drive not spun down on safely remove - gnome disk utility does spin it down though (or udisks)

      odt docs opens by default with okular not writer - ark is the second option on a right click 'open with' then writer but ods opens with calc, as expected
      chart defaults to ark, database was not installed by default at all but ok once installed

      Akonadi fell over first of all but seems to have resolved itself without me knowingly doing anything

      Plain yucky blue desktop - hate it and only one (Ethias) washed out blue wallpaper to choose from. Will have to download something else.

      Like the new device notifier esp the auto mount feature also think the notification thingy is better than before. Widgit adding process nicer than before.


        Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!


        The last two releases of Kubuntu have been disasters for me. I did the online upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 and it broke everything. I had to wipe the hard drive and do a fresh install. It worked Ok after that until I got ready to upgrade it to 10.04. I did the most recent 9.10 update per the upgrade instructions, and it blew my hard drive away - no partition table at all. So I reinstalled 9.10, downloaded the 10.04 iso, burned it and installed fresh. The list of woes:

        nvidia driver can't do Xinerama - an absolute must feature
        Can't turn on desktop effects - they're disabled (compositing is not supported on your system)
        akonadi won't run properly - ignores XDG_DATA_DIRS env variable in .bashrc
        akonadi and npviewer are eating my resources alive - performance tanks within an hour of reboot

        I think Canonical needs to re-evaluate its release cycle and slow things down a bit. There isn't nearly enough QA going on in that shop.


          Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

          Just finished a 'net upgrade. Smooth, simple, boringly easy. Nothing that I've tried has failed.

          Somebody deserves a very hearty handshake and free beer!!
          The next brick house on the left
          Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


            Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

            8) Wow. Just stunning. The last (and only) time I tried to run different activities in different desktops (I think it was Karmic) , my system instantly went down like a sack of potatoes. Now, with nine activities on nine deskttops, Kubuntu has run all weekend with nary a hiccup.

            This changes everything. When I could only run 1 activity, the widgets were a huge compulsive distraction, as I kept trying to figure out the best way to utilize the widgets in my limited space, but now, I can just put down what I want where I want. For two years, I was a die hard KDE4 hater... and now I've been converted in a weekend. I'm going to be eating a lot of crow, but it's going to taste like thanksgiving dinner. Never have I been so delighted to be proven so wrong!

            I downloaded and installed the plasmacon widget, and I highly recommend it. It's a terminal emulator, obviouisly based on konsole, but it's got its own easy tab system. (Tabs are not enabled by default; you have to use the settings. ) I'm going to use plasmacon as much as possible. I'm going to use it to keep emacs open and handy while I'm writing, and to chat with irssi.

            It's been a long time since I've been so impressed with a release. I was worried that maybe the thrill was gone, and I've been having serious freeze up problems with every recent release I've tried from every distro, even Slackware 13.0. I was wondering if maybe the developers had lost interest in supporting guys like me with a mere Pentium 4 machine.

            And I've never been particularly fond of kubuntu, especially after it was an early adopter of KDE4... well, I guess maybe that decision paid off in the end. Oh, I was SO very wrong about this. I'll tell anybody who cares to ask.

            I could go on and on, and I'm sure I will. I'm getting better flash video. I used to have to log out of KDE to watch hulu in Xubuntu, but that's no longer necessary.

            If there is a fly in the ointment, I think I would have encountered it by now, and even if the whole thing crasahes, never to go up again. I've seen this from a whole new angle.

            Stunning. I'm stunned.


              Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

              Oh, really now. Just say what you want - don't hold back.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

                I have been using 10.04 since the very first tentative steps, past the official pre-alpha, to beta and now to the current version.

                This incarnation of the Kubuntu OS has been surprisingly good and smooth. Most of the 'issues' I encountered were actually home-made. Well, except the disastrous update that converted the screen into a moonscape of unrelated, disgusting color blotches.

                Anyway, good work. And in my opinion a smoother transition than the one to 9.04. Congratulations to the team.

                As soon as I find time to reorganize my hard drives and partitions, I will eliminate 9.04 and install the next version of Kubuntu - to prevent life from becoming too uneventful and boring.

                Originally posted by Snowhog

                Looks like I'll be replacing my Kubuntu 9.04 installation with LL.


                  Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

                  Originally posted by PJJ
                  Originally posted by Snowhog

                  Looks like I'll be replacing my Kubuntu 9.04 installation with LL.
                  Posted elsewhere, but did the deed this morning, but replaced my Ubuntu 9.04 OS instead. Now I'm 100% Kubuntu with LL 10.04, KK 9.10, and JJ 9.04. 8)
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

                    I'm satisfied with it overall. Had some huge issues early on with my display. On installation, it incorrectly detected my monitor as being 2016x1940 instead of 1920x1080. Once I installed the Nvidia proprietary drivers, kdm would no longer boot properly. However, it turns out that this is due to the current Nvidia drivers not fully supporting the GT 330M cards. In order for it to work, I had to extract my EDID information from windoze and point xorg to it myself. After a bit of tinkering, it works fine now. The splash screen is ugly (something with the graphics card, I'm sure) but I've since turned it off.

                    Performance-wise, this is a great-looking OS that performs as great as it looks. Some kinks here and there, but overall I am pleased!
                    Sony Vaio VGN NR260E<br />Linux Kubuntu 9.04\Windoze 7 Professional<br /><br />Sony Vaio VPCF1190X<br />Linux Kubuntu 10.04/Windoze 7 Home Premium<br /><br />Linux user #478627


                      Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

                      I seem to have broken it a little when i tried to enable desktop effects. Ever since, I periodically end up crashing into "low graphics" mode. So I decided to be anal about it and reinstall. It'll be worth it to avoid the interruptions. I won't try the desktop effects again until my new (old) computer arrives from


                        Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

                        I am using Kubuntu LL Netbook Edition. I have gave it a C because there are some issues with openjdk-6-jre, icedtea6-plugin and default-jre with konqueror. But overall I like kne LL very much. I have tried other UNE, Xubuntu and Lubuntu. But I like Konqueroras my main browser, so I am keeping with KDE Kubuntu Netbook Edition.

                        If anyone would like to help a fellow kubuntu user with the openjava issues, just let me know on these foras and/or emailing me.

                        Thanks in advance, Knux21 aka Daniel Hallett
                        Daniel Hallett aka Knux21


                          Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

                          My only complaints are pulesaudio making AbiWord crash, the sound going out in Firefox and Opera after playing one video in Youtube and BBC iPlayer and that horrible Plymonth screen.

                          Did anyone see the bootup screen for Ubuntu 9.10 with those great lighting effects? That was the best looking most classy and professional bootup screen I’ve ever seen in any free or commercial OS.

                          And there’s a problem with the CPU overheating but over all I think 10.04 is the best Kubuntu so far and besides Linux Mint has the same problems, PCLOS is no good for art stuff and Pardus isn’t far enough along in it’s development yet.


                            Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

                            I already put this under gripes. I gave this an A but it is like a 92%

                            SystemSettings >> Advanced >> PolicyKit Authorizations has been removed and therefore I can't give myself privileges to mount internal partitions without password. Same deal with Kpackagekit. I am the only user of my laptop. I really would like myself to be able to pull these things off without being prompted.


                              Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Final Impressions: Vote now!

                              maestrobwh1 -

                              I've added the question to KDE Community Forums: PolicyKit Authorizations - why was it removed?

                              Will be interesting to see what answer I get.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

