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Rfc 9999

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    Rfc 9999

    Kubuntu Forums Extremely Silly Posts (KFESP)
    Request for Comments: 9999½
    BCP: 222 July 2019
    Updates: None
    Category: Worst Current Practice

    Making things human-friendly.


    I'm recently pensioned off and have a lot of time on my hands.

    Status of This Memo

    This memo is a joke, not to be taken seriously, and, well, you know.

    Copyright Notice

    I had one lying around somewhere, but I can't find it at the moment.

    1. Introduction

    It used to be that network interfaces had silly but manageable (with a bit of effort and some memory work) naming schemes. Like eth0, or wlan0.
    Some evil naming schemes are at work, and they are now progressively being called things like enp3s0, enp2s0f0 , wlp3s0, and even wlx503eaad8b868.
    Which makes it more and more annoying to type into a command line.

    Disk partitions also tend to move from things like /dev/sda1 to /dev/nvme0n1, /dev/mmcblk0, and the like.

    2. Proposed Specification Changes

    Make an auto-translating default utility available mandatory that leaves the underlying evil naming scheme to the system and makes a pretty, human-readable, bucolic, arcadian naming option available to the user.

    3. Security Considerations

    Who gives a fig. It's a translation utility. The system can pursue its evil schemes as much as it wants.

    4. References

    Try using a recent version of Kubuntu.

    4.1. Informative References

    See "Status of This Memo"


    I guess I have a right to consult a solicitor (I actually know a couple) before I acknowledge anything.

    Author's Address

    Somewhere in the Balearic Islands.

    Author's Address

    Somewhere in the Balearic Islands.
    I lived in Ciutadella for about 18 months, back when I was about 14. 1981-ish. My father was in the US Air Force and somehow got stationed at a communication relay site on Menorca.


      See: 3. Security Considerations.

      Just kidding, lovely place Ciutadella, a balearic St. Tropez :·)
      Last time I was there, though... I had a boatload of Frenchmen, they had ABBA on full-volume, full-loop, all the time.
      It was that close to the Menorca Massacre

