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VNCServer kubuntu 18.04.02

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    VNCServer kubuntu 18.04.02

    I've read the following
    But they are for older versions.
    Will these instructions still work? I've looked and search the internet, and most if not all the instructions are either for xfce desktop (Bugger off on that) or some weird version of something that doesn't work
    I can manually run from command 'vncserver' and the server./service starts. I have attempted to add it to the autostart area but it doesn't work.

    Q-How do I get vncserver or vnc service so I may remotly access my other computer without having to manually go there each day and log in, and start the service... PS I wish to depoly this across multiple desktops.
    Thanks In Advance

    Here is what I found:

    Skipping the xfce stuff, and changing the desktop startup command from startxfce4 to startkde

    These use different vnc server software. I don't know which is better. It has been probably a decade since I used VNC. Probably x11vnc may be the better choice.

    Also, I am not sure how well a Plasma desktop will work with VNC, as it does make heavy use of opengl, which may not work well on VNC. Gnome and Plasma are known to be problematic. These tutorials use Xfce or Lxde as these are well known to work well .


      Yep! Already found them before and followed them. I ended up with a screwed up desktop thanks to XFCE.
      Originally posted by claydoh View Post
      Skipping the xfce stuff, and changing the desktop startup command from startxfce4 to startkde

      These use different vnc server software. I don't know which is better. It has been probably a decade since I used VNC. Probably x11vnc may be the better choice.
      Also, I am not sure how well a Plasma desktop will work with VNC, as it does make heavy use of opengl, which may not work well on VNC. Gnome and Plasma are known to be problematic. These tutorials use Xfce or Lxde as these are well known to work well .
      Thanks Kangaroo on a Bike (Aussie Postie?) Claydoh

      So I should ditch KDE and use that stupid mouse version? Why?
      Is there an alternative remote desktop that DOESN'T use a frigging internet service or Windows. This is Linux. It should be available and easy to use.
      --With those instructions above I've also tried tightvnc but all I got was errors when trying the commands, and most of the instructions assumed you were using Windows.
      Last edited by CharlieDaves; Jul 02, 2019, 07:32 PM. Reason: spelling


        You NEED to have a network between the host and the client. VNC is for remote viewing and running over a network, it doesn't have to be over the internet a local network is fine. You can use KDE over VNC but as Clay pointed out both KDE and GNOME use OpenGL alot and that doesn't work so great over the network (always) When running kde remotely you should (if its really slow) to first disable the desktop effects. That should help with the remote drawing. If you only want a remote shell interface you can use ssh to do this. ( Info Here )

        For auto starting things you can either enable them with a systemD unit. This is usually the method for services. Usually on *buntu these are "enabled" if you installed the server package. For post login you can add it to Autostart stuff with in system settings. you could also let those machines auto login a user this will skip the log screen but will start their auto start items.

        ~/.config/autostart or ~/.config/autostart-scripts are the folders where these run from (in case you were wondering what happens when you make an auto start entry)

        I use a script to start barrier ( a kbd / mouse sharing tool ) on my remote client as it can not be run correctly as a service(for reasons) and to log in to the machine i need a keyboard / mouse (this machine has nothing but a network and display connection). So to avoid this issue while keeping the machine secure i setup automatic login w/ a script to start the app then lock the session
        sleep 1
        barrier &
        sleep 1 &
        loginctl lock-session
        I save this as then add it in System settings - > Start up Shutdown -> Autostart as a start up script. ( that copies it to ~/.config/autostart-scripts)
        Hopefully this helps.
        Last edited by sithlord48; Jul 03, 2019, 06:15 AM.
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
        (top of thread: thread tools)


          thanks SITHLORD48
          ssh wont work in my situation, I have spent too many years using micro soft, and command lines still confuse me, I've crash several computers typing the wrong switch/variable in.
          I suscpt I have done the same thing here, as I attempted to put tightvnc on, and it keep crashing about half way through the installation. I tried to remove and purge but it didn't work all that well.

          After following CLAHDOH instructions I did that without the xfce stuff.
          Some things crashed. I had a devil face and the blue blob. I soon as I click on it, it just asks me to restart some /lib/kde?? thing. I didn't write it down, and it was a different word to whatever the message box was
          sithlord48 script box. What is that going to do?

          From reading through and other I get wonderful advice on how it works, and I even found a page that described all the commends used. No installation instructions.
          all I need is vncserver to autostart when the computer starts. I am aware of the slow response, and I have switched most of the desktop effects off. I am still switching them off one by one now to see what they do.
          FYI I use kubuntu directly out of the box. (I was prompted to update comics the other day which is something I don't use, and don't know why it's installed. I have previously attempted to remove such rubbish only to end with the PC not booting due to something not there.. It's like this extra garbage is installed as part of the base OS.)--Sorry me just complaining.

          I am asuming that some KDE users use vnc in some capacity, on their desktops. Someone must have some helpful guides on what they did.

          Thanks SITHLORD48 & CLAHDOH


            I gave up on remote desktop software as it was too limiting, slow, and unreliable

            There are many other options for Linux remote desktop, such as nomachines and Team Viewer that would be useful to investigate. Don't limit it to KDE stuff KRDC is horribly unreliable, and I believe not well maintained, Likely due to lack of people using it.

            I tooK a look at what I was actually doing on my PC, either locally or from work, and decided that a full desktop GUI access was a waste of effort. I mainly updated, transferred or viewed files, and restarted it, that sort of thing. I wasn't running any actual gui programs on it

            I access my PC files using Dolphin and ssh.Updates and restarting are simple commands. Yes, it may seem daunting, but I am an idiot, and I manage not to mess up (too often). I may be an idiot, but I am a master of copy-pasta, and the use of tab-completion for commands and directories, because not only am I lazy, and can't type for crap, I am also fairly dyslexic. And I manage. No, I do NOT live in the command line, I use it for the simple or the repetitive tasks where it is way faster, or I am tinkering with a guide open.

            Now, for the comics thing, that is just a plasma widget, one of the core ones that come with Plasma by default. One that is fairly popular, and sometimes there is a fix for when a source has a url change or something. These are very simple things, and they aren't being used if you don't have the widget added to the desktop. As to default software, most distros have a set that they think is a reasonable choice that many would find useful. Kubuntu has such a set, and the normal, full install provides things such as games, an office suite, and a mail/personal organizer suite as well. But there is the option in the installer for a Minimal install, that just has the core Plasma desktop, which includes nothing outside the core utilities like System Settings and Dolphin. That core Plasma will include the base Widgets, which does include the Comic one. it leaves out most all of the chaff, for you to add what you want as needed.

            I don't think you can just delete one system level widget without doing so manually, but the comic widget is part of the package plasma-widgets-addons which should be safe to uninstall using Muon or apt, but it also removes a number the other desktop and panel widgets (but not all ). I don't have an 18.04 system to check, but it uninstalls fine for me.

            When trying to uninstall something you think may not be important, you do have to see what it removes as well, before proceeding with the removal. If in doubt, do not be afraid to ask.

            Distros try to make things less complicated form users, and that may mean that there may some tiny things (or even some not so tiny) that are difficult to remove. If you keep finding things you feel you need or want to remove, then it becomes a situation where you have to become that 'advanced command line user' ( that is not really hard, but is scary-looking), or use a distro that is way more hands on, like Arch or Gentoo, where you have to become an uber-leet linux master.Sort of. Or just be able to follow the lengthy set of instructions. Again, if there is something you want to try, don't hesitate to ask, someone here may have tried it, or may be curious and do some investigating and may find a solution.


              Originally posted by claydoh View Post
              I gave up on remote desktop software as it was too limiting, slow, and unreliable

              There are many other options for Linux remote desktop, such as nomachines and Team Viewer that would be useful to investigate. Don't limit it to KDE stuff KRDC is horribly unreliable, and I believe not well maintained, Likely due to lack of people using it.

              I access my PC files using Dolphin and ssh.Updates and restarting are simple commands. Yes, it may seem daunting, but I am an idiot, and I manage not to mess up (too often). I may be an idiot, but I am a master of copy-pasta, and the use of tab-completion for commands and directories, because not only am I lazy, and can't type for crap, I am also fairly dyslexic. And I manage. No, I do NOT live in the command line, I use it for the simple or the repetitive tasks where it is way faster, or I am tinkering with a guide open.
              Me too, I transfer files over via Dolphin.
              My Main objective now is to get a VM up and running on this other linux computer due to processor and memory (My current main(thisone) is crap). Sitting in front of the other computer is bad as it's currently used as a HTPC, and has a small Keyboard and Mouse.

              Originally posted by claydoh View Post
              Now, for the comics thing, that is just a plasma widget, one of the core ones that come with Plasma by default. One that is fairly popular, and sometimes there is a fix for when a source has a url change or something. These are very simple things, and they aren't being used if you don't have the widget added to the desktop. As to default software, most distros have a set that they think is a reasonable choice that many would find useful. Kubuntu has such a set, and the normal, full install provides things such as games, an office suite, and a mail/personal organizer suite as well. But there is the option in the installer for a Minimal install, that just has the core Plasma desktop, which includes nothing outside the core utilities like System Settings and Dolphin. That core Plasma will include the base Widgets, which does include the Comic one. it leaves out most all of the chaff, for you to add what you want as needed.

              I don't think you can just delete one system level widget without doing so manually, but the comic widget is part of the package plasma-widgets-addons which should be safe to uninstall using Muon or apt, but it also removes a number the other desktop and panel widgets (but not all ). I don't have an 18.04 system to check, but it uninstalls fine for me.

              When trying to uninstall something you think may not be important, you do have to see what it removes as well, before proceeding with the removal. If in doubt, do not be afraid to ask.
              I'll start a new thread regarding this (after looking)
              Originally posted by claydoh View Post

              Distros try to make things less complicated form users, and that may mean that there may some tiny things (or even some not so tiny) that are difficult to remove. If you keep finding things you feel you need or want to remove, then it becomes a situation where you have to become that 'advanced command line user' ( that is not really hard, but is scary-looking), or use a distro that is way more hands on, like Arch or Gentoo, where you have to become an uber-leet linux master.Sort of. Or just be able to follow the lengthy set of instructions. Again, if there is something you want to try, don't hesitate to ask, someone here may have tried it, or may be curious and do some investigating and may find a solution.
              I'll look that up, Thanks.
              I found this how to setup guide
              and most of it I have already done.
              1- As soon as I boot, the vncserver is NOT running
              2- when I run (command) vncserver I get the following errors
              ksmserver closed unexpectedly
              drkonqi closed unexpectedly

              I deleted the /vnc/xstartup and when I re-booted and re ran the vncserver command a new xstartup was created
              xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
              xsetroot -solid grey
              #x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
              #x-window-manager &
              # Fix to make GNOME work
              export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1


                Originally posted by CharlieDaves View Post
                xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
                xsetroot -solid grey
                #x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
                #x-window-manager &
                # Fix to make GNOME work
                export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1
                As soon as I add "startkde &" to xstartup and run vncserver, I get errors.
                I have used muon to remove(purge) all vnc installed stuff
                I have run apt-get purge vnc & tightvnc stuff that I installed
                I have run autoremove
                I have restarted and reinstalled tightvnc from this setup guide
                Once again as soon as I add the "startkde &" to the ./vnc/xstartup I get errors and crashes.
                I am sick of this crap not working.


                  I have not used VNC on linux in years, I use ssh because it works for my needs. From my understanding you use VNC to connect to a running X session not creating a new one. Anytime I used vnc it is to connect to a running desktop i have never tried to spawn a session. Im not sure how you even would if the sever is running.
                  KRDC is a K Remote Desktop Client (its to connect to remote vnc or rdp servers). SSH can forward X windows if you set it up to do to . For instance you can (slowly) do something like
                   ssh -X user@server firefox
                  to run firefox on <server> but display it as a window on your X Session. Long ago i used to use No Machine to spawn X sessions. I think they changed it in NX4 to work more like vnc might be worth looking into.
                  Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                  (top of thread: thread tools)


                    And as I mentioned, Teamviewer is highly popular option, and is full of GUI user-friendliness for those that want that.


                      Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                      And as I mentioned, Teamviewer is highly popular option, and is full of GUI user-friendliness for those that want that.
                      Thanks Claydoh. I am one Cheap SOB. I ain't paying for it !

                      I'll look for a post on how to get things to run on startup maybe create one if needed.


                        TeamViewer is "Free for Personal Use"; you don't have to pay for it.
                        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

