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Wine/Proton Issues after recent updates

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    Wine/Proton Issues after recent updates

    I'm sorry for coming back with an issue every couple of months. but it really does seam like the updates are self destructive and I'm not sure where to begin with this one.

    so about 2 days ago there was a large dump of updates and now anything relying on wine or proton no longer loads. iv included a screen cap of lutris output as well as a text copy of steams output.

    i would of included the readout from inxi..but the instructions for that are apparently a error when using the supplied command

    i'll provide a screen cap of my info center tho if that helps supplement that info

    Thank you for any assistance
    Attached Files

    I think there are a few problems here, the first one is inxi, you entered an invalid command. Suggestion: learn correct usage/syntax. The 2nd issue, Lutris maybe the fastest way to solve this is uninstall and reinstall else the Lutris forum. The wine/proton issue in your heading is not addressed in your post body so it's not possible to comment. I can tell you that proton and wine do work on 23.04 as I am playing Baldur's Gate 3 with those options currently.

