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Hardware acceleration and screen tearing

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    Hardware acceleration and screen tearing

    I'm newer in kubuntu (only a some days with this distro )

    I have a nvidia graphic and use a propietary driver for this graphic card.

    I view that, I need disable hardware acceleration in chrome & chromium for works fine, if not disable, when the mouse passes over some some icon video or some youtube video, if passes quickly and repetitively the mouse, I have micro cuts, even flickers on the screen (if I'm listening to a video or song through YouTube, for example, I appreciate those micro cuts in the sound.
    After some tests, I view that, if disable hardware acceleration in chrome or chromium, I don't have this problem, and works fine but...I have screen tearing.

    I have modifications in my xorg.conf for solved screen tearing since a some year, but in this new distro for me, this modifications not works in chrome/chromium because I need disable hardware acceleration in this browsers.

    I search info, but not view this problem.

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by wonder; Feb 08, 2018, 02:10 PM.

    What is your graphics card?

    Do you know which series of Nvidia driver you are using?

    384 is the most current stable.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk


      My graphic card its GT 610.

      I view in, nividia web, the driver for download for this graphic card its 387.

      But yes, I use a more new driver (390) from this ppa:

      I downgraded to 387 and have problems for install.

      I deleted this ppa, and install 384 like you indicate, now, all work fine, not problem with hardware acceleration and not screen tearing.

      The problem was in version driver...


