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What experience can I expect using ExpressVPN?

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    What experience can I expect using ExpressVPN?

    Is the service reasonably fast, and how reliable is it in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit?

    I am interested in stopping unwanted emails and anyone tracking my online purchases. Thanks

    I didn't know. There are many many companies that provide vpn services so it is difficult to compare and choose.

    Check that they provide linux instructions or even a program to set up and use their service. If they don't go somewhere else.

    This company does have a well done how-to for Ubuntu setup so that is good. Setting it up in Kubuntu will be very similar. It will be slightly tedious if you want to use many different locations though.

    I think their service is expensive though it may be worth it if the speeds are actually better. I dunno how true the claims are. You'd need to try connecting to different US server locations to know for sure.

    Now do you really really need a vpn? Probably not. It will NOT reduce your spam email one bit.

    If you are worried about your purchasing data and not so much what specifically you are shopping/browsing for, you don't *need* one. If you are worried about the ads you get after you've done some shopping or browsing I dont think a vpn will change that.

    Having said that I use one, but I like to download some things my isp does not like me to.

    If you use a vpn expect the possibility of having trouble connecting to kubuntuforums if you have it running when you come here. It is very easily toggled off and on though

    sent from my LG V10 using Tapatalk


      Claydoh, I have nothing to hide in my computing use, but I am very concerned about the intrusion to our privacy. I believe it important to resist the current trends. Additionally, I do not like the greed based philosophy that is permeating our society. I have, and love, and worry about the future of my kids and grand kids. They think I am unreasonably paranoid. Perhaps I am, but I see paths to danger by the collection of information about most everyone.

      I generally leave my profiles vague in the forums and public arena, I am sure it is not very protected, but I want to be among those who resist the pattern that is developing. I also want to understand and want to learn privacy techniques, so that while I am still alive and trusted, I can pass the understanding on to friends and loved ones.

      It doesn't surprise me that you have a VPN, even though some of those I am familiar seem to think I want such things to conduct improper use of the Internet. Quite frankly, I want to retain every bit of freedom that I am able until I no longer live. Frankly I am concerned.

      Thanks for the comments; you are one I look up to. I no longer have many living friends, and am thrilled that I have strangers that I trust. You are an amazing citizen and most appreciated for the contributions you make on a daily basis. I wish I were able to join you more. My friend.

      Originally posted by claydoh View Post
      I didn't know. There are many many companies that provide vpn services so it is difficult to compare and choose.

      Check that they provide linux instructions or even a program to set up and use their service. If they don't go somewhere else.

      This company does have a well done how-to for Ubuntu setup so that is good. Setting it up in Kubuntu will be very similar. It will be slightly tedious if you want to use many different locations though.

      I think their service is expensive though it may be worth it if the speeds are actually better. I dunno how true the claims are. You'd need to try connecting to different US server locations to know for sure.

      Now do you really really need a vpn? Probably not. It will NOT reduce your spam email one bit.

      If you are worried about your purchasing data and not so much what specifically you are shopping/browsing for, you don't *need* one. If you are worried about the ads you get after you've done some shopping or browsing I dont think a vpn will change that.

      Having said that I use one, but I like to download some things my isp does not like me to.

      If you use a vpn expect the possibility of having trouble connecting to kubuntuforums if you have it running when you come here. It is very easily toggled off and on though

      sent from my LG V10 using Tapatalk

