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Extremely limited account

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    Extremely limited account

    Hi - I want to create an account to give access to my PC to my brother so he can get copies of family photos & movies . But I want the account to be extremely limited - I only want him to have read access (not write, not execute) to the /home/$brother directory and the /home/$myaccount/photos directory.

    I don't want him to be able to read, write or execute anything else (eg by doing ls /$someotherdirectory).

    I've googled & searched the forums but I just can't figure out how to create such a limited account.

    Can anyone help?


    Re: Extremely limited account


    In fact almost all the system is readable by any user (even guest).
    He will have no write enable, just in his folder as he will need to write there some config files...
    Just create him a user with group his name and no other groups, then try to see where you can go... Remove all right to execute for group other of all folders you don't want him to access, but look out, it can screw your system.
    If you have personal datas in your computer that you don't want him to see, just change rights on them to 700 then you're sure he will not be able to get in the folder and look inside.


