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Completely remove unused components

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    Completely remove unused components


    Can I remove completely all of these components with all dependencies: Akonadi, Nepomuk, Akregator, KMail, KDE IM Contacts, KDE IM Log Viewer, Import Wizard, Quassel IRC, KAddressBook, Kontakt, KOrganizer, KNotes, aka all of the KDE PIM

    I googled, but I haven't find any comprehensive tutorial, how to do this.

    I don't want to just sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove <package1> <package2> without I get confirmation from the experts from community to this will not endanger the stability of the system as I don't use any of them.

    Formerly I removed (with purge) Amarok and left some of files in .config and /.kde/share/ even in the /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/ has an amarokrc and an Amarok-pixmaps.kcache in the var/tmp/kdecache-username

    Furthermore can I remove some built-in software what I don't use, because I use different softwares, like KTorrent (I use qBittorrent) and Dragon Player (I use VLC)? And some built-in software what I don't use, because I haven't touchpad or touchscreen, like KMag, synaptiks, Kvkbd? The synaptiks also included in the autostart, but I haven't use.

    Thanks in advance!

    The 'quick' answer is 'no'.

    From a console you can simulate the purge to see what packages would be removed:
    sudo apt-get purge --simulate packagename
    For example, a simulated purge of Akonadi and Nepomuk:
    sudo apt-get purge --simulate akonadi* nepomuk*
    reports the following 256 packages would be removed/purged:
    The following packages will be REMOVED:
    adobe-flash-properties-kde* akonadi-backend-mysql* akonadi-server* akregator* amarok*
    apport-kde* apturl-kde* ark* audiocd-kio* bluedevil* dolphin* dragonplayer* freespacenotifier*
    gstreamer0.10-qapt* gwenview* jockey-kde* k3b* kaccessible* kaddressbook* kaffeine* kamera*
    kamerka* kate* katepart* kcalc* kde-baseapps-bin* kde-config-touchpad* kde-runtime*
    kde-style-oxygen* kde-window-manager* kde-window-manager-common* kde-workspace*
    kde-workspace-bin* kde-zeroconf* kdebase-runtime* kdelibs-bin* kdelibs5-dev* kdelibs5-plugins*
    kdemultimedia-kio-plugins* kdenetwork-filesharing* kdepasswd* kdepim-kresources* kdepim-runtime*
    kdepim-strigi-plugins* kdepimlibs-kio-plugins* kdesudo* kdiff3* kdm* kdoctools* khelpcenter4*
    kinfocenter* kmag* kmail* kmenuedit* kmix* kmousetool* kmymoney* knotes* konsole* kontact*
    kopete* kopete-message-indicator* korganizer* kpat* kppp* krdc* ksnapshot* ksysguard*
    ksystemlog* ktorrent* kubuntu-debug-installer* kubuntu-desktop* kubuntu-firefox-installer*
    kubuntu-notification-helper* kvkbd* kwalletmanager* language-selector-kde* libakonadi-calendar4*
    libakonadi-contact4* libakonadi-kabc4* libakonadi-kcal4* libakonadi-kde4* libakonadi-kmime4*
    libakonadi-notes4* libakonadiprotocolinternals1* libcalendarsupport4* libeventviews4*
    libincidenceeditorsng4* libk3b6* libkabc4* libkactivities-bin* libkactivities-models1*
    libkactivities6* libkalarmcal2* libkateinterfaces4* libkatepartinterfaces4* libkblog4* libkcal4*
    libkcalutils4* libkcddb4* libkde3support4* libkdegames6* libkdepim4* libkdepimdbusinterfaces4*
    libkdewebkit5* libkemoticons4* libkfile4* libkgapi0* libkhtml5* libkimproxy4* libkio5*
    libkipi10* libkipi8* libkleo4* libkmanagesieve4* libkmediaplayer4* libknewstuff2-4*
    libknewstuff3-4* libknotifyconfig4* libkolab0* libkonq-common* libkonq5abi1*
    libkontactinterface4* libkopete4* libkparts4* libkpimidentities4* libkpimtextedit4*
    libkpimutils4* libkprintutils4* libkrossui4* libksieveui4* libktexteditor4* libktnef4*
    libktorrent-l10n* libktorrent3* libkutils4* libkworkspace4abi1* libkworkspace4abi2*
    libkxmlrpcclient4* libmailcommon4* libmailimporter4* libmailtransport4* libmessagecomposer4*
    libmessagecore4* libmessagelist4* libmessageviewer4* libmicroblog4* libmuonprivate1*
    libnepomuk4* libnepomukcore4abi1* libnepomukquery4a* libnepomukutils4* libnepomukwidgets4*
    libokularcore1abi1* libokularcore2abi1* libpimcommon4* libplasma3* libplasmaclock4abi3*
    libplasmagenericshell4* libreoffice-kde* libsyndication4* libtaskmanager4abi3*
    libtemplateparser4* libweather-ion6* muon* muon-installer* muon-notifier* muon-updater*
    nepomuk-core* nepomuk-core-data* nepomuk-core-dbg* nepomuk-core-dev*
    nepomuk-core-ffmpegextractor* okular* okular-extra-backends* partitionmanager*
    plasma-dataengines-addons* plasma-dataengines-workspace* plasma-desktop* plasma-netbook*
    plasma-scriptengine-javascript* plasma-scriptengine-python* plasma-widget-facebook*
    plasma-widget-folderview* plasma-widget-kimpanel* plasma-widget-lancelot* plasma-widget-menubar*
    plasma-widget-message-indicator* plasma-widget-networkmanagement* plasma-widget-quickaccess*
    plasma-widgets-addons* plasma-widgets-workspace* polkit-kde-1* printer-applet* python-kde4*
    qapt-batch* qapt-deb-installer* quassel* rekonq* software-properties-kde*
    system-config-printer-kde* systemsettings* update-manager-kde* usb-creator-kde* userconfig*
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 206 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

    You may think that removal of packages you don't use is a good thing, but many packages contain dependencies to other applications that you need/use or that are required for the functioning of the desktop environment.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Are there any chance to change this behavior and these packages will be removable/optional in the next Kubuntu? 13.04 or 13.10? Why depends these resource hogs from the other (important) packages? It's not too logical. I mean, if I can run flawlessly the Dolphin, Plasma, Muon, Okular, etc. with disabled Akonadi and Nepomuk that why can't run flawlessly with removed Akonadi and Nepomuk?

      What happens, if I remove only the unnecessary packages without using wildcard?


        Not to be harsh, but what you desire just can't be done. That you can run your system apps with Akonadi and Nepomuk disabled is 'normal'. The dependent applications/libraries they have/require are still installed.

        To illustrate, if you were to purge just akonadi-server, the following packages get purged as well:
        The following packages will be REMOVED:
        akonadi-server* apport-kde* apturl-kde* jockey-kde* kde-config-touchpad* kde-workspace*
        kde-workspace-bin* kdepim-runtime* kmymoney* kontact* korganizer* kubuntu-desktop*
        language-selector-kde* libkgapi0* libkolab0* libmuonprivate1* muon* muon-installer*
        muon-notifier* muon-updater* plasma-desktop* plasma-netbook* plasma-scriptengine-python*
        plasma-widget-facebook* plasma-widgets-workspace* printer-applet* python-kde4*
        software-properties-kde* system-config-printer-kde* update-manager-kde* usb-creator-kde*

        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Ok. And if I just remove the KDE PIM (Akregator, KMail, KDE IM Contacts, KDE IM Log Viewer, Import Wizard, Quassel IRC, KAddressBook, Kontakt, KOrganizer, KNotes) completely without Akonadi and Nepomuk? Is it possible?


            Akregator (akregator) - yes
            KMail (kmail) - yes
            Kontacts (kontact) - yes
            Quassel (quassel) - yes
            KAddressBook (kaddressbook) - yes
            KOrganizer (korganizer) - yes
            KNotes (knotes) - yes

            In a console you would type:
            sudo apt-get purge akregator kmail kontact kaddressbook korganizer knotes
            I don't know about KDE IM Contacts or KDE IM Log Viewer as I don't have those.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Originally posted by Joey Mendez View Post
              Are there any chance to change this behavior and these packages will be removable/optional in the next Kubuntu? 13.04 or 13.10? Why depends these resource hogs from the other (important) packages? It's not too logical. I mean, if I can run flawlessly the Dolphin, Plasma, Muon, Okular, etc. with disabled Akonadi and Nepomuk that why can't run flawlessly with removed Akonadi and Nepomuk?

              What happens, if I remove only the unnecessary packages without using wildcard?
              This has always been a complaint about KDE. KDE's Frameworks 5 aims to fix this. Just live with the extra packages. You can always just use the menu editor and remove them.


                Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                I don't know about KDE IM Contacts or KDE IM Log Viewer as I don't have those.
                Thanks! The KDE IM = Telepathy. So can I remove Telepathy without problem?


                  Just test the purging in a console:
                  sudo apt-get purge --simulate kde-telepathy
                  If you see:
                  The following packages will be REMOVED:
                  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

                  Then 'yes'. If it list more than that, then 'maybe' no.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    You missed 2 packages: libkontactinterface4 releated to Kontact and quassel-data releated to Quassel

                    BTW the Telepathy has many dependencies, but I don't see any critial:

                    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 26 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
                    Purg kde-telepathy [0.5.0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-telepathy-minimal [0.5.0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-config-telepathy-accounts [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-telepathy-approver [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-telepathy-auth-handler [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-telepathy-contact-list [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg plasma-widget-telepathy-presence [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg plasma-widget-telepathy-chat [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-telepathy-text-ui [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-telepathy-send-file [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-telepathy-integration-module [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-telepathy-filetransfer-handler [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg kde-telepathy-data [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg krdc [4:4.9.4-0ubuntu0.1]
                    Purg libktpchat0 [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg libktpcommoninternalsprivate3 [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg telepathy-mission-control-5 [1:5.13.1-0ubuntu3]
                    Purg libmission-control-plugins0 [1:5.13.1-0ubuntu3]
                    Purg telepathy-logger [0.4.0-2~ubuntu12.10.0]
                    Purg libtelepathy-logger-qt4-1 [0.5.1-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg libtelepathy-logger2 [0.4.0-2~ubuntu12.10.0]
                    Purg telepathy-salut [0.8.0-2]
                    Purg telepathy-haze [0.6.0-1]
                    Purg telepathy-gabble [0.16.1-2]
                    Purg libtelepathy-glib0 [0.20.0-0ubuntu1]
                    Purg libtelepathy-qt4-2 [0.9.3-0ubuntu2]
                    It seems to all of the 26 releated to Telepathy. The KRDC is the remote desktop. I don't use, but if I would use it supposed to work without it. The system will be stable without these?


                      Originally posted by Joey Mendez View Post
                      The system will be stable without these?
                      I don't know for sure, but likely. The best suggestion is to make a copy of the applications/dependencies that would be removed by outputting the results to a file:
                      sudo apt-get purge --simulate filename > topurge.txt
                      That way, if you do realize a problem(s)/issue(s) after the purge, you'll have a listing of what was purged so they can be re-installed.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

