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Please help I can't login to KDE desk top

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    Please help I can't login to KDE desk top

    My son has been running Kubuntu on his machine for some time.

    When he tries to login after entering his username and password, the Kubuntu desktop momentarily appears and then the login screen re appears.

    I can login using the 'Console Login' option from the desktop login screen but I don't have a clue what to do from the console to fix this.

    Where do I start to resolve this problem?

    Many thanks in advance.

    #10 on the "Top 20" in my signature.


      Originally posted by dibl View Post
      #10 on the "Top 20" in my signature.
      Originally posted by dibl View Post
      #10 on the "Top 20" in my signature.
      dibl many thanks for your help. (You can always rely on the scouts)

      I tried "sudo shutdown now -r" but still the same problem when it reboots.

      results of df -h

      /dev/sda1 227G 15G 201G 7%/
      none 497M 268K 497M 1 % /dev
      none 501M 0 501M 0% /dev/shm
      none 501M 76K 501M 1 % /var/run
      none 501M 501M 0% /Var/lock
      none 501M 0 501M 0% /lib/init/rw

      If it helps I suspect the last thing that was done on the machine before it stopped working was that my son installed an application called Cairo Dock


        from the console login after you login as the user in queshton type this
        ls -la ~/ | grep .Xauthority
        whare mine shows " vinny vinny" in this example
        vinny@Vinnys-HP-G62:~$ ls -la ~/ | grep .Xauthority
        -rw------- 1 vinny vinny 58 2012-04-15 20:24 .Xauthority
        yours should show the user name for the login.................IF it seas "root root"then remove it with.

        sudo rm -rf /home/"you"/.Xauthority
        where "you" is the name of the login I would have /home/vinny/.Xauthority

        if this is not the case post back that .Xauthority wasn't owned by root

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Firstly thanks for the help Vinnywright and dible!

          I typed 'ls -la ~/ | grep .Xauthority'

          and the response was:

          -rw------------ 1 maxandnell maxandnell 271 2012-04-17 11.58 .Xauthority

          Which I think suggests that the Xauthority isn't owned by the root and is owned correctly by the user that is trying to log on 'maxandnell'

          Can you please assist me with the next step in analysing the problem?


            first lets get a working acct. if possible ........................... log back in to the console and use "adduser" to make a new user acct. to log into.

            sudo adduser username
            where username is the name you want to have .

            and try to login to that acct. .

            did the Cairo Dock ever work .......or did that crash it?

            I think I remember running that one time and it installed 2 versions 1 with open GL and one without...................I could only run the one without the GL stuff wile the kwin effects were on.......

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
              first lets get a working acct. if possible ........................... log back in to the console and use "adduser" to make a new user acct. to log into.

              sudo adduser username
              where username is the name you want to have .

              and try to login to that acct. .

              did the Cairo Dock ever work .......or did that crash it?

              I think I remember running that one time and it installed 2 versions 1 with open GL and one without...................I could only run the one without the GL stuff wile the kwin effects were on.......

              Thanks for the help Vinny, I have added a new user as per your instructions and I can log on successfully as the new user.

              I guess this indicates that there isn't a hard ware issue.

              I checked with the new login and both versions of Cairo Dock seem to be working.

              However I still can't login with my son's user account.

              What's the next recommended step in this process of recovering the ability to log on with his account?
              Last edited by absolute beginner; Apr 17, 2012, 12:29 AM.


                Probably, during the installation of cairo-dock, your son created a directory and/or left files in his user folder that are owned by root. If you can take your time and examine the contents of the home folder in a terminal window, look for root privileges, especially on the "hidden" configuration files, like ~/.kde and ~/.config. If you can find all such cases, and use "sudo chown" to change them back to the correct user and group, then that should fix the problem.


                  Originally posted by dibl View Post
                  Probably, during the installation of cairo-dock, your son created a directory and/or left files in his user folder that are owned by root. If you can take your time and examine the contents of the home folder in a terminal window, look for root privileges, especially on the "hidden" configuration files, like ~/.kde and ~/.config. If you can find all such cases, and use "sudo chown" to change them back to the correct user and group, then that should fix the problem.
                  or run
                  sudo chown USER:GROUP -R ~USER
                  to make sure all files and folders in USER's home are owned by him, which should be the case.


                    I tried the command

                    sudo chown USER:GROUP -R ~USER

                    and also

                    sudo chown maxandnell|maxandnell -R ~maxandnell

                    But just get the error message saying missing operand after maxandnell
                    Last edited by absolute beginner; Apr 17, 2012, 07:04 AM.


                      Originally posted by absolute beginner View Post
                      chown: invalid user: 'MAXANDNELL:GROUP
                      Use your actual user and the primary group of that user (normally the same as the username) ie
                      sudo chown maxandnell:maxandnell -R ~maxandnell
                      I used all caps to represent the parts you where meant to change sorry (except the argument -R which needs to be caps :S)

                      Note: ~USER is an alias for that users home directory (normally /home/USER) just like ~ is an alias to your home directory and is handy when manipulating your home directory as another user (normally root) or trying to manipulate another users home directory.
                      Last edited by james147; Apr 17, 2012, 05:50 AM.


                        Was "MAXANDELL" the user who installed Kubuntu? If so, then his group name is probably also "MAXANDELL". Beware of the case -- was it really all caps when it was originally entered?

                        EDIT -- ooops I was typing while james was posting -- yes, I agree with james147.


                          just a FYI NOT try to remove the maxandnell acct. (you probably cant) it is the only administrator acct. as of yet .

                          the one we made is just a vary basic user acct........... IF it becomes necessary we can make it a administrator acct. later but you should try to fix the maxandnell acct. as @james147 has suggested.

                          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                          16GB RAM
                          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                            Ok guys I have typed the following in

                            sudo chown maxandnell:maxandnell -R ~maxandnell

                            It then asked me for the [sudo] password for maxandnell which I entered. I could then hear the hard drive running i.e the computer seemed to be doing something and it returned with the

                            'maxandnell@maxandnell-desktop:~$' prompt

                            I then tried logging back in as maxandnell but it just returns me to the loggin screen after I enter the password and hit the enter screen. I am guessing that what we have done so far has allowed us to confirm that it is not the owndership of files that is causing the problem?

                            Thanks for the generosity of your help so far. What should be the next step?


                              Originally posted by absolute beginner View Post
                              I am guessing that what we have done so far has allowed us to confirm that it is not the owndership of files that is causing the problem?
                              That would be right

                              Thanks for the generosity of your help so far. What should be the next step?
                              Now lets make sure your system is intact and everything that should be installed is. Run the following commands in a terminal:
                              sudo apt-get update                    # Grab the latest package lists
                              sudo apt-get install -f                # Fix any broken packages
                              sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop   # Make sure everything that should be installed is
                              sudo apt-get dist-upgrade              # Bring your system fully up to date

