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incorrect download?

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    incorrect download?

    sry if this is the wrong place, but i downloaded Kubuntu from the Kubuntu site(torrent dvd 64bit, most current version 11.04?). the hash checked out so i installed it on VMware workstation. somehow i got Ubuntu instead and a black screen of nothing when loaded. thought someone should know if it's an incorrect download and also if there is a trick to this that i don't know please help. i will try the direct download and VMplayer next. have windows 7 home if that makes a difference.

    Re: incorrect download?

    During the start up phase you see a reference to Ubunutu because that's what it is.
    Only once X starts up the KDE part is loaded and it becomes Kubuntu.
    The fact that you end up with only a black screen tells me there is something wrong with how the system detects your video card.

    When starting up a dual boot system in Grub you can select the option to start in the safe mode, try that one and see how far you get.

    When you tell us what hardware you're running some better suggestions can be made.


      Re: incorrect download?

      Happened to me, too. Was surprised to see the Unity desktop for "Kubuntu 11.10" as my guest OS.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

