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System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?) PLEASE HELP

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    System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?) PLEASE HELP

    I have had System Monitor in constant view (I don't maximize windows any more) because Firefox 3.5.9 is constantly so tied up that scrolling is delayed even on loaded webpages and letting other people use this pc borders on embarrassing. (top 3 processes in order: 1 Firefox 2 Xorg 3 Kwin)

    Anyway, I've noticed many a time that it is at 100% but CPU%'s for each process don't add up to 100.
    I thought, OK, if it is maxed out, it may have trouble refreshing.

    But lately I've found it does not need to be 100%. I took a screenshot and it added up to 46% but Total showed 69%. I even noted Totals before and after 69% to see if total was late to refresh but nothing below 60%

    I have it set to All Processes. Slow performance indicates that the Total is probably correct.

    So are there processes hidden from my view?

    KDE neon LTS 5.12

    Re: System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?)

    I ran into the kwin eating cpu bug a while ago and found that modified xorg.conf settings helped out a lot. Try googling kwin bug a little and its likely you'll find a fix for your rig.

    This thread helped me realize it wasn't me or my rig.


      Re: System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?)

      Thank you sixonetonoffun, I'l take a look.

      I have seen 100% total yet sum is only 6%.

      Any ideas of what is going on?
      KDE neon LTS 5.12


        Re: System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?) PLEASE HELP

        I've tried Google Chrome. It turns out it is not Firefox's fault.

        Can anyone point me to any solutions? Ksysguard never adds up properly.

        My system is often at 100% CPU yet the processes are no more than 25% and I'm barely running anything!
        KDE neon LTS 5.12


          Re: System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?) PLEASE HELP

          What does top show?

          in a terminal. CTRL-c to terminate.


            Re: System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?) PLEASE HELP

            TOP shows what appears to be same list of processes only when Ksysguard is pinned with Total of 100%, TOP is saying 59%, 72%, 89% etc.

            So perhaps it is Ksysguard screwing up with its display.

            Does TOP show ALL PROCESSES? I've read it only shows "most".
            KDE neon LTS 5.12


              Re: System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?) PLEASE HELP

              See "man top"


                Re: System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?) PLEASE HELP

                I've upgraded (fresh installed) to 10.04 and experience the same thing.

                turns out I didn't understand how to read 'top' and still don't.

                here is a snapshot
                Tasks: 135 total,  3 running, 129 sleeping,  0 stopped,  3 zombie
                Cpu(s): 15.8%us, 4.3%sy, 0.7%ni, 75.7%id, 3.5%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
                Mem:  1017588k total,  975504k used,  42084k free,  28608k buffers
                Swap:  987956k total,   4704k used,  983252k free,  423524k cached
                 PID USER   PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM  TIME+ COMMAND                                 
                 1744 finny   20  0 329m 125m 32m R 39.4 12.6  1:49.02 firefox-bin                               
                 880 root   20  0 77180 26m 7372 S 30.0 2.7  7:36.87 Xorg                                   
                 1791 finny   20  0 131m 22m 15m R 16.9 2.3  0:39.41 ksysguard                                
                 1308 finny   20  0 274m 28m 21m S 7.5 2.9  3:11.67 kwin                                   
                 1818 finny   20  0 129m 18m 12m S 3.7 1.9  0:01.35 konsole                                 
                 1864 finny   20  0 2540 1080 808 R 1.9 0.1  0:00.02 top                                   
                  1 root   20  0 2796 1532 1168 S 0.0 0.2  0:00.59 init                                   
                  2 root   20  0   0  0  0 S 0.0 0.0  0:00.00 kthreadd                                 
                  3 root   RT  0   0  0  0 S 0.0 0.0  0:00.00 migration/0
                Total CPU is 99.4%, Total user = 69.4%, root = 30% but I don't see that represented in the summary line of top.

                I see disk sleep fairly often for firefox or ktorrent. Can that cause sysmon to show 100%?

                When it is pinned at 100%, the guilty app is at a crawl. But other things like kmenu or dolphin will perform not perfect but okay.

                In the end, all I want is a tool that shows EVERYTHING that is running so that I can approach this problem.

                KDE neon LTS 5.12


                  Re: System Monitor: CPU% don't add up to total (hidden processes?) PLEASE HELP

                  With System Monitor closed (shut it down), try removing (or renaming so you have backup copies) the two files in ~/.kde/share/apps/ksysguard

                  These are created when System Monitor is launched.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

