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Stuck at log-in with upgrade

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    Stuck at log-in with upgrade

    I upgraded to 9.1 from an existing Ubuntu in Kubuntu. Now I can't get past the login that looks like it is in terminal. It takes user and password fine then displays name~name. After several weak attempts at guessing whats next I get the following:
    no module named gdbm
    Traceback ( most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/command-not-found" , line 10, in<module> from CommandNotFound import CommandNotFound
    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/CommandNotFound/ _ _init_" , line1, in<module>
    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/CommandNotFound/ _ _init_" , line4, in<module> from CommandNotFound import CommandNotFound
    Why would an upgrade remove a working system with one that will not let you see the desktop that was working prior to upgrade?

    Re: Stuck at log-in with upgrade

    Could you explain exactly (as explicitly as possible) what it was you did when you (a) "upgraded to 9.1 from an existing Ubuntu in Kubuntu"? Does that imply that, in 9-04: you had started with Ubuntu, then added the "Kubuntu Destop" package and then used some method (how?), using some package manager (which?) to upgrade from 9-04 to 9-10 while running in KDE? (b) when you got the error message about gdbm, were you (perhaps) trying to use the Gnome Display Manager (known as gdm)? If you started your *buntu adventures with Gnome, gdm would be your display manager at login even if you were logging in to KDE.

    I suspect that however you got there, you wound up with a command prompt and no GUI. I would try several commands: "startkdm", or "startkde", (I don't remember which one works) and/or whatever it is that starts Gnome. Sorry I can't be more explicit.


      Re: Stuck at log-in with upgrade

      I have Ubuntu partitioned on an hp with vista and ubuntu. I was using the kde desktop. The adept manager showed an system upgrade to 9.1. I clicked the button and it said 3.5 hrs to download, I clicked the button again and went to bed. When I got up the next morning the desktop was asleep and would not respond. Turned computer off and restarted to the messages above. I have tried command such as the ones offered and several others from reading the forums. Screen said kd manager is running. Similar notification when power button depressed saying kd manager shutting down or turning system off.
      I believe I am close just don't have the expertise to trouble shoot or know the proper commands to execute proper system launch.
      Thanks for responding..


        Re: Stuck at log-in with upgrade

        The upgrade may or may not have finished properly -- hard to know.

        After you log in to the console, you might get it to finish any unfinished upgrade business with
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
        if it gives any error output, post that here. If it appears to be syncing to the repositories, and installing any outstanding updates, then that would be a good thing. In that case, when it gives you the prompt back, try

        sudo service kdm start
        and possibly you'll get a KDE login.

        p.s. Next time you feel the urge to nail the power button while your system is still running, please try this first:

