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USB external HD access (Full access) for all users

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    USB external HD access (Full access) for all users

    I am quite new to linux but am almost comfortable with most of the minor hiccps and finding solutions and fixing them.
    However, I am as yet unable to "Fix" my Jaunty install so I can provide full r/w/d access to all users (4 user profiles). I use the external drive to store all the movies/music/photos I have and want my wife and 2 kids to also use this drive for all our storage needs. I have shown them how to use their own "Home" directory within their profile for their own documents and this is ok. Evry time we want to copy something to or from the external drive (which does show up in Dolphin), we need to log out, unplug the usb lead, log in to the new user and then reconnect the usb and allow it to be mounted.
    I have edited the user priveleges (as root) but they don't stick. Next time we turn the PC on, we are back to square one. Very frustrating and probably PAINFULLY EASY to fix, but I'm not hitting on the right solution.

    Re: USB external HD access (Full access) for all users

    Yep -- I think you're probably working a little bit at cross-purposes with the basic theory of USB connectivity -- it is designed to "plug and pop up" for the user, and it looks like you are attempting to use it as a full time file server.

    You have to pick your poison and live with it -- if you are willing to leave it connected more or less continuously, then you can set it up to be automatically mounted in /etc/fstab, and accessible to all users. To do that, run blkid and get the UUID number of it. Then make a mount point in /media, and use "mount by UUID" to mount it there in /etc/fstab. You will end up with a mount line similar to:

    UUID=933E-5F09 /media/DOCSBAK vfat auto,users,rw,exec 0 2


      Re: USB external HD access (Full access) for all users

      Mmmmm, hadn't thought of it like that really. Good point. I still think that it should be available to any user (If allowed) since it is esentially a peripheral attached to the PC.
      I'll try the edit you suggest.



        Re: USB external HD access (Full access) for all users

        The UUID for a FAT32-formatted USB device will be shorter than the one for an internal hard drive -- I edited it.

        You could also use "mount by label" but I've found labeling a drive that has data on it to be a little hazardous -- a little mistake and you've lost your data. So the UUID method is safer when you have a drive with data already present.

        Yes, keyboards and mice and printers are indeed full time connected peripherals. But USB storage devices seem to be in a class of their own - it is expected that they might be plugged and unplugged on the fly, thus they are assumed to be the personal property of the logged user, rather than a system peripheral. To the computer, there is no difference (except capacity) between a 1GB USB thumb drive and a 500GB USB external drive.


          Re: USB external HD access (Full access) for all users

          Once again, My knowledable friend, you make a good point. I will stick with the UUID method tomorrow when I am home from work. Any amount of luck and we could all be happy accessing our various music, etc withou the hassles of repeated logoffs and logons.

