Hello everyone.
I keep trying to edit xorg.conf to use my side mouse buttons as discribed here,
but it messes up with my screen resolution. then I need to start in recovery mode, autofix X server, reinstall nvidia driver, change resolution and of course my side mouse buttons still don't work. So if I try this I keep messing with the display settings, having to set them from the beginning for nothing.
Instead of dealing with xorg.conf, of imwheel, or whatever, wouldn't it be easier to set it in system settings? for example in the "general" tab where we choose between right or left handed mouse, we could specify if the button has 7 buttons (that's with the wheel and the side buttons) or whatever else. I think it would be a lot easier especially for people not wanting to mess with system files.
Plz consider this in an upgrade of 9.04 or in the 9.10 release.
if the above mentioned instructions don't apply to kubuntu and you can think of something better I would really appreciate it. Already read the official how to in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto
thnx in advance
I keep trying to edit xorg.conf to use my side mouse buttons as discribed here,
but it messes up with my screen resolution. then I need to start in recovery mode, autofix X server, reinstall nvidia driver, change resolution and of course my side mouse buttons still don't work. So if I try this I keep messing with the display settings, having to set them from the beginning for nothing.
Instead of dealing with xorg.conf, of imwheel, or whatever, wouldn't it be easier to set it in system settings? for example in the "general" tab where we choose between right or left handed mouse, we could specify if the button has 7 buttons (that's with the wheel and the side buttons) or whatever else. I think it would be a lot easier especially for people not wanting to mess with system files.
Plz consider this in an upgrade of 9.04 or in the 9.10 release.
if the above mentioned instructions don't apply to kubuntu and you can think of something better I would really appreciate it. Already read the official how to in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto
thnx in advance