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Solved! HDA Intel ALC880 recognised by ALSAmixer but no sound Solved!

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    Solved! HDA Intel ALC880 recognised by ALSAmixer but no sound Solved!

    Hello all,

    I have a Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo P PC, Intel 4 processor running Kubuntu 8.04. This is my first time using Linux. I am enjoying the operating system immensely but have no sound.

    I've tried the ubuntu comprehensive sound guide, but it doesn't seem to apply, and when I looked at previous posts about this soundcard they didn't seem to match my circumstances: I have only one soundcard, the Intel ALC880 listed in the post title, alsamixer is seeing it perfectly, my username does have access to audio and nothing is muted but still no sound.

    I would be most grateful for any help and am happy to provide further information, but I am very new to Linux and know little about using command prompts so if further information is required I might need to be told how to get it. Apologies also if I seem a bit simple when it comes to following instructions, I've only ever used GUIs before. All suggestions gratefully recieved.


    Re: HDA Intel ALC880 recognised by ALSAmixer but no sound

    I'm not too sure if this will help, or if you have tried this, but I had to do this last night to get my sound working.

    Open a konsole and then try:

    sudo alsamixer
    *put in your password when prompted*
    make sure your master is up between 70-85%
    then hit escape.
    sudo alsactl store

    Best of luck!


      Re: HDA Intel ALC880 recognised by ALSAmixer but no sound

      I've just given that a try drowningnixis but no change. Thanks for the suggestion though, much appreciated. I'll get the hang of this Linux stuff sooner or later!


        Re: HDA Intel ALC880 recognised by ALSAmixer but no sound

        I'm sorry to hear that. What are your settings under: K menu--> system settings---> sound system ---> hardware tab ?


          Re: HDA Intel ALC880 recognised by ALSAmixer but no sound

          I can't figure out how to do a screen dump so it's as follows:

          Select the audio device: Autodetect
          Full duplex: unchecked
          Use custom sampling rate: unchecked
          Quality: Default
          Override device location: unchecked
          Use other custom options: unchecked
          Select the midi device: Midi Through Midi Through Port-0 -ALSA device
          Use Midi mapper: unchecked

          I'd be lying if I said I knew what any of that meant. Thanks again for your time on this.


            Re: HDA Intel ALC880 recognised by ALSAmixer but no sound

            Try deleting the file /var/lib/alsa/asound.state


            In the konsole type:
            sudo alsamixer

            Then try tweeking sound settings. If you have surround sound, depth, any other settings like that, make sure to turn them up. Master sound up.

            press esc to back out of alsamixer to return to the konsole command line.

            sudo alsactl store




              Re: HDA Intel ALC880 recognised by ALSAmixer but no sound

              Hi again drowningnixis,

              I've given that a try but still no sound. On the good news front though, the lack of sound now seems to be the only thing not working exactly as I would want it to, although now that I've said that I expect something will freeze up...


                Re: Solved! HDA Intel ALC880 recognised by ALSAmixer but no sound Solved!

                Thanks go to Donny K. at Ubuntu Utah, whose extremely helpful, and easy to follow, post I found after much googling. My sound is now running normally. The link below goes straight to his solution, which covers several HDA Intel cards.


