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Kubuntu fails to boot up

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    Kubuntu fails to boot up

    Being new tu kubuntu i'm not vert experienced yet, Been on kubuntu a week and everything going good til this morning. Tried to boot up laptop and it keeps failing saying line 15 not found? Any ideas or do I need to reinstall?

    Re: Kubuntu fails to boot up

    Grub Error 15? Did you add or delete a partition on your hard drive, or something like that? Or maybe install another OS elsewhere on that hard drive?

    The Kubuntu Linux kernel is apparently not on the expected partition any more. If you highlight the menu for Kubuntu, and press "e", you will be able to change the entry (hd0,x) and then do return, and then highlight the kernel boot line and press "b" to boot it. All of this does not permanently change anything. Once you learn which partition Kubuntu is now on, you can edit the menu at /boot/grub/menu.lst with Kate, in Super User mode, and permanently change that partition number.

    For example, if Kubuntu was on the second partition, and you split the first partition to add another OS or data partition, Kubuntu is now on the third partition. So, it used to be (hd0,1) and now it is (hd0,2) -- Grub starts counting with zero so "2" is the third partition. Here's more:



      Re: Kubuntu fails to boot up

      Thanks, tried what you said and it came up error17 cannot start partition
      The laptop was set up by a friend who put both vista and kubuntu on
      On the grub menu Kubuntu choice comes up first, if that helps you at all?


        Re: Kubuntu fails to boot up

        Originally posted by bibbles
        Thanks, tried what you said and it came up error17 cannot start partition
        Aha! So, we've gone from Error 15 to Error 17 -- that's great progress!

        Your friend has been mucking about, hasn't he? What did he do, install Vista AFTER Kubuntu? That would explain a lot of this ....

        OK, so we've proven it IS on hd0, (of course -- there's only 1 hard drive in a laptop). Now you need to do some experiments to figure out which partition Kubuntu is on. Continuing with the exercise I described above, try (hd0,1), then (hd0,2), then (hd0,3) and so on until it actually boots Kubuntu. Make a note of what the partition number is that boots, so you'll be able to edit the boot menu accordingly. Then open your menu file with Kate in Super User mode, via Alt-F2 "kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst" and scroll down to the title lines for Kubuntu, and in the second line where it shows the root partition number, edit it to match the one that worked when you were experimenting. Make sure to edit both your normal Kubuntu system and the "recovery mode" menu entry. When it's fixed, do a "File > Save" and exit Kate and you should be able to do a shutdown and restart and have it work as desired.


          Re: Kubuntu fails to boot up

          Right, I think Kubuntu is on hd0,4 as that comes up error 15, all the others hd0,0-hd0,5 come up error 17 unable to mount. After that it comes up error 22 partition not known so still unsble to boot up.


            Re: Kubuntu fails to boot up

            But Vista boots? If so, I'm a little nervous that the Vista installation, after Kubuntu, might have done something to the Kubuntu partition (like grabbed it for Vista). Can you see the hard drive partitions, with something like the Vista partitioner or a GParted Live CD? I know that Vista requires at least 2 partitions of its own, which is why I was thinking maybe Kubuntu ended up on (hd0,2). The other thing is, there needs to be a swap partition, so that's 4 in all, for Linux to run.


              Re: Kubuntu fails to boot up

              Mmmm this is where I start to get a little lost. I'll let someone else read your replys and see
              what they can do,
              thanks for your help


                Re: Kubuntu fails to boot up


                If you want a very useful tool for problems such as the one you are presently dealing with, download the GParted Live CD ISO image from here:


                and burn it to a CD. I strongly recommend Ver. 0.3.4-10, not the last one.

                This makes a bootable CD that has only one purpose in life -- to view and/or change the partitions on a hard disk drive. This would show, for example, how your hard drive is partitioned, and which partition is formatted "ext3" -- that would tell for sure where Kubuntu actually is.


                  Re: Kubuntu fails to boot up

                  That rings a bell actually I'm almost positve my mate said Kubuntu was in ext 32

