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adept uddater error

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    adept uddater error

    okay to start of I am really new to linux. I don't know hardly nothing about it. So please go slow with me. I have just installed it and have started the adept updater. most the downloads are coming back error instead of downloading. and help would be great. since I don't know much about linux the best thing I have came up with was reinstalling linux to see if it would correct it since I don't have nothing on my hard dive anyway... but after doing that 3 times I can tell ya that ain't working. So I lost. Thanks for any help.

    Re: adept uddater error

    Ok, let's go over this slowly.
    First up, you didn't have to reinstall Kubuntu
    Secondly, please post the contents of this file:
    You can open it with Kate, Kwrite, or Konqueror.
    Then let's start from there, ok?
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: adept uddater error

      okay here is my list :

      deb-src breezy main restricted

      ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
      ## distribution.
      deb breezy-updates main restricted
      deb-src breezy-updates main restricted

      ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'
      ## repository.
      ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
      ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
      ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
      ## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security
      ## team.
      deb-src breezy universe

      ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'
      ## repository.
      ## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
      ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
      ## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
      ## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
      ## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
      ## deb breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
      ## deb-src breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse

      deb breezy-security main restricted
      deb-src breezy-security main restricted

      deb breezy-security universe
      deb-src breezy-security universe

      deb breezy universe main restricted multiverse

      deb binary/

      deb breezy free non-free
      deb-src breezy free non-free

      deb etch non-free

      deb breezy main

      deb breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse

      deb breezy/
      deb-src breezy/

      ## created by arnieamuleadded


        Re: adept uddater error

        Wow you have tons of repositories enabled already, and you just installed your system? :P

        Ok, since I don't think there's anything wrong with your repositories, (I tested them myself) I'm going to do a bit of guess work here.

        1. Are you saying that when you are just updating (Adept Updater > Fetch Updates), all the updates are not downloading, or only some?
        2. Did you try upgrading by batches rather than one whole download? Upgrade the most important first (security patches, KDE, etc) before going for the other apps (wine, opera, etc).
        3. Have you upgrade your kernel after install? the latest kernel is 2.6.12-10. I'm not sure but it might be related, but probably not.

        If these don't work, I'm guessing that you might be having a connection problem with the package sites. Try looking for mirrors for some of the repositories if there are available.

        Again I can only guess, because I used your repositories and as I type I am (successfully) running Adept Updater. Hope these help.
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: adept uddater error

          some will download others will start but not complete. I will try to do them a few at a time...If I can find out how LOL. I do want to thank you for all your help. I will try to see about my connection also I have just installed linux and have only been to the forums and trying to learn a lil about it that is how I got some of the repositories I didn't know they was still in there cause I had unistalled a few hours ago and have not messed with the respositories I was thinking of putting the old one back but I don't know how LOL but I will try to do the updates a few at a time 1st. thanks again


            Re: adept uddater error

            You can enable/disable repositories in two ways:by editing the sources.list file directly or through Adept. I'll just explain the Adept way first, since you're a bit new.

            Go to Adept (not Adept Updater). Go to Adept menu, and choose Manage Repositories. It will present you a list of your repositories. Those in gray text are disabled, while those in normal text are enabled. To disable a repository, right-click on that line and choose disable. Use the same procedure to enable a repository. I suggest you disable these for the time being (until you can get a successful update).

            deb binary/
            deb breezy free non-free
            deb-src breezy free non-free
            deb etch non-free
            deb breezy main
            deb breezy/
            deb-src breezy/

            and remove this (it's a duplicated repository if you check your list, the first one is disable, this duplicate at the bottom is enabled)
            deb breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse

            After that, click Apply at the bottom (DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS everytime you modify something). Then Close. You are back at the Adept main window, and click Fetch Updates. Hopefully this will work. (BTW, you actually don't need Adept Updater, since Adept itself can handle all that Adept Updater can do. )

            Another question: Are you using Kubuntu in posting here or some other system? I really think you have to check your internet connection. I sometimes get those errors when my connection is quite clogged (downloading huge stuff).
            Jucato's Data Core

