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CUPS Issue

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    CUPS Issue

    Hello, I am trying to get a WinXP laptop to print on a local printer on my Kubuntu box. I followed this tutorial and got the laptop to see and add the printer with a few minor changes, but now the laptop will not print. It says "Access denied, unable to connect" Maybe it was something I changed from the tutorial? I didn't want anyone to be able to print, just anyone on my local network (192.168.1.*) Here is the end of my /etc/cups/cupsd.conf:

    <Location />
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From
    Allow From 192.168.1.*
    <Location /jobs>
     AuthType None
     Order Deny,Allow
     Deny From All
     Allow From
     Allow From 192.168.1.*
    <Location /printers>
     AuthType None
     Order Deny,Allow
     Deny From All
     Allow From 192.168.1.*
    <Location /admin>
    AuthType Basic
    AuthClass System
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From
    I had to add the allow to <Location /> to get the laptop to see my computer in the printer add wizard, and I added the /jobs allows because I thought maybe that would help, but it didn't. Help me please.

    Re: CUPS Issue

    Have you tried commenting out the sections to see it works, and adding back in sections to find the offending object/section/line.

    Also what do you see in the logs. You will need to goto debug mode to fully see all of the error messages.

    That was the approach, that I have used on a console system to identify problems.

