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Kubuntu sever edition?

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    Kubuntu sever edition?

    is there kubuntu sever edition?

    my aim to install kubuntu minimal install... i have read that ubuntu sever edition is minimal install and other needed application can be install later and removing sever kernel later and use it like regular desktop edition. is there any way to install with minimal kubuntu desktop?

    Re: Kubuntu sever edition?

    I do not know much about the server edition, nor am I an expert on servers in any way, but reading its description from Ubuntu's web site, I believe the only software it has installed at first are those applications absolutely necessary for security, leaving you open to build the server as you wish; if it has the Gnome desktop environment installed, just replace it with the KDE desktop environment. The server kernel should remain the same, you wouldn't change that, only the desktop environment.
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: Kubuntu sever edition?

      wouldnt that be same as full install of kubuntu? .. and not just basic or minimal kubuntu?

      arent you sayin that just install "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" after i have logged on to ubuntu sever edition?


        Re: Kubuntu sever edition?

        No, just installing the kde-core package should do the trick for an absolute base install.
        Asus G1S-X3:
        Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


          Re: Kubuntu sever edition?

          okay will give it a go at it.


