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Microsoft Onenote

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    Microsoft Onenote

    I'm trying to switch from windows to linux. I'm currently running Kubuntu (hence why I'm here)

    I'm pretty close to making the switch, buuut, unless I find a replacement for Microsoft Onenote in 24 hours, I'm going to be booting windows come Monday morning.

    I have a tablet, so digi ink is a must. I have found other programs such as xournal, but, they do not have any organization tools like onenote does for organizing your notes.

    I think, it might just be easier to run onenote in linux some how.. I have seen a program called wine? I couldn't quite figure it out...

    any help will obviously be appreciated. Thanks a bunch!

    Re: Microsoft Onenote

    I would encourage you to look hard for a Linux solution before "reverting". I'm not a tablet type, so I can't help directly with the app.

    However, I'm an example of someone who is also stuck running Windows, due to my genealogy app "The Master Genealogist", which has no suitable analogue in Linux. TMG won't run in Wine -- I wasted a weekend with the Wine tech support guys and it just wouldn't go. So, I'm now using VMWare Player (on Feisty) and Virtual Box (on Gutsy) to run a Win XP virtual machine. They both work fine. I benchmarked my TMG database in VMWare Player against a native Win XP installation on the same hardware, and it is 95% as fast in the virtual machine as on the native installation. I subsequently nuked the Win XP native installation, so I can't benchmark Virtual Box, but it seems pretty comparable to VMWare Player in performance.

    Kernel upgrades will "break" the virtual machine players, so you have to do a brief reconfiguration after each kernel upgrade, which is a disadvantage compared to Wine.

    I hope that's useful advice.


      Re: Microsoft Onenote

      I am not familiar with MS onenote but I did a seach in:

      And nothing came back. But since it is part of the MS office package it may well work under Crossover office:

      It's a commercial paid for app. One thing that may replace onenote is:

      It might be worth a look.

      ~$sudo make me a sandwich


        Re: Microsoft Onenote

        Awesome! Thanks for the replies. Definately a big help, gives me something to go in, words, and software to type into the search boxes. heh.

        I saw basket, but doesn't seem to have digital ink

        And, there is a onenote for codeweavers, I had seen that too, buuut, I couldn't figure out how to download it and, almost seemed like it cost money? eek.


          Re: Microsoft Onenote

          "gournal" come close.. but not close enough.

          The eraser on the pen doesn't work, and until now I never appreciated line smoothing. Using this all day... I'd just feel ghetto.


            Re: Microsoft Onenote

            I was just reading through this:

            It states there that it does have eraser functions. So my guess (and I never used a tablet) is that you will have to tweak your xconf. file to accept your pen/eraser.

            Why not write the author a mail and see if he can help?
            Gournal was written by Chris Debenham <>
            It was inspired by Jarnal which is a journal application written in Java by David K. Levine
            Gournal would not be possible without the hard work of the gtk2-perl hackers
            Or post a different question pertaining to erasers on tablets?

            Sorry if all this seems a bit vague and maybe not of very much help. never used a tablet.

            Bythw: If you want to go the dible path, which is mine as well for adobe/macromedia stuff here is a great howto:

            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: Microsoft Onenote

              sweeet.. I was close to posting a vmware quesition. heh.. Really. I don't see there being any substitute for some of the windows apps. I have spent many hours looking for it.. and thats JUST this one app.. there are a few others.

              I think that shall be the route I will take.

              Thanks a bunch.


                Re: Microsoft Onenote

                Good descision.
                If you need help with setting up file shares, a vmware guest (winxp) is like a second computer in a network, just ask or search this forum/google. There is plenty on samba and samba with feisty.

                good luck. I going to go and watch the rams kick tampa bay in the proverbial.....
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10

