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Root question

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    Root question

    Hey guys, I have a runing setup and am able to login. Is there a default root account, or how can I make one.

    Re: Root question

    hey guys,

    im currently logged in as root and would like to install several programs(I.E firefox,ventrillo,CS server, etc)

    i have no clue how to go about doing this...if someone could please list some code how to create install scrips and such? some of these programs include shell scrips although i do not know how to run them. Thanks


      Re: Root question

      I'm not sure I quite understand! You can install firefox through either Adept or the apt-get comand from the command line. If you want to install Internet Explorer then you shouldn't be running Linux. Likewise Ventrillo is windows/mac I thought

      If you are also truly logged in as root and are surfing the internet, there are many who would tell you that this a bad idea.

      Do you want to give a bit more detail of your problem and what you are running?


        Re: Root question

        sorry ment I.E as example not as IE bad...also ventrillo is windows/mac/linux currently and if like it get it installed, just dont know how?


          Re: Root question

          You never need to log in as root.

          Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


            Re: Root question

            OK - so lets forget about logging in as root. As was said in the previous post - don't do it. Just log in as your normal account. If the software you want to install is available as a package within the kubuntu repositories, then its very simple to install. You can search for it using the Adept program. Just search for the package you want using the "filter" option. if its there select it and click on install - you can certainly select Firefox that way (although its not the latest version) If its not there, you can look to see if its available in the "universe" or "multiverse" repositories (see elsewhere in the forums for enabling this) and try again. If its still not there, you need to compile the software itself. You need a file for the software which ends in something like name.tar.gz. If you have that you need to unpack the file (which is an archive file) and read the install and README files. You are then likely to need a sequence of commands something like ./configure make sudo make install (the last command was done using sudo so you will be asked your user password and have "root-like" abilities to e.g. install software. If you have never done this before, then I suggest you read up a little on using linux before attempting it, there's a bit more to it than there is space for here. Hope this helps

