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Windows Boot

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    Windows Boot

    Hi Guys i had installed Kubuntu 7.04 on my computer
    but i forgot to set the boot local
    and kubuntu has deleted XP boot
    i can't find Windows XP on Grub!
    What i need to do to fix that? i want put XP on Grub
    i have Windwos XP professional instaled... in another partition I belive be sda1

    Re: Windows Boot

    There are quite a few posts on this topic, if you search for "repair windows" and "windows boot" and terms like that.

    The general approach to fixing it is to boot your Windows CD, choose "repair" and then at the prompt use "fixboot" and/or "fixmbr" to restore the windows boot ability.

    Then you'll need to also search on "boot menu" "Grub menu" and terms like that to see how to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to make it match the drives and partitions as shown in your /etc/fstab file.


      Re: Windows Boot

      Sounds like you just need to re-install GRUB.

      What you describe is a bit confusing. When you installed Kubuntu, if you had the installer put GRUB in the MBR of sda, then your Windows XP * should * have shown up on your GRUB boot menu. I’m not sure what went wrong there.

      Use the following How-To to re-install GRUB:

      How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

      It’s the part with
      root (hdx, y)
      setup (hd0)

      Sounds like you have just the one hard drive, and Windows is on the first partition of it, right?
      Where is Kubuntu? That will be the (hdx, y) part.
      Example: if your Kubuntu is on the first hard drive, the third partition, then it would be root (hd0, 2). (The third partition is counted as 0, 1,2, thus the “2”) Note that counting of hard drives and of partitions starts at zero in GRUB, but not in Linux. So your sda1 (first hard drive, first partition) in Linux is the same as (hd0, 0) in GRUB.

      See the How- To for all these details.

      If that doesn’t fix it, then you have to edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst in your Kubuntu. Again see the How-To for editing menu.lst.
      In that menu.lst file, you want to be sure that Windows has the following boot entry:

      title Windows XP or something like that
      rootnoverify (hd0, 0)
      chainloader +1

      (That assumes Windows in on the first hard drive, the first partition (thus, (hd0, 0); and sometimes the makeactive is optional, but it’s OK to keep it there; and sometimes instead of rootnoverify you will see just root -- rootnoverify might be the better one to use.)
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

