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Compiling the kernel

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    Compiling the kernel

    Stupid question: does compiling the latest kernel on my machine create a "custom kernel" specific for my hardware? In other words is the compiler actively compiling or not compiling sections of code based on say, BIOS information?
    Just wondering.

    Re: Compiling the kernel

    Compiling a kernel is an interactive process, and one that can feel time consuming......and yes, you can choose what loads or doesnt and specs of your machine.....

    So far as I know, though, ubuntu and related *buntu distros don't really support compiling your own kernel. Not that it cant be done, but that you may find problems you didnt expect, and quite possibly a lack of critical answers......some of the more 'roll your own distros' like gentoo , slack and debian support this much better and actively encourage it....ubuntu is designed to work out of box for the most part and on a wide variety of hardware....tamper at your own risk, since mileage varies :-P



      Re: Compiling the kernel

      does compiling the latest kernel on my machine create a "custom kernel" specific for my hardware?
      No. To include/disinclude, you'd edit the source files to add or exclude modules.
      Your hardware will have nothing to do with how a kernel compiles other than the speed of the compile job. You can customize _based_ on your system, but your system won't taint the source.

      As slackrat notes too, ?ubuntu isn't quite like other distros where replacing the kernel is an easier task.


        Re: Compiling the kernel

        Thanks for taking the time to answer such a fundamental question. I did give it a try following the tutorial at with some success. Not sure if it resulted in an appreciable boost in performance, but it work ( with the exception of my pcimcia wifi card).
        I think I'll take your advice and do my experimenting on a Gentoo test machine so I don't damage my main computer.

        Thanks again


          Re: Compiling the kernel

          See this for an exhaustive (Gentoo centered) introduction to the subject.


            Re: Compiling the kernel

            Originally posted by normal_user
            Stupid question: does compiling the latest kernel on my machine create a "custom kernel" specific for my hardware? In other words is the compiler actively compiling or not compiling sections of code based on say, BIOS information?
            Just wondering.
            The worst question is the one never asked, I must say, GOOD QUESTION!!

            Beware the Almighty Command Line


              Re: Compiling the kernel

              I wouldn't however follow another distro guide to figure out kernel configuration.......and if i did I woulld look at ubuntu / debian. Gentoo and Debian differ in many ways.........including the iinit script layouts iirc........for really technical questions about whats under your hood, debian is closest if you dont find ubuntu docs....and i beleive there has been a recent change in even init scripts on the latest still running dapper here.


