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How to install Kubuntu 21.10 with BTRFS on root?

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  • jfabernathy
    I'm missing something about the method you are using being easier than RAID 1. I clearly don't completely understand what you are doing with all your drives and using incremental backups. Studying your daily script may clear it up for me. As to RAID, the last time I got errors on one of my mirror drives, it automatically degraded the mirror. I pulled the drive and out a new one in. I did a few mdadm commands and the new drive was now a part of the mirror. It remained degraded for a few hours while mdadm repaired the mirror. Down time could be a problem if you didn't have spare drives laying around.

    Thanks for the explanation. I'll study closely and see if I can understand your approach. I'll setup some test cases.

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  • oshunluvr
    It's actually pretty simple: mkfs.btrfs -L Media -m raid1 -d raid1 /dev/sda /dev/sdb

    This says: "Make a BTRFS file system, label it Media, store the metadata and data using RAID1, using the whole drives sda and sdb,"

    Note these are not partitions, but whole disk file systems - no partition table needed. IMO the only reason to have a partition table and other partitions would be if you wanted these drives bootable or to partition them for some other purpose than media storage.


    However - just my opinion - RAID in general has pitfalls. It's not uncomplicated nor quick to repair a degraded RAID array, especially if you don't have a replacement drive on hand. In fact, it may take days if you have a lot of data.
    Since BTRFS has built-in backup capability, I left RAID1 behind and went with automated incremental backups instead. This has some advantages (again, IMO), and there's no performance difference in use.

    Using automated backup rather than RAID:
    1. A failed drive means you only have to change the mount and you're back in business - down only for a few seconds.
    2. When you get around to replacing the drive, the backup will resume automatically and in the background (no additional downtime).
    3. Incremental backups happen quickly, in the background.
    4. You can backup incrementally at any interval you feel safe with. I do it weekly, but no reason you couldn't do it hourly or even more often.
    5. You can use different sized devices without losing the extra space.
    With RAID:
    1. A failed drive means a very long reboot time, followed by manual intervention to mount the array in degraded mode to remove the dead device.
    2. The array must then be rebuilt with a replacement drive OR RAID removed from the filesystem before using it normally can resume. This can take many hours.
    3. If your drives are not the same size, the larger drive will only be partially used by RAID1 (you can mitigate this with partitioning).
    I have had a home server for over a decade. Initially I replaced drives to increase capacity as my need grew. Now that drives are so large, I replace them as the start to fail or show signs they are likely to. The last capacity upgrade occurred this way (note I have a 4-drive hot-swap capable server):
    Initially, 2x6tb drives and 2x2tb drives (8tb storage and backup) configured as JBOD (not RAID). I needed more capacity and the 2x2TB drives were quite old, so I replaced them with a single 10TB drive. The new configuration was to be 10TB (new drive) storage and 12TB (2x6TB) backup. To accomplish the change over;
    • I unmounted the backup file system and physically removed the 2TB backup drive
    • This left a 6TB drive unused and the storage filesystem (one each 6TB +2TB drives) still "live."
    • I then inserted the 10TB drive, did "btrfs device add" and added it to "storage" resulting in 18TB storage.
    • Finally "btrfs device delete" removed the 6TB drive and 2TB drive from storage leaving 10TB on the new drive alone.
    • I then physically pulled the last 2TB drive.
    • The final step was to create a new backup filesystem using the 2X6TB drives and mount to resume the backup procedure.
    The important things to note here are filesystem access and time. NOT ONCE during the entire operation above did I have to take the server off-line or power down. The whole operation occurred while still accessing the files, using the media server, and other services. Obviously, if you don't have hot-swap capability, you'd have to power down for physical drive changes.
    Moving TBs of data around does take time, but since BTRFS does it in the background I simply issued the needed command and came back later to do the next step. All the above took days to complete, but partially because there was no rush to complete it because I could still use the server. I checked back a couple times a day to issue the next command when it was ready for it.

    About three years after above, the oldest 6TB drive died, and I have since replaced it with a 16TB drive using the same procedure, leaving 16TB storage and backup.

    The point of this is using RAID1 accomplishes a simple backup, but does not ensure 100% reliable access. The above list looks complicated on the surface, but actually was only 6 command entries total;
    1. umount ~~~ | take "backup" off-line
    2. btrfs device add ~~~ | add the 10TB drive to storage
    3. btrfs device delete ~~~ | delete the 6 and 2 TB drives from storage
    4. wipefs ~~~ | erase the file system on the 2 6TB drives
    5. mkfs.btrfs ~~~ | make a new backup file system
    6. mount ~~~ | mount the backup

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  • jfabernathy
    So I have choices between, "roll-your-own", timeshift + a user files backup system like deja-dup, and snapper.

    To keep the disks from filling up with snapshots, I only want the automatic ones to happen with apt installs, and system upgrades. I've watched a video on being about to boot from a live USB of the distro and using the command line to restore a recent snapshot to recover a bad situation. I tested that and it works. So I want that capability.

    From reading between the lines, I think I need to add an additional subvolume in my case. I think I want snapshots of @home and @ done once or twice a day. However, the largest amount of data is TV recordings I do with MythTV DVR. Those recordings are many GBs, but get deleted within a few weeks as we watch the TV shows and then delete them. I don't think I want or need snapshots of those. Currently those recordings are stored in the NAS mirror part of my system which is mounted at /mnt/md0. I would need a new BTRFS raid mirror mounted as a subvolume somewhere else.

    I thinking about having 3 drives. The main drive would be a nvme m.2 SSD with @ and @home. Then I would have the other 2 drives be 2 4TB hard drives in a RAID 1 mirror. The mirror currently is used as a NAS for the home network and that is where I keep the recorded media.

    I don't think I need snapshots of the mirror, since the mirror is backed up incrementally to a cloud service. I have lost a drive before but 2 commands and physically replacing the drive was all it took.

    I'm not sure how you go about setting up a subvolume in BTRFS that is a Raid Mirror. I've done this with my testing with ZFS and it's trivial there under Ubuntu.

    So any advice on this would be appreciated.

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  • jlittle
    Originally posted by jfabernathy View Post
    What do you use for automatic snapshots, Timeshift? or what.
    Timeshift "is designed to protect only system files and settings. User files such as documents, pictures and music are excluded." Not for me.

    I use snapper. It's default config would fill a filesystem quickly, in the past, but now it has a space limit; I'd recommend considering how many daily, weekly, and monthly automatic snapshots you want in the light of your backup schedule. Snapper creates what it needs; OpenSUSE installs it by default and it seems they've tried to make it suitable as such for end users, with various hand-holding tools. I haven't kept up with them, except that I use snapper-gui a little. I do hourly snapshots (default is 2 hours). I can't imagine doing without automatic snapshots now.

    grub-btrfs is used in Archlinux to make sure when changes are made for system updates or install that grub had those snapshots made before and after the update/install as bootable images just like old versions of the kernel.
    Ubuntu had various packages for this, with confusingly similar names, but IIUC it's built-in now; I'm not sure into what. I see apt snapshots in snapper-gui. do-release-upgrade (the Ubuntu script to move to the next release) does it's own snapshots too.

    As to what subvolumes to have... I used the Ubuntu default @ and @home for years, but now I split things up depending on the backup strategy I want for that data. I don't see the point of having GB of browser caches filling up my backups and snapshots so I direct them to their own subvolumes, and have separate subvolumes for appimages, isos, and other big downloads.

    One practice I recommend is renaming @ and @home. One has to adjust /etc/fstab and grub accordingly. With @ and @home renamed, I can do a fresh *buntu install into the same btrfs; I often have half a dozen installs in the one btrfs, all bootable, avoiding a lot of the partition shuffling I used to do before I used btrfs. When a new Kubuntu release is in the offing, I usually test out a fresh install, and keep the old release going for a while after upgrading to the new.

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  • jfabernathy
    Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
    I always use these at a minimum:

    I was able to edit /etc/fstab and add these options to @/ and @/home. No issues, Thanks

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  • Snowhog

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  • oshunluvr
    I always use these at a minimum:


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  • oshunluvr
    Defaults vary:


    Use the default options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async.

    Note that the real set of all default mount options depends on kernel and filesystem type. See the beginning of this section for more details.

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  • oshunluvr
    Originally posted by jfabernathy View Post
    I was surprised to see my /etc/fstab entry for root no include any options like noatime, space_cache=2 and compress=lzo. Is it too late to add those to my fstab? I wonder what the defaults are
    UUID=26d5699e-e992-4a60-8d4a-39caa10df08c / btrfs defaults,subvol=@ 0 1
    Just enter "mount" in a terminal to see all the current options.

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  • jfabernathy
    I was surprised to see my /etc/fstab entry for root no include any options like noatime, space_cache=2 and compress=lzo. Is it too late to add those to my fstab? I wonder what the defaults are
    UUID=26d5699e-e992-4a60-8d4a-39caa10df08c / btrfs defaults,subvol=@ 0 1

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  • oshunluvr
    If you look in your fstab you'll see the mounts include the subvolume name. Something like mine:

    ## root
    UUID=<UUID> / btrfs noatime,space_cache,compress=lzo,autodefrag,subvol=@ 0 1
    ## home
    UUID=<UUID> /home btrfs noatime,space_cache,compress=lzo,autodefrag,subvol=@home 0 2
    Note the subvol=@ and subvol=@home at the end of the options.

    To "expose" the subvolumes, you must mount the root file system. The mount is the same, just without a subvol=, like so

    ## root BTRFS filesystem
    UUID=<UUID> /mnt/subvol btrfs auto,users,noatime,space_cache,compress=lzo,autodefrag 0 0
    Using the above my mounts are:

    @ mounted at /
    @home mounted at /home
    The root file system is mounted at /mnt/subvol

    So now, when I navigate to /mnt/subvol, I see @ and @home there. As I think I posted earlier, my habit is to create a snapshots folder in /mnt/subvol so I can keep the snapshots neatly in their own folder.

    I know it seems odd to have a mount in a mount that way, but that's how it's done.

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  • jfabernathy
    Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
    The installation "how to" is in the first part of the top post in the BTRFS subforum.

    Choose the manual partition method when the installation gets to the point of selecting the storage medium.
    In the manual mode create the necessary partitions, depending on if you use mbr or gpt.
    Create at least one partition, call it sda1 and for the OS select btrfs. For the mount point select "/". Proceed with the installation.
    The results will be two subvolumes: @ and @home, which will be mounted to "/" and "/home" respectively, as shown in the /etc/fstab file.
    I finally got the time to completely read the linked post you included. At first I was confused about the mounting process for the BTRFS partition to /mnt. In my mind, that partition is already mounted to / which /mnt is a part of?? So now it's mounted again?? Anyway, without understanding that part I did the mount and the vdir and It seems to work as you already knew it would. I never got to these details on my experiment with BTRFS on Archlinux as there are a few AUR addons that basically do all the pre and post upgrade snapshots for you and fix grub's list of bootable images to reflect that.

    I've got a lot more reading to do to understand this on Kubuntu.


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  • oshunluvr
    Originally posted by jfabernathy View Post
    What do you use for automatic snapshots, Timeshift? or what.
    A script of my own creation.

    # This script requires the root btrfs file system be mounted somewhere before running.
    # Alternately, have the mount declared in fstab and the script will mount it.
    exec 1> >(logger -s -t $(basename $0)) 2>&1 # Log the script activity
    ## Set the variables. Edit this section as needed
    # declare an array variable of all target subvolumes
    declare -a SUBVLIST=("@KDEneon" "@KDEneon_home")
    # other variables
    NOTIFYUSER="stuart"                     # the username to get messages
    NOTIFYDISPLAY=":0.0"                    # the above user's X session
    source_folder="/subvol/"                # Root file system mount location
    backup_folder='/mnt/root_backup/'       # Backup file system mount location
    snapshot_folder="/subvol/snapshots/"    # Snapshots folder
    addname="_daily_"                       # This is added to the subvolume name of the daily snapshots
    lastsnapnum=6                           # Last snapshot number to be saved before moving to backup status
    # Verify the root BTRFS file system is mounted and mount it if not, or fail;
    if [ -d "$source_folder" ]; then
       if ! mountpoint -q "$source_folder"; then
           mount "$source_folder"
           if ! mountpoint -q "$source_folder"; then  
               su $NOTIFYUSER -c "export DISPLAY=${NOTIFYDISPLAY}; /usr/bin/notify-send -i ksnapshot -t 0 'Daily snapshots:' 'Daily snapshot operation failed - no mountable subvolume folder.'"
               exit 1
           su $NOTIFYUSER -c "export DISPLAY=${NOTIFYDISPLAY}; /usr/bin/notify-send -i ksnapshot -t 0 'Daily snapshots:' 'Snapshot operation failed - subvolume folder incorrect.'"
           exit 1
    ## Begin snapshot process
    # loop through the list of subvolumes
    for SUBV in "${SUBVLIST[@]}"; do
    # Move last daily snapshot to backup status
       if [[ -d "$SUBVSNAP""$addname""$lastsnapnum" ]]; then
           btrfs su de -c "$SUBVSNAP""_backup-new"
           mv "$SUBVSNAP""$addname""$lastsnapnum" "$SUBVSNAP""_backup-new"
           btrfs pr set -ts "$SUBVSNAP""_backup-new" ro true
    # Roll the current snapshot names by adding 1 to each trailing number
       for ((i="$lastsnapnum-1";i>=0;i--)); do
           if [[ -d "$SUBVSNAP""$addname"$i ]]; then
               mv "$SUBVSNAP""$addname"$i "$SUBVSNAP""$addname"$(($i+1));  
    # Take new read-only snapshot
       btrfs su sn "$SUBVPATH" "$SUBVSNAP""$addname""0"
       touch "$SUBVSNAP""$addname""0"
    # Notify the user that the job is done
    su $NOTIFYUSER -c "export DISPLAY=${NOTIFYDISPLAY}; /usr/bin/notify-send -i ksnapshot -t 0 'Daily snapshots:' 'Snapshot operation complete.'"
    # If it's Sunday, do a backup
    if [[ $(date +%u) -ne 7 ]] ; then
    # Script complete
       exit 0
    # Verify the backup file system is mounted and mount it if not, or fail;
    if [ -d "$backup_folder" ]; then
       if ! mountpoint -q "$backup_folder"; then
           mount "$backup_folder"
           if ! mountpoint -q "$backup_folder"; then  
               su $NOTIFYUSER -c "export DISPLAY=${NOTIFYDISPLAY}; /usr/bin/notify-send -i ksnapshot -t 0 'Weekly backup:' 'Backup operation failed - no mountable subvolume folder.'"
               exit 1
           su $NOTIFYUSER -c "export DISPLAY=${NOTIFYDISPLAY}; /usr/bin/notify-send -i ksnapshot -t 0 'Weekly backup:' 'Backup operation failed - subvolume folder incorrect.'"
           exit 1
    ## Begin backup process
    # loop through the list of subvolumes
    for SUBV in "${SUBVLIST[@]}"; do
    # Send incremental backup
       btrfs send -p "$SUBVSNAPRO" "$SUBVSNAPRO""-new" | btrfs receive "$backup_folder"
    # Remove old snapshot and backup
       btrfs su de -c "$SUBVSNAPRO"
       btrfs su de -c "$SUBVBACK"
    # Move new backups to old backup status
    #    if [[ -d "$SUBVBACK" ]]; then
       mv "$SUBVBACK""-new" "$SUBVBACK"
    #    fi
    #    if [[ -d "$SUBVSNAPRO" ]]; then
       mv "$SUBVSNAPRO""-new" "$SUBVSNAPRO"
    #    fi
    # Notify the user that the job is done
    su $NOTIFYUSER -c "export DISPLAY=${NOTIFYDISPLAY}; /usr/bin/notify-send -i ksnapshot -t 0 'Weekly backup:' 'Backup operation complete.'"
    # Script complete
    exit 0
    This is set to run everyday a 6:30 am (my computer is usually on and I rarely get up before 7:30). It takes a "rolling" snapshot - keeping the last 7 snapshots and deleting the eldest each time a new one is taken, If it's Sunday, it sends an incremental backup to a different drive and removes the previous one. Even if the computer is off (or running another distro) anacron completes the tasks when the computer is returned to it's normal state.

    It's saved my bacon more than once!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20220113_075959.jpg
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Size:	11.4 KB
ID:	659715

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  • jfabernathy
    Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
    And, at least with *buntu's, /var et al is "old school" and isn't necessary anymore. At most you need two partitions: root ( / ) and home ( /home). Maybe swap.
    How would you handle a situation where this is your use case:
    1. "/Home" is fairly stable minimal changes and they need backed up regularly
    2. "/" needs updating before and after major updates of packages.
    3. mysql databases in /var/mysql get hammered for both read and write. Also needs backed up daily. Currently done to NAS.
    3. Need to store media that is recorded from OTA TV tuners. Can be put in any directory and does not need to be backed up or snapshoted.

    Currently I have all the above conditions solved the old school way. I have Ubuntu 20.04.3 booting from SATA SSD EXT4 file system. I also have Mirrored Hard Drives using mdadm RAID-1. This is where all my media goes as well as a directory I use as a NAS for samba/cifs access from everywhere on the local LAN. All other PC store their critical files on the NAS

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  • jfabernathy
    What do you use for automatic snapshots, Timeshift? or what.

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