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Eye Candy back yet?

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    [PLASMA 5] Eye Candy back yet?

    KDE5 has lost the ability to use different wallpapers on different virtual desktops. If one wants that feature now (and I do), it appears that one is obliged to use Activities instead. The KDE devs seem to have decided that Activities are the way forward, but it appears that a lot of the eye candy is unavailable there. So, two questions:

    1) Anyone know of any movement or any projects afoot to bring back different wallpapers to virtual desktops?

    2) The Activity pager just uses Slide when switching between Activities. Any way to use the Desktop Cube there?

    I admit that I haven't been here in a while. I decided to stick with 14.04 a bit longer, and life is busy. So, I'm trying to 'catch up' on developments before I go buy another SSD for my old desktop and begin moving to 18.04.


    Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.

    1) No. It may come back in the future, but no clue as to when. There are third party addons that might or might not work to bring this

    2)Should be the same as here, or very similar. (I am not home atm to check,but it looks right.


      Thanks for that!

      I was pretty sure that SOMEONE would step up to the plate on this one. Too much negative feedback to ignore. I AM happy to see that the devs have acknowledged the omission, and that eventually it will be addressed. I can wait.

      In the meantime, I will have a look at both solutions that you link me to -- once I get 18.04 up and running on my testbed machine. I have another thread open here already with regard to it not seeing the Linux boot drive, but going straight into Windows 10 on sdb.


      Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


        lol, I somehow missed the link for 2) somehow?


          OK, I wondered about that. :-)

          I use 6 desktops or 6 Activities. This may or may not work as it says it will only work for 4. Didn't notice if that was 4 desktops, or 4 activities.

          I am hoping that I can avoid the whole Activites thing as it is more power than I need. I am happy using 6 virtual desktops in a single activity as I did in KEDE4. We'll see which one works best for me.

          Thanks again!

          Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.

