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conky thread :]

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    This is my CONKY file for those who'd like to try it. Be aware this uses the configs to tie into the APC daemon so you do have to have that set up, otherwise comment it out or if on a laptop, change to the closest settings for that. Temps use Sensors so be sure it is there and set up. I believe its lm-sensors that has to be installed?

    -- Starting with version 1.10, conky config is following lua format; there are several changes.
    -- all configuration items end with a trailing comma.
    -- all string variables are enclosed in single quotes.
    -- all boolean responses are now true/false instead of yes/no
    -- also notice that comments are two dashes and a space 
    -- until you get into the text area, where # still works.
    -- here we go...
    conky.config = {
    -- conky setup
    update_interval = 2.0,
    update_interval_on_battery = 4,
    background = true,
    total_run_times = 0,
    cpu_avg_samples = 1,
    no_buffers = true,
    text_buffer_size = 8192,
    temperature_unit = 'fahrenheit',
    -- needed if you want to display degree symbols
    override_utf8_locale = true,
    -- set up window
    alignment = 'top_left',
    gap_x = 10,
    gap_y = 10,
    maximum_width = 255,
    double_buffer = true,
    background = true,
    own_window = true,
    --own_window_transparent = true,
    -- for most installations own_window type will be 'normal' or 'desktop'.
    -- to function correctly in KDE own_window_type must be 'dock'.
    own_window_type = 'dock',
    own_window_argb_visual = true,
    own_window_argb_value = 50,
    -- own_window_hints:
    -- undecorated = no window decorations
    -- below = keep below other windows
    -- sticky = show on all desktops
    -- skip_taskbar, skip_pager prevents a taskbar icon or an alt-tab switch to conky.
    own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
    draw_borders = false,
    draw_shades = false,
    draw_outline = false,
    use_xft = true,
    font = 'Arial:size=11',
    uppercase = false,
    short_units = true,
    -- colors
    default_color = 'white',
    default_shade_color = 'black',
    default_outline_color = 'white',
    -- you can assign colors here and then just refer to them in the text section.
    -- Note they're string variables without a leading #
    color0 = '68696b', -- bar/graph color
    color1 = 'cccccc', -- text color
    color7 = '4dff4d', -- green
    color8 = 'ffff4d', -- yellow
    color9 = 'ff4d4d', -- red
    -- text
    conky.text = [[
    # anything after here uses a hashtag to comment instead of double dashes.
    # date and time and Node display
    ${if_match "${exec awk -F" " '{ printf tolower ($1) " "}' /etc/issue}" == "ubuntu"}\
      ${font Georgia:size=20}${alignc}K${exec awk -F" " '{ printf tolower ($1) " "}' /etc/issue}:  ${nodename}
      ${font Georgia:size=20}${alignc}${exec awk -F" " '{ printf ($1) " " ($2)}' /etc/issue}: ${font Georgia:size=20}${nodename}
    ${endif}${font Georgia:size=20}${alignc}${time %l:%M %P}
    ${alignc}${time %Y/%m/%d  (%a)}
    ${font Georgia:size=25}${font Georgia:size=21}CPU ${font}${hr 1}
    # cpu frequency.  Note cpu freq is green unless running at less than max speed.
    ${voffset 10}${color1}cpu freq:${alignr}${color7}${if_match ${freq 1} < 1734}${color8}${endif}${freq 1}${color1} mhz
    # cpu temperature.  Colors change to yellow at 75°C and red at 90°C.
    #${color1}cpu temp:${alignr}${color7}${if_match ${i8k_cpu_temp} > 75}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${i8k_cpu_temp} > 90}${color9}${endif}${i8k_cpu_temp}°C
    # 1m, 5m and 15m cpu load.  Note color changes as load increases. 
    ${voffset 12}${color1}${alignc}1m: ${if_match ${loadavg 1} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 1} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 1} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 1}${color1} 5m: ${if_match ${loadavg 2} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 2} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 2} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 2}${color1} 15m: ${if_match ${loadavg 3} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 3} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 3} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 3}
    # cpu graph.  
    ${font Arial:size=9}${voffset -10}${color0}${cpugraph cpu0 4dff4d ff4d4d -t -l}
    # text inside cpu graph.  Note color changes here also.
    # Also, you can use a backslash to break up long lines.  This is handy.
    ${color1}${goto 36}${voffset -28}cpu load: ${goto 156}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 3}${color7}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu0}%
    # Individual CPU indicators - cpu 0-3  
    # cpu1 - note that conky starts numbering cores at 1 instead of zero.  With conky, cpu0 = all cores.
    ${color0}${voffset -2}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 3}${color7}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu1 22,46}\
    # cpu2 
    ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu2 22,46}\
    # cpu3
    ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu3 22,46}\
    # cpu4
    ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu4 22,46}
    # cpu load numbers for first four indicators.  These go inside the indicators  :) 
    ${font Arial:size=7}\
    # cpu1
    ${color1}${voffset -27}${goto 26}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu1}%\
    # cpu2
    ${goto 72}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu2}%\
    # cpu3
    ${goto 120}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu3}%\
    # cpu4
    ${goto 172}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu4}%
    ${font Georgia:size=12}${color #72D5A3}Processes:${color }  $processes
    ${color #72D5A3}Running:${color }     $running_processes
    ${font Georgia:size=25}${font Georgia:size=21}Memory ${font}${hr 1}
    ${color 94BFF3}RAM used: $mem${alignr}${membar 5,100}
    ${color 94BFF3}RAM free: $memfree
    ${color 94BFF3}RAM total: $memmax
    ${color 94BFF3}SWAP: $swap${alignr}${swapbar 5,100}
    ${color 94BFF3}ROOT used: $fs_used${alignr}${fs_bar 5,100 /}
    ${color 94BFF3}ROOT total: $fs_size
    ${color 94BFF3}HOME used: ${fs_used /home}       ${alignr}${fs_bar 5,100 /home}
    ${color 94BFF3}HOME total: ${fs_size /home}
    ${color ffffff}${font Georgia:size=25}${font Georgia:size=21}Vitals ${font}${hr 1} 
    ${color #72D5A3}CPU Temp:${color }${alignr}${execi 10 sensors -f | grep "Core 0" | cut -d "+" -f2 | cut -c1-7}F
    ${color #72D5A3}System Temp:${color }${alignr}${execi 10 sensors -f | grep "temp1" | cut -d "+" -f2 | cut -c1-7}F
    ${color #72D5A3}Up Time:${color }${alignr}${uptime}
    ${apcupsd localhost 3551}${alignc}${apcupsd_name}
    ${color #72D5A3}Battery Charge:${color }${alignr}${apcupsd_charge}%
    ${color #72D5A3}Line Voltage:${color }${alignr}${apcupsd_linev}v
    ${color #72D5A3}UPS Status:${color }${alignr}${apcupsd_status}
    # and we end things with a couple of square brackets
    Last edited by MoonRise; Sep 16, 2016, 07:04 PM.


      well ,,,,,,,,had to tweek a bit , like commenting out the lines with "i8k" in them and changing "wlan0" to "wlp4s0" removing the external drive refrences and adding my storage drive .

      But ,,,,,it's growing on me ,,,,,,,,,nead to get that CPU temp worked out ,,,,I guess I can use the "sensors" but that involved a long line to get the relevant info .

      ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'temp1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C
      but hear it is @hear

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores



        Now thaaaauuuttt is saaawweeeeettt! GREAT TRANSPARENCY on my Neon machine!

        and yowsa, commented out the lappy stuff.


        Moonrise and a few others here probably know the absolute Blood Sweat and Tears (great band btw! ) that folks went through less than a decade ago getting transparency to work!



          Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
          Thank you.

          Tried it on my HP laptop, but it fails to load conky; it crashes. I suspect that it's because of the sensor identification for your CPU (i8k_cpu_temp).
          Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
          well ,,,,,,,,had to tweek a bit , like commenting out the lines with "i8k" in them and changing "wlan0" to "wlp4s0" removing the external drive refrences and adding my storage drive .

          But ,,,,,it's growing on me ,,,,,,,,,nead to get that CPU temp worked out ,,,,I guess I can use the "sensors" but that involved a long line to get the relevant info .

          ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'temp1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C
          Here's how I do it on my non-Dell netbook -
          cpu temp: ${alignr}${exec sensors | grep "temp1" | cut -c16-19}°C
          If you look at sensors output you can find the temp sensor and with a little experimenting you can get it to display properly

          edit: ${acpitemp} might work also.

          Sharing my references -

 (everything above text)

 (everything below text)

 (Casey's conky reference - with examples)

 (Conky pitstop - this is where I learned to put text inside graphs)
          Last edited by wizard10000; Sep 17, 2016, 05:58 AM.
          we see things not as they are, but as we are.
          -- anais nin


            Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
            Decided to start a conky thread since there are at least three of us working with conky and KF5.

            I took my working conky install, commented the heck out of it so folks could see different sections and get some ideas on their own.
            Quite like the simplicity of that compared to the complicated and widely distributed one I usually have.

            Adapted it slightly, and somewhat please with it.

            On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


              Nice work, acheron

              conky got kinda simple once I figured out it was all about text markup; with a couple of conditionals, a couple of colors and the understanding that ${voffset} and ${goto} are your friend you can do pretty much anything you want
              Last edited by wizard10000; Sep 17, 2016, 08:22 AM.
              we see things not as they are, but as we are.
              -- anais nin


                Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
                Nice work, acheron

                conky got kinda simple once I figured out it was all about text markup; with a couple of conditionals, a couple of colors and the understanding that ${voffset} and ${goto} are your friend you can do pretty much anything you want
                Indeed. It was literally a matter of minutes to scan though and tweak that.
                On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


                  Those of you with 8 cores!!!! Make me


                    Originally posted by acheron View Post

                    Adapted it slightly, and somewhat please with it.
                    Would you post your .conkyrc file for us please?
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
                      Those of you with 8 cores!!!! Make me
                      Mine's a first-generation i7 laptop; I use it to heat the house in the winter

                      Seriously, this old Precision M4500 has more processor than cooling; it'll overheat quickly if more than one core is maxed out. Inside of the laptop is clean and thermal paste is recent - but if I'm converting flac to 320k mp3 I can only do one thread at a time.
                      we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                      -- anais nin


                        Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
                        ........; I use it to heat the house in the winter


                          Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                          Would you post your .conkyrc file for us please?
                          Really very little change from the one in the OP.

                          Offsets were just guestimated, as I wanted to spend no more than a few mins on it.

                          -- Starting with version 1.10, conky config is following lua format; there are several changes.
                          -- all configuration items end with a trailing comma.
                          -- all string variables are enclosed in single quotes.
                          -- all boolean responses are now true/false instead of yes/no
                          -- also notice that comments are two dashes and a space 
                          -- until you get into the text area, where # still works.
                          -- here we go...
                          conky.config = {
                          -- conky setup
                          update_interval = 0.5,
                          update_interval_on_battery = 3,
                          background = true,
                          total_run_times = 0,
                          cpu_avg_samples = 1,
                          no_buffers = true,
                          text_buffer_size = 8192,
                          temperature_unit = 'celsius',
                          -- needed if you want to display degree symbols
                          override_utf8_locale = true,
                          -- set up window
                          alignment = 'top_right',
                          gap_x = 28,
                          gap_y = 52,
                          minimum_width = 246,
                          double_buffer = true,
                          background = true,
                          own_window = true,
                          own_window_transparent = true,
                          -- for most installations own_window type will be 'normal' or 'desktop'.
                          -- to function correctly in KDE own_window_type must be 'dock'.
                          own_window_type = 'dock',
                          own_window_argb_visual = true,
                          -- own_window_hints:
                          -- undecorated = no window decorations
                          -- below = keep below other windows
                          -- sticky = show on all desktops
                          -- skip_taskbar, skip_pager prevents a taskbar icon or an alt-tab switch to conky.
                          own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
                          draw_borders = false,
                          draw_shades = false,
                          draw_outline = false,
                          use_xft = true,
                          font = 'Arial:size=11',
                          uppercase = false,
                          short_units = true,
                          -- colors
                          -- you can assign colors here and then just refer to them in the text section.
                          -- Note they're string variables without a leading #
                          color0 = '828486', -- bar/graph color
                          color1 = 'cccccc', -- text color
                          color7 = '#00ffff', -- blue
                          color8 = 'ffff4d', -- yellow
                          color9 = 'ff4d4d', -- red
                          -- text
                          conky.text = [[
                          # anything after here uses a hashtag to comment instead of double dashes.
                          # date and time display
                          ${font Arial:size=32}${color1}${alignc}${time %l:%M %P}${font}
                          ${font Arial:size=10}${alignc}  ${time %A}, ${time %B} ${time %e}${font}
                          # cpu frequency.  Note cpu freq is green unless running at less than max speed.
                          ${voffset 10}${color1}cpu freq:${alignr}${color7}${if_match ${freq 1} < 1734}${color8}${endif}${freq 1}${color1} mhz
                          # cpu temperature.  Colors change to yellow at 75°C and red at 90°C.
                          ${color1}cpu temp:${alignr}${color7}${if_match ${i8k_cpu_temp} > 75}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${i8k_cpu_temp} > 90}${color9}${endif}${i8k_cpu_temp}°C
                          # 1m, 5m and 15m cpu load.  Note color changes as load increases. 
                          ${voffset 12}${color1}${alignc}1m: ${if_match ${loadavg 1} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 1} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 1} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 1}${color1} 5m: ${if_match ${loadavg 2} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 2} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 2} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 2}${color1} 15m: ${if_match ${loadavg 3} < 0.70}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 3} >= 0.70}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 3} >= 2.00}${color9}${endif}${loadavg 3}
                          # cpu graph.  
                          ${font Arial:size=10}${voffset -10}${color0}${cpugraph cpu0 32,252 00ffff ff4d4d -t -l}
                          # text inside cpu graph.  Note color changes here also.
                          # Also, you can use a backslash to break up long lines.  This is handy.
                          ${color1}${goto 80}${voffset -32}cpu load: ${goto 156}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 3}${color7}${endif}\
                          ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu0}%
                          # Individual CPU indicators - cpu 0-3  
                          # cpu0 - note that conky starts numbering cores at 1 instead of zero.  With conky, cpu0 = all cores.
                          ${color0}${voffset -2}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 3}${color7}${endif}\
                          ${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu1 32,60}\
                          # cpu1 
                          ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                          ${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu2 32,60}\
                          # cpu2
                          ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                          ${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu3 32,60}\
                          # cpu3
                          ${color0} ${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 3}${color7}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 20}${color8}${endif}\
                          ${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpugraph cpu4 32,60}
                          # cpu load numbers for first four indicators.  These go inside the indicators  :) 
                          ${font Arial:size=10}\
                          # cpu0
                          ${color1}${voffset -32}${goto 28}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu1}%\
                          # cpu1
                          ${goto 90}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu2}%\
                          # cpu2
                          ${goto 154}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu3}%\
                          # cpu 3
                          ${goto 218}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 20}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpu cpu4}%
                          # memory bar.  Note conditional at the end of the line.
                          ${color1}${voffset 24}memory:${alignr}$mem / $memmax
                          ${color0}${goto 6}${membar} ${if_existing /proc/swaps partition}
                          # swapbar only displays if there is a swap partition activated.  See conditional above.
                          ${color1}swap:${alignr}$swap / $swapmax
                          ${color0}${goto 6}${swapbar}${endif}
                          # simple filesystem bar.  This one is for /
                          ${color1}root:${alignr}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}
                          ${color0}${goto 6}${fs_bar /}
                          # and another filesystem bar for /home
                          ${color1}/home:${alignr}${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home}
                          ${color0}${goto 6}${fs_bar /home}${if_existing /media/neo/437b0d8d-439e-4ce0-b061-c9a11d643b1d}
                          # This filesystem bar only displays if a specific external drive is mounted.
                          ${color1}external:${alignr}${fs_used /media/neo/437b0d8d-439e-4ce0-b061-c9a11d643b1d} / ${fs_size /media/neo/437b0d8d-439e-4ce0-b061-c9a11d643b1d}
                          ${color0}${goto 6}${fs_bar /media/neo/437b0d8d-439e-4ce0-b061-c9a11d643b1d}${endif}
                          # disk i/o numbers
                          ${color1}${voffset 6}${alignc}disk i/o:
                          # wireless information.  only displays if wireless is connected.
                          ${color1}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlp4s0}
                          ${color1}${voffset -34}wlan:${alignr}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlp4s0}%
                          ${color0}${goto 6}${wireless_link_bar wlp4s0}
                          ${alignc}${color1}${voffset 8}dn: ${color7}${downspeedf wlp4s0}${color1} kbps
                          ${alignc}up: ${color7}${upspeedf wlp4s0}${color1} kbps${endif}
                          # nodename, uptime, kernel version
                          ${font Arial:size=10}${color1}${alignc}${voffset 0}uptime: ${uptime}
                          ${color1}${alignc}kernel: ${kernel}
                          ${color1}${alignc}Distro: kubuntu
                          ${color1}${alignc}Release: ${execi 65000 lsb_release -rs | awk '{print $1}'}
                          ${color1}${alignc}Codename: ${execi 65000 lsb_release -cs | awk '{print $1}'}
                          ${color1}${alignc}KDE Frameworks: ${execi 65000 kf5-config --version | grep KDE | awk '{print $3}'}
                          ${color1}${alignc}Desktop: Plasma ${execi 65000 plasmashell -v | awk '{print $2}'}
                          # and we end things with a couple of square brackets
                          On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


                            Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
                            Those of you with 8 cores!!!! Make me
                            Depends what you want to do. On compilation this 4 core oddly beats some 8 cores, I now find out.
                            Last edited by acheron; Sep 17, 2016, 05:22 PM.
                            On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


                              Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
                              .... Seriously, this old Precision M4500 has more processor than cooling; it'll overheat quickly if more than one core is maxed out. Inside of the laptop is clean and thermal paste is recent - but if I'm converting flac to 320k mp3 I can only do one thread at a time.
                              My hands shake too much to attempt to take my Acer 7739 laptop apart to replace its thermal paste, which needs to be done. So, instead, I rest it on a USB powered fan that blows air on the bottom just below the CPU. It makes a difference.
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                                Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
                                Mine's a first-generation i7 laptop; I use it to heat the house in the winter

                                Seriously, this old Precision M4500 has more processor than cooling; it'll overheat quickly if more than one core is maxed out. Inside of the laptop is clean and thermal paste is recent - but if I'm converting flac to 320k mp3 I can only do one thread at a time.
                                Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4910MQ CPU @ 2.90GHz
                                (that speed steps to 3.99GHz) will do a CD's worth of FLAC to Mp3 in about a second and never notices it

                                with a
                                 for f in *.flac
                                      ffmpeg -i "$f" -b 320k "${f%.flac}.mp3"
                                of course if you have/use avconv then just replace the ffmpeg with avconv ,,,,,,

                                but my laptop ,,,,a system76 Bonox8 has heat vents in the back that look like the air intakes of a fancy sports car ,,,,,
                                and have never seen it hotter than about 140F-150F

                                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                                16GB RAM
                                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

