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Kmail borked with latest updates

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    Kmail borked with latest updates

    There were something like 100+ updates to KDE waiting when I booted up this morning. After installing them, Kmail became useless. It will list mails in a folder, but can't display them, and when fetching new email it never completes. I note that it never asks me for my password to open Kwallet and the one account I don't have stored in Kwallet works okay.

    So, it looks like there's a problem between Kmail and Kwallet. Any way to fix this?

    Re: Kmail borked with latest updates

    you is very correctomundo, I just clicked updates and there is a slew of Kontact stuff. a favour for you....since I might bork my Kmail! Ill do the deed and report back!



      Re: Kmail borked with latest updates

      I did the updates but there seems to be no ill effects on Kmail on my system.

      Kwallet works ok for me.

      However, I set it to "remember" my password, have you checked to see if that was changed?



        Re: Kmail borked with latest updates

        Actually, the problem is not Kwallet after all, it's Akonadi itself. It won't start.

        It seems to think that MySQL won't start, although it is running. I have a full install of MySQL installed, so I don't know if that is 'confusing' it or not. Surprised others aren't having this problem.


          Re: Kmail borked with latest updates

          I'm sorry that you are having problems with Akonadai, there are many posts littering the various fora about problems

          I remember reading some time back that there can actually be "two" Akonadia running and one not know it, the "original" and then the "new" or "updated" or whatever.

          I don't think one can actually "remove" Akonadi and not jerk a lot of other teeth out when one does it, but you might try looking in processes to see if there are two different ones.

          One might also see that just in the settings page.

          But, you might just try reinstalling or maybe do the apt-get update and if there is another one it might say that you could removed it with a certain command.

          SteveRiley knows a lot about Akonadi and if he pops in he might be able to help you.



            Re: Kmail borked with latest updates

            Interesting... I hadn't actually checked ps before. There are a dozen or more akonadi processes running, but akonadictl says everything is stopped.

            Reinstalling akonadi-server through the package manager was one of the first things I tried, but it had no effect.

