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New desktop effects

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    New desktop effects

    Hi !

    I am using Kubuntu 9.10. Is it possible to add extra desktop effects or to use the ones from compiz. I particulary appreciated the opacity window plugin in compiz.


    Re: New desktop effects


    In System Settings -> Desktop you can choose individual effects to be on or off. There is a LOT in there.

    If you want, you could install compiz-kde and try to choose it as a window manager, I am not sure how that works though



      Re: New desktop effects

      There is a lot in systemconfig but not the one I want. It would be great to be able to load some new efects.

      I have downloaded compiz-kde but I don't know how to choose it as a window manager. I have launched compiz in konsole and it made the desktop crash


        Re: New desktop effects

        Mmm. Is there as Session type for Compiz? (in KDM, the login manager)


          Re: New desktop effects

          To change Window managers go to System Settings --> Default Applications --> Window Manager. Once there choose "Use a different window manager:". Don't know how that works (mine is grayed out as I don't have an other window managers loaded, I assume) and don't know if that is what you are after, but let me know either way.


            Re: New desktop effects

            Originally posted by MoonRise
            To change Window managers go to System Settings --> Default Applications --> Window Manager. Once there choose "Use a different window manager:". Don't know how that works (mine is grayed out as I don't have an other window managers loaded, I assume) and don't know if that is what you are after, but let me know either way.
            Dead on! It works here with Openbox (I don't have compiz installed)


              Re: New desktop effects



                Re: New desktop effects

                It fails opening to Compiz window manager and reverts to kde


                  Re: New desktop effects

                  Is all of Compiz installed? You probably would need more than the "compiz-kde" part.


                    Re: New desktop effects

                    compiz, compiz core are installed


                      Re: New desktop effects

                      Hmmm. I've never used anything other than KWIN since KDE4 improved its compositing, so I don't know exactly what could be wrong. Let me see if I can find anything that might help.


                        Re: New desktop effects

                        Personnaly I used compiz when I was in KDE3 but I have switched to KDE 4.3.2 with kubuntu and i have been impressed by kwin.

                        I have checked and a package was missing. Now I can enable compiz but it is VERY slow each time I click on something I've got ~10 empty windows with the X logo in my taskbar. Then when reached 242 windows it stops answering...


                          Re: New desktop effects

                          Is there a log file for Compiz in "/var/log"? If so, does it have anything in it that might give a clue to what is happening?


                            Re: New desktop effects

                            No log as far as I see

                            EDIT : Log file is X ones /var/log/Xorg.log.0 but nothing shows up


                              Re: New desktop effects

                              this post is how to set up compiz, although the post is for how to in 8.10 its the same process

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