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Many questions about KDE4

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    Many questions about KDE4

    I started to check out KDE4 today and have a some (many) questions about it. I'll try to lay them about as well as I can. If you can answer any of them, I would really appreciate it! For reference, I am using a Dell Latitude D820 laptop.
    • I have my clock set up to show the date. Is there a way to change the format of the date? I would like to have it show mM/dD/YYYY instead of dD Month, YYYY
    • How do I get the Trash bin on the taskbar?
    • How do I add/remove programs from KMenu?
    • I added the battery applet to the panel, how do I configure it so that it only shows one battery?
    • In KDE 3.5.x, when I use the volume up/down/mute buttons on my laptop, a display pops up on my screen that shows the volume level, how do I get this in KDE4?
    • How do I have the volume icon change when I mute the volume?
    • Is there a weather app for KDE4 like Liquid Weather++ or Kweather?
    • Panel specific questions
      • Is there a way to have the "System Menu" icon show up?
      • Is there a way to get the "Desktop" icon show up?
      • Is there a way to have quick launch icons show up as smaller icons, in two rows? (See attached screenshot)
      • Is there a way to link an icon to a folder so that the folder expands when the icon is clicked? (See screenshot)

    • How do I get the following programs to autostart?
      • Power Manager (or an alternative)
      • Ksynaptics
      • KNetworkManager
      • Akregator
      • Korganizer
    • Finally, is there an alternative to KGmailNotifier that works in KDE4?

    Attached Files

    Re: Many questions about KDE4

    Here are answers to some of your questions.

    How do I get the Trash bin on the taskbar?
    The trash-applet is not finished yet, it should show up later; I know they're working on it.

    How do I add/remove programs from KMenu?
    Open a terminal and run the command kmenuedit.

    I added the battery applet to the panel, how do I configure it so that it only shows one battery?
    It looks like a bug which has not been fixed yet:

    Is there a way to have the "System Menu" icon show up?
    Do you mean the sub-menu of the K-menu which is above "Run command" on KDE3, and which contains Home, Media, Trash and stuff? Then I have also searched for it. Seems they haven't finished it yet.

    Is there a way to get the "Desktop" icon show up?
    Don't know if there is an icon, but you can press Ctrl+F12 to show the desktop.

    How do I get the following programs to autostart?
    Power Manager (or an alternative)
    Autostart seems a bit broken in KDE4. Myself I couldn't just drag the application's .desktop-file to $HOME/.kde4/Autostart like I used to. After some testing I got it to work somehow; use the below template and just replace the Name and Exec fields.
    For example with korganizer I created a file called korgac.desktop in $HOME/.kde4/Autostart with these contents:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=KOrganizer Reminder Client
    Exec=korgac --miniicon korganizer
    Akregator though doesn't seem to like my method. You can create a link though:
    ln -s /usr/bin/akregator $HOME/.kde4/Autostart
    The above linking you can do with any program you would like to autostart, you just have to find where it lies (usually in /usr/bin but KDE4-apps lies in /usr/lib/kde4/bin/ IF you have both KDE3 and KDE4 installed at the same time).
    But if you create links, you cannot specify arguments like in the case with my korganizer-file (I like to start akregator minimized for example, which you must use an argument to do); then you have to create a shell script instead...
    Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) user

