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Cherry Blossem - CIA wireless hacking tool

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    Cherry Blossem - CIA wireless hacking tool

    The tool was created in 2006. That was when I was using the WRT54GL router, specifically for Linux. It is on the list. (See pg 159 of PDF) There are over 200 wireless routers listed as susceptible to CIA hacking.

    WikiLeaks claims the CIA co-developed CherryBlossom together with a US nonprofit named Stanford Research Institute (SRI International), but SRI's name only appears in one document — the manual for a tool named Sundew, a Linux-based wireless scanner used to identify the make and model of wireless devices. It is unclear at this moment what was SRI's role.

    In May, WikiLeaks published documents revealing that US cyber-security company Siege Technologies had helped the CIA develop a tool called Athena, a versatile implant (CIA term for "malware").

    Unlike the Shadow Brokers, who dumped the actual hacking tools they claim to have stolen from the NSA, WikiLeaks only published the CherryBlossom documentation, without dumping the actual tool.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.