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Two niggles

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    Two niggles

    I use KDE Neon as my main distro but like to try out new stuff when I have time, and right now I have plenty of time! Plenty!

    I installed (full install) 21.04 on an oldish (six years) Lenovo B50-30 with no problems and set things up the way I like them and tried to install Chrome Browser. I double clicked the icon as usual and QApt gave and error: Cannot Satisfy Dependencies.

    I opened a Terminal and used dpkg -i xxxxx.deb and it installed just fine.

    Since I still have at least another week on my hands I decided to try it on a mid 2010 Mac Mini (running Mint) I did a minimal install, it finished and rebooted to a white screen. I was too lazy to find out why as it was almost beer o'clock and I had a 20.04.2 stick at hand so installed that and rebooted no problem!

    If the weather is bad tomorrow I may give it another shot...

    I hate it when the weather is good and it's beer o'clock!
    Constant change is here to stay!

    'Cat & Cask Tavern'. Neat name. And a Kirin too.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      We're actually a craft beer bar, but pubs have been asked to refrain from opening until May 11. No income so drinking regular beer. Meanwhile everyone is buying booze at the supermarket and drinking outside in groups without masks. The only losers are bars and pubs...

      When I say asked, they can't force us not to serve alcohol, but there's a fine if we do!
      Constant change is here to stay!

