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Virtualbox randomly dies, then ceases to open after I do xkill

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    Virtualbox randomly dies, then ceases to open after I do xkill

    At random I'll have a VM randomly die on me, it will just stop responding. Attempts to terminate it via Virtuabox fail. I end up having to resort to xkill to kill both the VM, and virtualbox.

    After that, it's no longer possible to reopen it. I tried reinstalling, I think that worked the first time... but this second time it did not work. It's like if the window is opening on a screen that does not exist.

    Anyone else get this?
    Last edited by Red Squirrel; Jun 29, 2020, 08:37 PM.

    Not since I switched to qemu/kvm.

    However, you might not be able to use the kernel KVM. You can check using
    egrep -c ‘(svm|vmx)’ /proc/cpuinfo
    If you get a '0' (zero) then your CPU doesn't support svm or vvmx.
    If you get a value other than zero you can use
    sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager
    sudo adduser [B]name[/B] libvirtd  ("name" is whatever your login name is)
    to install it. Then, log out and back in and run
    virsh -c qemu:///system list
    to see if you get an empty list of virtual machines.
    If you are using BTRFS or ZFS as your root filesystem then be sure to add the nocow attribute to the folder used to store the VM's BEFORE you create your first VM.

    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Which version of virtualbox? Is it the one in the repos? Or the one downloaded from Oracle?


        Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
        egrep -c ‘(svm|vmx)’ /proc/cpuinfo
        Note that something changed the ASCII apostrophes to right singe quotation marks, U+2019. Let's see if it does it to these:
        egrep -c '(svm|vmx)' /proc/cpuinfo
        no, that's ok. The first gave me a match error in zsh, or a syntax error in bash.
        Regards, John Little


          I'm using the one that's default with kubuntu. I can't check version right now as it won't open. I tried that grep command (had to fix quotes) and I get 4. Guessing it's for each CPU core/thread.

